Thanks to Penny from Penny For Your Thoughts for allowing me to cross post this excellent article connecting the dots between the uprisings in the Middle East and the economic warfare that is being waged on emerging economies. A highly recommended read.
"The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa are directly connected back to QE2 and the economic warfare it was going to guarantee. Economic warfare that was intended to destabilize emerging economies. Emerging economies means, nations with high unemployment and low incomes and largely underdeveloped. Nations such as Egypt, Libya, Yemen etc., etc., Nations that are to be exploited by western interests."
QE2: Bernankes Brew conjures starvation, strife and military interventions Penny For Your Thoughts Another long one, because I have the time to organize all my thoughts, hopefully, and take a broad look at how we got to where we are at. I am going to take you back to a post I put up November 10/2010. G-20, currency wars and Obama's soothing letter? You may wonder why I am stepping back in time to this post? The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa are directly connected back to QE2 and the economic warfare it was going to guarantee. Economic warfare that was intended to destabilize emerging economies. Emerging economies means, nations with high unemployment and low incomes and largely underdeveloped. Nations such as Egypt, Libya, Yemen etc., etc., Nations that are to be exploited by western interests. From November 10th/2010: "QE2, the US acting alone, fuels speculation that the US is attempting to devalue the dollar in a stealthy fashion (which it is). Also the flooding of foreign markets with US dollars will lead to rampant and wild speculation (creating bubbles) and the destabilization of emerging economies." What we have witnessed these past few months has been a speculative bubble in the commodities market. Specifically food and energy. "Ever since QE2 was announced in November, commodity prices have surged. Critics say it flooded the world with liquidity, which in turn devalued the dollar and drove institutional investors out of US treasuries and encouraged them to seek higher returns for food commodities." The banks, of course, are the big players in the speculation. This planned economic warfare has played a role in the destabilization of all the nations we have seen in upheaval recently. The article above mentions as an example Goldman-Sachs. I'll let you read that for yourself. First dot: QE2, flooding the markets with money, leading to wild speculation in the food markets. Second dot: high food prices lead to despair in lower income nations, making them ripe for the picking by the US/NATO/Israeli/British Complex. Who I will refer to, for brevity, as just NATO. "This helped create the volatile component that produced outrage in the streets of Egypt, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East." When people are hungry, a nation with an out of control printing press can toss all sorts of money around. As we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Third dot: I want to get to the energy aspect of this economic warfare- Speculation has been driving the energy prices. Not instability. There is plenty of oil. Saudi Arabia has offered to ramp up production. Libyan oil is a mere fraction of the global oil inventory. "It's because of speculation about things that could hurt the supply in the future," he said. Could, might, possibly.... but not likely. What about Canada? Stock market players fuel gas hike, experts say "Canada's spurt in gas prices is caused by stock market speculators in gasoline futures creating unnecessary panic. Canada imports no oil from Libya." Energy is intimately linked to food prices, so the increase in both of these groups is a double whammy to the developing nations. Who benefits from high fuel prices? The US benefits, not the consumer, but the government through the lower value on the dollar. The lower dollars allows them to deflate their debt. ( I mentioned that way back on November 10/2010) "On balance, higher oil prices are negative for the dollar," he said. This is a win/win situation for the US, the largest debtor nation on the globe. If the US dollar falls by 10 percent, so does the value of their indebtedness. If it falls by 20 percent then the level of indebtedness falls in accordance. Making this very bad news for a nation like China, who has all this US money owed to them the value of it being decreased by stealth and having to pay much higher energy prices. Another way this increase in oil prices aids the US is by ensuring countries world wide continue to hold and/or accrue the US dollar. Since it is still the petro-dollar. Back to QE2 and nation destabilizing- Following along, you should now understand that QE2 was designed to do exactly what it has done. Destabilize the economies that the US led NATO army wanted destabilized, wanted to remove and replace the leadership or attack as necessary...... We have to realize that the plans to attack these nations whether overtly, covertly or both emanated from the private US central bank and it's allies within the government. The flooding of the markets was the first salvo of the attack, no bombs necessary. Just create the hardship, have your handy dandy bought and paid for stooges in place, then direct the chaos from behind the scenes. In Libya, we have a bit of a different tale ongoing, but still the economic warfare increased the food prices which acted as a catalyst. Libya dropped the taxes on food to try to help the people cope, but that was not enough. The stooges were ready to go. -The United States is moving two amphibious warships and 400 Marines to the region. Any guess on who the special forces are that Canada is sending in? With world leaders warning that Libya could face a protracted civil war, there were concerns that foreign military intervention could actually bolster the position of embattled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. This is the goal my friends, this is exactly the goal! As I said in the beginning, nothing happens in a vacuum. QE2 was designed to cause destabilization through speculative commodities bubbles enabling interested parties to profit every and any which way they can. Regarding the tyranny of the private central banks, and their ability to foment misery and poverty.......I am going to end with a quote from Michael Hudson: "This pretext for excluding government from meaningful regulation is that finance is so technical that only someone from the financial "industry" is capable of regulating it. To add insult to injury, the additional counter intuitive claim is made that a hallmark of democracy is to make the central bank "independent" of elected government. In reality, of course, that is just the opposite of democracy. Finance is the crux of the economic system. If it is not regulated democratically, in the public's interest then it is "free" to be captured by special interests. So this becomes the oligarchical definition of "market freedom." |
bernanke's brew
Hey Mcj;
I am really pleased you thought it was good enough to cross post at the winter patriot community blog. I just wanted to get the point across that this is economic warfare being waged against the people of the globe.
