So what's up with that?
Was it a false flag? Or was it the 'Black Widows'? Why are NYC cops toting machine guns Israeli-style? Where is Winter when we need him most?
Stay tuned for the answers to these and other deafening questions in the comment thread below...(?)
Subway Bombing and booby traps
Well, I don't need to answer the 'Where is Winter question?' I also thought the machine gun toting cops in the NYC subways was a bizarre response to an attack that happened in Russia. They actually reported there was no threat to NY subways. Any reason to get more cops on the street with guns, I guess. And never mind the black widows, there is a new threat from women that we need to be worried about - booby traps!! Can't wait to find out what kind of airport screening they are going to have for this.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
The Catholic Church: Pedophiles and Sadists
The Catholic Church: Pedophiles and Sadists
Posted on March 29, 2010 by murraydobbin
I have a question for practicing Catholics: what will it take for you to decide to leave this grotesquely corrupt institution? What would a priest, Bishop, Cardinal, or Pope have to do (or not do) – exactly what – for you to say: enough, I am out of here?
Being a non-believer I am not authority on Christianity or the Catholic Church but I recognize a preponderance of evidence when I see it and read it. I am having trouble avoiding the conclusion that the whole rotten establishment is little more than an organized pedophile ring.
Is this where pedophiles go when they are thinking of a career? Let’s see, how can I get close to the children I want to sodomize or give me blow jobs but be virtually immune from criticism, let alone criminal prosecution? I know! I’ll be a Catholic priest. My stature in the community is as high as it gets, parents will trust me with their little ones, and I know that the church protects itself and will protect me if I get caught.
The whole sickening scandal is more evidence yet that the Vatican and all its churches should be closed down, their assets sold and distributed to various worthy causes – starting with the distribution of condoms in Africa to combat AIDS (which the church forbids). It is too profoundly sick to be capable of redeeming itself.
more at link
Murray Dobbin is a guest senior contributing editor for Murray has been a journalist, broadcaster, author and social activist for 40 years.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
The whole sickening scandal is more evidence yet that the Vatican and all its churches should be closed down, their assets sold and distributed to various worthy causes – starting with the distribution of condoms in Africa to combat AIDS (which the church forbids). It is too profoundly sick to be capable of redeeming itself.
Thanks for posting this McJ
Here's another quote from Murray Dobbin-
It seems clear that no one in authority in the Church actually gets it. Today, Monday, comes news of the Vatican going on the “offensive.” Interesting word. But I guess the odd Freudian slip is pretty much inevitable from this crown of incurable politicians and power brokers. I have not read a single story over the past 20 years of these outrageous stories of ruined lives where I got the sense that any Catholic spokespersons were genuinely remorseful. That it because there is a core moral failure here at the very heart of the Catholic Church: they really do not understand what they have done.
Most people will agree with this observation. But why don't they get it? This is the crucial question, isn't it? Because it points to what will or will not happen in the near future.
The reason why is that these people, all of them, do not understand because they have no empathy. They have no empathy because psychopaths are incapable of it. That is what makes them psychopaths. They are all psychopaths and I think it can be taken as read that most, if now all, are sexual predators of one sort or another.
Psychopaths and pedophiles are incapable of change and they are the ones in power. Therefore no reform is possible.
No government is going to seriously investigate the mountain of crimes hidden under their carpets . . and beds.
The only effective cure for this is is social pressure; for catholics to be faced with the truth of they either leave the church or face being complicit in these crimes.
By their fruits you shall know them.
James re:The Catholic Church
Your welcome James. Murray Dobbins is fast becoming one of my favorite Canadian writers., where he is a contributing editor, has many decent articles
If you don't already know about him, you may also be interested in Kevin Annett's site. He is a tireless activist on behalf of the victims of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church residential schools in Canada. He has written a book titled 'Hidden From History' which tells the story of what he calls a genocide of aboriginal peoples in Canada. According to Annett, tens of thousands of children died in these schools. (I haven't read the book, I just know about it.)
From his piece calling for a Republic of Kanata titled 'Ending Genocide and Reinventing Canada: Towards The Republic of Kanata' (This is a very interesting read btw, where he calls for, among numerous other actions, placing banks, credit and the money supply under public ownership and establishing LET networks. You'll find it in the left had column on the linked page):
"The time has come to end our complicity in mass murder. Our exposure of the Canadian genocide has simultaneously indicted the social order that gave rise to it. Euro-Canadian Christian society as a whole stands condemned in the dock alongside those persons who ran the Indian residential schools, sterilized and murdered children, spread smallpox, and dug mass graves.
