Something a little different for you but timely and appropos, I believe. Perhaps a moment of counterbalance to the insanity happening in the Ukraine and elsewhere in our world - some visual art to assuage our eyes after having to view the
Obombinator's Eurothreatening Polish photo op in front of those death dealing flying machines.
The embedded videos are dubbed 'Sand Stories' from an amazing artist, Kseniya Simonova. As is all great art, these are food for the soul, reminding us of our collective humanity. Here are some of our shared stories and emotions - the beauty and the pain, the dismay and the delight. They stand in stark contrast to the psychopathic world of death and destruction we witness daily. A world polarized by hate and disunion; one the evil ones would have us believe is our inevitable destiny.
Simonova gained international recognition as an artist after she won the 2009 'Ukraine's Got Talent' competition. She would be a Russian now, I assume, as she is from Crimea. Her art is fascinating and I find it very moving. I can't stop watching these vids. So I figured I'd better share. Enjoy!
The first video tells the story of a young couple separated during The Great Patriotic War (WWII).
The second one is 'A Sand Story for the King of Thailand'.
You can find more of Kseniya Simonova's videos by doing a search on her name.
Truly extraordinary
Thank you, McJ. It is Art in every sense of the word. The message, the medium and her fine motor skills and, of course, the combined impact are all extraordinary.
Welcome James
You are welcome James. I thought you might enjoy them.
It is good to take a break some days from all the doom and gloom and this was just the ticket for moi!
The combined impact of her art is indeed extraordinary and I really like the way she uses music to help tell the story. I can't help wondering if and how she might tell the story of current day Ukraine (and Crimea).
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