The effects of this are being felt in Canada, the Canadian dollar is increasing in value against the US dollar, just last week one of the last industries in my city closed, and one of the reasons cited was the high Canadian dollar.
They will be consolidating operations in the US.
As the American dollar depreciates and the price of oil skyrockets due to the instability created by this economic warfare things will only get worse, for everyone.
War isn't even necessary, just the constant instability in the ME/North Africa is enough to drive the oil prices higher.
Anyway,life calls...
Penny! and rising beer prices
You did an excellent job of laying out the information so that it was easy to understand!
"The effects of this are being felt in Canada..."
While driving yesterday, I heard a local radio host reporting that the price of beer in BC was going to increase significantly due to the rising costs of the brewing process. (This according to him, is a disaster for Canadians, eh.
) He prefaced this by flatly stating that the rising cost of gas (energy) was due to the crisis in Libya. His whole attitude was that there was really nothing we could do about it and we would have to suck it up. It's the "defacto truth" now that the Libyans are causing the problem and we are only about 2 weeks into this! There was no mention of the Fed flooding the market with US dollars or of speculators driving up the price of oil.
As you point out in your post it's a win win for the evil fuckers
everywhere you turn. They even have the added bonus of having the rising price of oil being blamed on them democracy coveting Ay Rabs. Sweet deal for them.
I wonder what the reaction will be in Canada when the food prices here start skyrocketing; which is already starting to happen but is expected to really start biting by the end of the year? I figure Harper may want to call an election before Canada experiences any serious economic hardship as his whole schtick is that he is such an astute steward of the economy. Reality hitting home may be a wake up call for Canadians that he wouldn't want to risk.
Sweet deal indeed
win win for the banksters.
Blame it on the arabs and it plays into the xenophobia that is being promoted in Canada by the Harper junta and that loud mouthed idiot, Baird.
That guy is cringe worthy!
Harper a economic steward?
Let's see, he bailed the banks, I posted that one long time ago.
bailed GM
and has basically been running up the debt to the private central bank.
Oh yeah and the F-35's are going to cost way more.
When they should actually be costing less, due to the US dollar depreciation
Economic Steward, just like Obama, burying the people under a mountain of debt
Loud Mouthed Idiot
"Blame it on the arabs and it plays into the xenophobia that is being promoted in Canada by the Harper junta and that loud mouthed idiot, Baird.
That guy is cringe worthy!"
OMG - I can't stand that guy. Loud mouthed, cringe worthy idiot is a bang on description! Someone needs to duct tape his mouth shut.
"Economic Steward, just like Obama, burying the people under a mountain of debt"
Yup - Canadians have a big surprise coming.
oh that is funny!
I just cannot stand that man!
Actually had the conservatives call and solicit for donations, I told them there was no way, no way at all they were going to get money from us!
Very quickly, she said thanks and goodbye.
She hung up faster then I could even respond with my goodbye.
Hopefully that got our name off the list.
And when the NDP have called they have gotten a blast too!
NO liberals have called yet?? Maybe they are frightened?
Oh and James, if you are about..It was my hubbies birthday yesterday, and our dinner went well.
But then it was beef, most men like beef.
So we had a prime rib, veggies, of course gravy and a good bottle of red wine!
Tonight left overs!
I'm glad it went well Penny. Do I get an invite next year? I like beef with garlic and pepper if that's a help at all. After a bottle of red I used to give great after dinner speeches. So good, in fact, everyone was invariably lost for words. Impressive, no?
sure why not!
After a bottle of red I used to give great after dinner speeches. So good, in fact, everyone was invariably lost for words. Impressive, no?
you left them speechless, did ya?
Very impressive
is your table full yet?
I am also partial to garlic and pepper, not just with beef but with chicken, pork, shrimp ... almost anything but Cheerios, actually!
And I don't drink wine, so you wouldn't have to worry about sharing any of that ...
Hey! I'm just sayin!
Pakistan releases Raymond Davis
From Penny....
Pakistan releases Raymond Davis
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