Hi. I am still kicking. Haven't heard from McJ in ages. Saw a comment from james recently elsewhere so I know he still lives and breathes. Other than that, I know very little.
Quite horrified over Norway terror, on top of everthing else. And you?
Thanks for the report.
yes the Norway terror is horrifying, I've seen several articles examining the false flag nature of it. I'd imagine you've seen the same.
Me, I'm mostly just busy working and pondering what to do before the future gets here!
I hope McJ is just off dipping her toes in the ocean or something.
I agree with you on all of the above, and in addition, quite a few other things that I'm probably not coherent enough to mention at the moment. Hopefully later.
Glad to hear it, and great to read your post today. Good as gold cuz gold is good.
i left for a day and we went from 0 visitors in a week to 10 in an hour -
hi everybody! except where's McJ, did she say she was leaving? I want to send out a search party or something soon
Apologies for not dropping by sooner , been busy in monkeyland..sorting through the nuts if you know what i mean..
Things are going a bit weird..i can tell by my trolls..I've never seen such troll action on my blog before, like a good night's fishing on the full moon
The horrible Norway attack has brought them out of the woodwork me thinks..and me is thinking too much about that terrible deed/s..My prayers and thoughts are with those who are suffering because of this diabolism..
Hope all is well here with all,
I'm going to have one of these and off i go, back to monkeyland...
Hi to Everyone and many regards and cheers.
You're doing a sterling job reporting on the Norwegian massacre. No wonder the hasbarats are turning up. They're into some desperate damage control. But it's too late and they've gone too far.
The Christmas attack on Gaza; the attack on the Gaza Flotilla and now the Norwegian attacks. They're heading for the S bend.
Hi all, thanks for thinking of me. I'm back from my annual hideout in the mountains. Not too much toe dipping this year, I'm sad to report. We have had a cold rainy summer so the the mountain lakes haven't really warmed like they usually do. I did manage to make it in for a dunk every day. As my daughter says, it is crisp and refreshing. What that really means is, damn cold!
I too was very saddened to hear about the Norwegian massacre. Thanks to A13 and Aan for getting me up to speed with their great reporting. It seems our favorite false flaggers are at it again. I sincerely hope you are right James that they have gone to far and they are about to take the big flush.
It is interesting that when I left for holidays the news was all over the Rupert Murdoch scandal. Very convenient it seems that the massacre knocked him off the front pages. I'm sure this attack had been planned for some time, but I do wonder about the timing. I also noted in a couple of articles I read there were reports of a sniper. I don't know enough about this yet to know if this was the same guy using a sniper rifle but it made me immediately suspicious there were snipers already in place on the island before this "lone nut" got there. How did he manage to kill so many people by himself?
You 'll have to forgive me my fascination for alliteration lately, McJ.
I'm glad you were out of circulation for a good reason. You sound like quite a heroine taking a daily dip
"How did he manage to kill so many people by himself? "
Exactly! He didn't.
I think there will be more battles waged by the israelis and they will win many of them. but the war is over. Each win will be a loss; a loss of sympathy and legitimacy till they find themselves abandoned by their allies and agents who see 'the writing on the wall' and decide to save their own skins. It's already happening, ashalee. Evidenced by the IMF/DSK dust-up and well funded sites such as Veterans Today. There are growing divisions in the ranks.
The israeli government (and the people behind them) can't help themselves. They're addicts, power junkies, who just apply more of the drug to cover the consequences and after effects of their last 'hit'. The end is pre-ordained. The questions then remaining are, "how long it will take?" and, "how much more bloodshed will it entail?"
The answers will be a result of how quickly the understanding that we have here becomes mainstream. It's getting there. So we write and we talk to whoever will listen.
"You sound like quite a heroine taking a daily dip"
Yup! That would be an accurate description.
I did contemplate sitting by the fire the whole time but I knew I would regret it, there is some undefinable regenerative quality that comes from swimming in the mountain lakes - at least there is for me. Besides, you get a little 'high' after a few days if you don't go for a wash up.
"The israeli government (and the people behind them) can't help themselves. They're addicts, power junkies, who just apply more of the drug to cover the consequences and after effects of their last 'hit'. The end is pre-ordained. The questions then remaining are, "how long it will take?" and, "how much more bloodshed will it entail?"
The answers will be a result of how quickly the understanding that we have here becomes mainstream. It's getting there. So we write and we talk to whoever will listen."
Thanks. I need to be reminded of that, cause there are increasingly times where I am wondering. "What's the point of all this?" I also remind myself that the 'evil fuckers' want us to give up caring.
I was getting worried there for a bit! Glad you were just chilling
Well it's been a long week for me. I think I'm convinced about the possibilities of this "cancer cure" so I will do a blog post, just so anyone who reads this will know there may be still an option even when the medical community says there is no option.
Thanks Winter and NJT. Glad to be back and I am doing as well as possible.
