The chickens are coming home to roost. So much so that pretty soon the 'government' of Kiev is going to be covered in chicken shit.
Psychopaths in power always bring two major problems with them - wholesale thieving and incompetence on a grand scale. These problems are on display in the following video.
Will we see a civil war in the west of Ukraine? Whatever it is called it will be a shit fight and who will NATO arm and support? Porky, Yats and friends are no doubt getting the engines warmed up now ready to 'do a Saigon'. I think it will be even too chaotic for the bankers' and NATO's purposes with no banker tools left in situ to receive and distribute the loot ... er, I mean.
International peacekeeping force, any one?
H/T Erebus from the comments at The Kremlin Stooge. (Lots of good writing, comments, up to date info and links there)
Thank you, James!
Thank you, James!
You're very welcome, Ed.
chaos in Ukraine
good news, I suppose. But the opportunity remains for more mischief-making by the EU Bankster/US Neo-Con Kiev regime. Putin should have sent in the troops right after the Odessa Massacre, cleaned up this mess long ago. Now thousands of people are dead and it just goes on and on. And the longer it goes on, the more likely it is that that the NATO bandits will suddenly get brave and intervene directly. Then we're looking at WWIII.
Putin's call
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, WiseCaveOwl
"But the opportunity remains for more mischief-making by the EU Bankster/US Neo-Con Kiev regime
Certainly they will keep on while ever they have any power. Their natures drive them ever onward against all reason. I find this is something few people understand. Psychopaths think differently and are driven.
"Putin should have sent in the troops right after the Odessa Massacre, cleaned up this mess long ago. Now thousands of people are dead and it just goes on and on.'
I have a lot of sympathy for this position but I'm not so sure it would have saved more lives in the end. The problem for Putin is that it would have been against International Law and that is what he is trying to uphold and is seeking support for from the countries of the world to condemn (and hang) the US with.
The other problem is that he would have been sacrificing Russian soldiers lives to save Ukrainian lives - the lives of people that ignored his advice to postpone their referendum. I'm glad it wasn't my call.
"And the longer it goes on, the more likely it is that that the NATO bandits will suddenly get brave and intervene directly. Then we're looking at WWIII."
That is certainly the downside. The bankers seem to be manoeuvring NATO into a position from which it can't retreat. But my guess is that they are looking more and more crazed to the (no doubt, compromised) government and military leaders and scaring them more than the Russians ever could.
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