Despite their best efforts to ignore this fact and contain the whole matter with pseudo “apologies”, the Canadian government and its partner Catholic, Anglican and United churches now face the same kind of historical reckoning that Nazi Germany did after its defeat in 1945: an awakening to their own criminal nature.
On April 20, 2007, Canada and those churches suffered a fundamental moral defeat in Parliament, when the first cabinet minister in Canadian history publicly acknowledged that untold thousands of children had died in Christian Indian residential schools.
The extent of this defeat has yet to be appreciated by most Canadians, or even indigenous people."
On October 11,2009 Annett was in Rome with soil from a mass grave near a former Catholic residential school. He scattered the soil near the Vatican while calling on the murderous spirit that had killed those children to depart from the church. Interestingly, the very next day a freak, once in a century, tornado struck Rome. He has delivered a petition signed by over 2000 people to Revenue Canada demanding they stop giving the Catholic, Anglican and United Church's tax free status. He has demanded from all these churches they disclose where they buried the children who died at their hands, and have their remains surrendered for a proper burial. This Easter Sunday (April 4), he will again be in Rome with victims of the Catholic residential schools, to demand the return of the remains of the children. From his latest article Reflections on the Latest Vatican Lie:
"Liberal garb doesn't fit very well on Pope Joe, not simply because of his Hitler Youth upbringing. This past week, Ratzinger gave an unconvincing exhortation to Irish Bishops to "take responsibility" for a crime and coverup of child rape and torture that Ratzinger's own office has perpetrated on the innocent. In reality, the Pope refuses to endorse the Irish government's official investigation into crimes in Catholic institutions, and made no mention of it in his letter to the Irish clergy.
Bury the evidence, but take responsibility; resist any inquiry, but call for disclosure: such profound doublethink may be confusing to even the "faithful", but little else can be expected from an institution as awash in criminal complicity as the Vatican. But at least now, that crime, and its attending bodyguard of lies, stands exposed.
Murder, torture and child rape are not new to the Roman Catholic church, nor will these obscenities stop, since the church is above the law and accountable only to itself. And yet, for all its worldly power, the Vatican is tottering under the impact of the simple truth.
In exorcism rituals practiced by Christian churches, the key moment is when the ostensible possessing entity is asked to name itself and thereby be exposed and lose its grip over the possessed. Last October, I proclaimed to the angel spirit of the Vatican to come forth and reveal itself; and, sure enough, it has. What Jesus called "The Father of Lies", the spirit that some call Satan, stands naked for anyone to see.
The question is, now that it stands exposed, what are we to do with this evil?
Jesus had a simple remedy for child abusers, if you believe the Bible:
"It would be better if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, rather than that he should harm one of these little ones." (Luke 17:2)
On Easter Sunday, this April 4, I will be returning to St. Peter's Square in Rome to do what I can to fasten a millstone of truth around the neck of the most murderous institution in human history.
This time, survivors of torture in Catholic Indian residential schools will accompany me, and together we will seek not to reform evil, but to bury it; not with the weapons of this world, but the ones provided us by truth, and heart, and love."
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Kevin Annett
Hi McJ,
powerful stuff. How about that tornado!
Yes I'm familiar with Kevin Annett and hold him in the highest regard. This man has put his life on the line to expose this extraordinarily appalling truth. I haven't read all there is on it because it is just too close to the bone for me. (Ugh, the expressions we use!)
It is indeed surreal that these churches and, in particular, their leaders can seemingly plod along as if nothing has happened; as if nothing has been exposed. They are demonstrably all psychopaths through the evidence of their non-reaction to this appalling history. It's undeniable. The thing is it is still going on but morphed somewhat. I'll dig up some links tomorrow or when I can.
Australia had its version but the Canadian history is just on another level. I have no words to describe it. I used to think the spirit of satan was in the church. But more and more I see that the spirit of satan is the church. It was conceived in sin, after all, by the Emperor Constantine.
I could tell you some stuff about Ratzinger and a certain cardinal I know if you were sitting here in front of me. Suffice it to say, your worst fears would be confirmed.
There are more things I would like to write about related to this power centre called the Catholic Church (not that it is alone in its guilt). But it will be sometime after Easter as Easter is not a good time for me.
Btw, this is happening now in the press because the people who control the media want it so. The Catholic Church is one of three major power centres in the Western World (most underestimate its power) and I see this as evidence that they are starting to go to war with each other.