Summer is always a very busy time for me (no rest for the weary, ya know.) I grow a large garden and we also have numerous fruit trees in our yard. So, I spend a lot a time tending to that - tilling, planting, weeding, harvesting and then doing something with the food that we get. For example, we have a huge cherry tree that probably produced 500+ pounds of cherries (my dad says over 1000 Lbs.) this year so I spent mega hours pitting cherries (most of which I dehydrated) and making several gallons of cherry juice. Our yard is annually littered with the all the rotting cherries we can't use or give away to friends and family. I am now on to apricots which are falling off the tree in the buckets full and I am still needing to pick the last of the raspberries. Hubby would dearly love to cut the fruit trees down but I have been successful in staving off the chainsaw so far. Peaches are hot of the heals of the apricots and the garden is now producing copious amounts of lettuce, zucchini, broccoli (I just froze about 8 heads) and peppers and the rest of the vegetables are now starting to produce. So, there will be no letup now until well into the fall.
It's been a very unusual, cold/rainy spring and summer for us so everything here in BC is about a month late. I am finding that rather than having the produce staggered over the season (so you can deal with it) everything is coming ripe at the same time. One of the lessons you learn when you are a gardener is that nature waits for no one! You snooze, you lose cause nature doesn't take breaks.
Personally, my life seems to lurch from crisis to crisis. Not me personally (I have somehow been blessed with a very even temperament and relatively good health) but those around me - friends and family. My parents are aging (my mom is 76 and dad is 82) and both have numerous health issues. I am the only one of three siblings living in the same city as them so the responsibility for helping them falls on me (I'm not complaining, they've always been there to help me when I needed it, just explaining). I have four adult children. Two have made it out of the nest are flying with the rest of the eagles. Two are still coming in and out of the home. My youngest is still in Uni and home for the summers and the other has a recurring illness which brings her home for several months of the year because she in unable to care for herself.
I am not sure why I am telling you all this. Just letting you know that besides chilling with my toes in beautiful mountains lakes sometimes life gets complicated...and then I go missing.
My Cherry Tree in background
More pictures of my garden at "View all" if anyone's interested - choose view as slideshow: ...
wow it sounds like you have quite the bounty, and family to share it with.
can you dry your cherries out in the oven?
i do that with some figs, 12 hours @ 120F and they come out like candy
It's my little slice of heaven. My reminder that nature is abundant, in direct and immediate contrast to the man made scarcity that dominates the rest of our lives.
WP reporting
Hi. I am still kicking. Haven't heard from McJ in ages. Saw a comment from james recently elsewhere so I know he still lives and breathes. Other than that, I know very little.
Quite horrified over Norway terror, on top of everthing else. And you?
Hi Winter!
Thanks for the report.
yes the Norway terror is horrifying, I've seen several articles examining the false flag nature of it. I'd imagine you've seen the same.
Me, I'm mostly just busy working and pondering what to do before the future gets here!
I hope McJ is just off dipping her toes in the ocean or something.
hey NJT!
I agree with you on all of the above, and in addition, quite a few other things that I'm probably not coherent enough to mention at the moment. Hopefully later.
Yo, NJT!
I'm here, alive and still twitching
Hi James
Glad to hear it, and great to read your post today. Good as gold cuz gold is good.
i left for a day and we went from 0 visitors in a week to 10 in an hour -
hi everybody! except where's McJ, did she say she was leaving? I want to send out a search party or something soon
Howdy from monkeyland
Apologies for not dropping by sooner , been busy in monkeyland..sorting through the nuts if you know what i mean..

Things are going a bit weird..i can tell by my trolls..I've never seen such troll action on my blog before, like a good night's fishing on the full moon
The horrible Norway attack has brought them out of the woodwork me thinks..and me is thinking too much about that terrible deed/s..My prayers and thoughts are with those who are suffering because of this diabolism..
Hope all is well here with all,
I'm going to have one of these
and off i go, back to monkeyland...
Hi to Everyone and many regards and cheers.
Hi A13
thanks for dropping by. And thanks for the hug
You're doing a sterling job reporting on the Norwegian massacre. No wonder the hasbarats are turning up. They're into some desperate damage control. But it's too late and they've gone too far.
The Christmas attack on Gaza; the attack on the Gaza Flotilla and now the Norwegian attacks. They're heading for the S bend.
Headed for the hills
Hi all, thanks for thinking of me. I'm back from my annual hideout in the mountains.
Not too much toe dipping this year, I'm sad to report. We have had a cold rainy summer so the the mountain lakes haven't really warmed like they usually do. I did manage to make it in for a dunk every day. As my daughter says, it is crisp and refreshing. What that really means is, damn cold!
I too was very saddened to hear about the Norwegian massacre. Thanks to A13 and Aan for getting me up to speed with their great reporting. It seems our favorite false flaggers are at it again. I sincerely hope you are right James that they have gone to far and they are about to take the big flush.
It is interesting that when I left for holidays the news was all over the Rupert Murdoch scandal. Very convenient it seems that the massacre knocked him off the front pages. I'm sure this attack had been planned for some time, but I do wonder about the timing. I also noted in a couple of articles I read there were reports of a sniper. I don't know enough about this yet to know if this was the same guy using a sniper rifle but it made me immediately suspicious there were snipers already in place on the island before this "lone nut" got there. How did he manage to kill so many people by himself?
