Who Are You Reading?

So much has changed while I was away. The blogroll on my main blog was so out of date that I ran a bulldozer through it. And most of the sidebars here could use the same treatment.

Of the people I was reading every day, most haven't posted anything in years.

The two most obvious exceptions are Chris Floyd and Penny ForYourThoughts (not her real last name, I believe), and I've started a new sidebar (at my main blog) with those two listed under "Friendly Bloggers". And I hope to enlarge this list considerably ...

If you have any suggestions for bloggers (or other writers) that I might want to read, and/or add to my list of friendlies, please speak up below!

How do you speak UP, BELOW? That's a good question, isn't it?

I reserve the right to ask further good questions. And I thank you in advance for your very thoughtful suggestions.


yeah, yeah: "whom"

My grammar coach says I should have written "Whom Are You Reading?"
which is indeed more correct than "Who Are You Reading?"
but it's just a bit too stuffy, don't you think?


Who or Whom Are You Reading?

Whom. Always Whom (when I remember)

You have Penny and GlobalResearch.
I suggest -
James Corbett (the only one who understands the centrality of banking and psychopathy)
The Duran - https://theduran.com/ (Russia and China)
The Cradle - https://thecradle.co/ (Middle East)
Reminiscence of the Future - https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/ (Military and weapons systems)
Signs of The Times - https://www.sott.net/ (aggregator)
and maybe FortRuss - https://fort-russ.com/ (Russia and neighbours)

And Pepe Escobar -

And Pepe Escobar - https://asiatimes.com/tag/pepe-escobar/ (Pipelines, New Silk Road & Eurasia generally)

Thanks, James

And if you (or anybody else) have (has) any other good ideas, please don't hesitate.

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