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Hey Everyone
Dropping by again in the midst of my crisis of a life to post this video.
A quick hello to James. Ive taken another look at Nobody on a better day and changed my opinion about it.
And I hope you realise that this is a brief but genuine review James. Like most of humanity new things throw me a little.
This guy ( Lindsey Williams ) is definitley selling his book ( The Energy Non Crisis ) but he makes some quite interesting claims in between a lot of filler and basic stuff. Be intersted to know what you all think of it if you can hack watching the 8 part playlist. I think its worth watching the entire video. I'll post the Audio soon.
A couple of claims are.
1. Peak Oil Is A misnomer ( More BS? ). That there is a "Classified" oilfield in Alaska with as much oil in it as Saudi Arabia. Enough to supply the US for 200 years.
2. Sadam Hussein was told the US would not intervene in his invasion of Kuwait.
Its 1am here in NZ so sorry this is pretty breif.
Thanks Sally
Thanks for posting these videos, Sally, and for going to the trouble of putting the audios up as well.
I got through most of the videos but eventually ran out of my quota of decent speed download.
So now you've put the audios up I can go back and finish it
Good s far. He's a character!
Further comment
No, I don't believe in Peak Oil, either. Big oil has done a number on us over global warming, too.
These super deep oil wells must finally put the lie to oil being deriving from decomposed plant matter once and for all, too. It seems that everything we thought we knew about oil and the oil industry is a lie. But should that surprise us?
Saddam Hussein was, indeed, encouraged to invade Kuwait by the US. See here and here
Since that tape was made, Iran has moved to selling oil in Euros but still at prevailing market prices. The US dollar hasn't collapsed. But Iran is effectively scotching any plan to bring in a One World Currency because to make it work it must be the only means to buy oil with and while ever Iran is selling oil in any currency it chooses, the OWC is optional rather than obligatory and that won't work for the PTB. How sad!
Lindsay Williams didn't explain how the IMF gets in the middle of all the oil transactions, as far as I could pick up. Though I will listen to it again. I can't work out how Ken Fromme(sp?) is still walking around never mind working for the oil industry again. There's a couple of things that don't quite gel. But maybe I'd need to read the book.
Thanks again, Sally. Hope you are doing well (all things being relative )
Hi James
Thanks James and Im OK compared to say someone living in Iraq and I can't put a smiley after saying that.
"I can't work out how Ken Fromme(sp?) is still walking around never mind working for the oil industry again."
Ken Fromme may have known a lot more than what he told Williams and it might have been in their interests to shut him up by rehiring him, as killing him would have given cred to the Gull Island allegations.
A couple of points made me wonder if Lindsey had been fed information the elites want us to think and that the re written book curtisy of Fromme might have some distortions in it to throw the reader off course.
Dress it up in stuff already out there to make it look genuine.
It was also odd that senator "Hugh Chance" was given free access to information they don't want us to know.
I don't think there's an agreement "in writing" that demands Arab countries buy US debt even though they do buy it, but anything is possible.
Most of Lindseys info is hearsay. From listening to a bunch of oil men spout. No research so it may be subject to embelishment and inaccuracy but like you say we really need to read the book.
Just found a page with info about Lindsay Williams including how his life has been threatened and he has stopped talking about Gull Island etc. I think theres a version of his book available online so will post a link when I find it.
I suspect you're right
I suspect you're right, Sally.
Lindsay's book is online but it looks like a precis from the length of it