Frozen feet
You 'll have to forgive me my fascination for alliteration lately, McJ.
I'm glad you were out of circulation for a good reason. You sound like quite a heroine taking a daily dip
"How did he manage to kill so many people by himself? "
Exactly! He didn't.
I think there will be more battles waged by the israelis and they will win many of them. but the war is over. Each win will be a loss; a loss of sympathy and legitimacy till they find themselves abandoned by their allies and agents who see 'the writing on the wall' and decide to save their own skins. It's already happening, ashalee. Evidenced by the IMF/DSK dust-up and well funded sites such as Veterans Today. There are growing divisions in the ranks.
The israeli government (and the people behind them) can't help themselves. They're addicts, power junkies, who just apply more of the drug to cover the consequences and after effects of their last 'hit'. The end is pre-ordained. The questions then remaining are, "how long it will take?" and, "how much more bloodshed will it entail?"
The answers will be a result of how quickly the understanding that we have here becomes mainstream. It's getting there. So we write and we talk to whoever will listen.
"You sound like quite a heroine taking a daily dip"
Yup! That would be an accurate description.
I did contemplate sitting by the fire the whole time but I knew I would regret it, there is some undefinable regenerative quality that comes from swimming in the mountain lakes - at least there is for me. Besides, you get a little 'high' after a few days if you don't go for a wash up.
"The israeli government (and the people behind them) can't help themselves. They're addicts, power junkies, who just apply more of the drug to cover the consequences and after effects of their last 'hit'. The end is pre-ordained. The questions then remaining are, "how long it will take?" and, "how much more bloodshed will it entail?"
The answers will be a result of how quickly the understanding that we have here becomes mainstream. It's getting there. So we write and we talk to whoever will listen."
Thanks. I need to be reminded of that, cause there are increasingly times where I am wondering. "What's the point of all this?" I also remind myself that the 'evil fuckers' want us to give up caring.
glad to have you back, McJ
and I hope you are doing as well as possible.
great to have you back McJ
I was getting worried there for a bit! Glad you were just chilling
Well it's been a long week for me. I think I'm convinced about the possibilities of this "cancer cure" so I will do a blog post, just so anyone who reads this will know there may be still an option even when the medical community says there is no option.
so anyone who reads this will know there may be still an option even when the medical community says there is no option.
If a doctor saying that were honest, they would say "no option that I know of."
But, of course, status and prestige come before honesty.
Gardens and looking after 'stuff'
Thanks Winter and NJT. Glad to be back and I am doing as well as possible.
Summer is always a very busy time for me (no rest for the weary, ya know.) I grow a large garden and we also have numerous fruit trees in our yard. So, I spend a lot a time tending to that - tilling, planting, weeding, harvesting and then doing something with the food that we get. For example, we have a huge cherry tree that probably produced 500+ pounds of cherries (my dad says over 1000 Lbs.) this year so I spent mega hours pitting cherries (most of which I dehydrated) and making several gallons of cherry juice. Our yard is annually littered with the all the rotting cherries we can't use or give away to friends and family. I am now on to apricots which are falling off the tree in the buckets full and I am still needing to pick the last of the raspberries. Hubby would dearly love to cut the fruit trees down but I have been successful in staving off the chainsaw so far.
Peaches are hot of the heals of the apricots and the garden is now producing copious amounts of lettuce, zucchini, broccoli (I just froze about 8 heads) and peppers and the rest of the vegetables are now starting to produce. So, there will be no letup now until well into the fall.
It's been a very unusual, cold/rainy spring and summer for us so everything here in BC is about a month late. I am finding that rather than having the produce staggered over the season (so you can deal with it) everything is coming ripe at the same time. One of the lessons you learn when you are a gardener is that nature waits for no one! You snooze, you lose cause nature doesn't take breaks.
Personally, my life seems to lurch from crisis to crisis. Not me personally (I have somehow been blessed with a very even temperament and relatively good health) but those around me - friends and family. My parents are aging (my mom is 76 and dad is 82) and both have numerous health issues. I am the only one of three siblings living in the same city as them so the responsibility for helping them falls on me (I'm not complaining, they've always been there to help me when I needed it, just explaining). I have four adult children. Two have made it out of the nest are flying with the rest of the eagles. Two are still coming in and out of the home. My youngest is still in Uni and home for the summers and the other has a recurring illness which brings her home for several months of the year because she in unable to care for herself.
I am not sure why I am telling you all this. Just letting you know that besides chilling with my toes in beautiful mountains lakes sometimes life gets complicated...and then I go missing.
My Cherry Tree in background

More pictures of my garden at "View all" if anyone's interested - choose view as slideshow:

Your garden looks beautiful, McJ. It certainly is a credit to you and time well spent. Your pictures and description are a tonic
you are blessed
wow it sounds like you have quite the bounty, and family to share it with.
can you dry your cherries out in the oven?
i do that with some figs, 12 hours @ 120F and they come out like candy
Thanks Guys
It's my little slice of heaven. My reminder that nature is abundant, in direct and immediate contrast to the man made scarcity that dominates the rest of our lives.
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