Yes, I thought the tornado
Yes, I thought the tornado was très interesting!
"I haven't read all there is on it because it is just too close to the bone for me."
I really don't know how you can do it at all. I have to go at this a little bit at a time, then take a break and come back to it when I feel I can stand to learn some more. The information is really horrific and shatters the tightly held myth we hold that we are living in a democratic, freedom loving and humane society. It's all a big lie and as Disquiet Reservations pointed out in his essay, the citizenry of our countries are living in massive denial of the truth, which is a very ugly one, indeed.
"I could tell you some stuff about Ratzinger and a certain cardinal I know if you were sitting here in front of me. Suffice it to say, your worst fears would be confirmed."
Hell James, I don't know what my worst fears would be regarding this. Every time I think 'there couldn't be anything worse than this' - I find out there is!
I will be interested to read what you have to write, when you are ready. I assumed this was all happening because the ptb's want it so. I haven't put a lot of thought into the whys as yet. Power struggle seems about right!
The three major power centers - the church, the money lenders and MIC ??
I added the full text of "Ending Genocide and Reinventing Canada: Towards The Republic of Kanata" by the Elders and National Council of the Republican Movement to the forum
for anyone who is interested in reading it.
And speaking of Kevin Annett having put his life on the line, this was an alarming piece of news.
Human Rights activist Kevin Annett assaulted in Vancouver
January 10, 2010
"Rev. Kevin Annett was assaulted by two men in Vancouver's downtown eastside last Wednesday just two days after he published an article on church and government complicity in child trafficking on Canada's west coast.
Rev. Annett suffered cuts, bruises, and at least one broken rib as a result of the unprovoked beating by two men, one of whom is linked to a downtown church agency.
...This assault occurred just two days after an article [Annett] wrote entitled 'Child Trafficking in Beautiful British Columbia' in The Agora newspaper was widely disseminated in the downtown eastside of Vancouver. The article describes the documented complicity of churches, the police and the government in the trafficking of children in protected pedophile networks in B.C. I therefore believe there is a connection between the publicizing of this story and the attack made on me. This incident represents yet another case of repression aimed at community activists by the 2010 Olympic security forces and police, and other unknown parties."
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Every time I think 'there
Every time I think 'there couldn't be anything worse than this' - I find out there is!
Yes, I'm afraid that's the truth of it. It really is literally beyond the ken of normal people with a soul.
I assumed this was all happening because the ptb's want it so. I haven't put a lot of thought into the whys as yet. Power struggle seems about right!
Yes it is. But there is another force making itself felt and it is coming through us here and others. It doesn't take much to knock a spinning top off course and out of control. Here's hoping!
The three major power centers - the church, the money lenders and MIC ??
Pretty much. The MIC includes the European aristocracy and its cousins such as the Bushes. Interestingly, governments which everyone looks to are effects not causes. I'll enlarge on my thoughts in about a week or so.
I see Kevin Annett makes the claim that the killing is still ongoing, too. The man is a rock!
"Here's hoping!"
"Here's hoping!"
Yes! We must always hang on to hope! Looking forwards to your thoughts on Kevin Annett.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Pope's preacher compares abuse row to anti-Semitism
Pope's preacher compares abuse row to anti-Semitism
"Pope Benedict's personal preacher has compared criticism of the pontiff and Church over child abuse to "collective violence" suffered by the Jews."
This is so absurd that you have to shake your head.
First of all, let me point out the BBC headline which calls this an "abuse row".
What?? Just a little tiff going on between the Catholic church and well....all the rest of us who are screaming fu**ing incensed at the grotesque scandal enfolding before us - not to mention the church's victims!!!
So according to this guy, the perpetrator is now the victim. What a disgusting insult to all the victims (of both the holocaust and the church).
And does he think he is going to be able to steal the antisemitism (as a catch-all for all criticism) shtick from the Zionists?
Unbelievable! Brought to you from the mind of a psychopath - no doubt.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Pedophiles and apologists
McJ, I haven't read through the piece you put up in the forum but will very shortly.
With serendipitous timing, AP has just put up an absolutely superb piece on this very subject on her It's Rude to Notice blog which AP reserves for her excellent occasional "rants".
The essay in question is Guerrilla Warfare.
Well worth reading, everybody, to understand what is really going on with this 'debate' and why it is being turned into a 'debate.
I can't recommend it highly enough
Well that was serendipitous!
Well that was serendipitous! That was an excellent piece and what a good idea to have a separate blog just for rants.
I loved this, is says so much:
this is a guerrilla war.
we are the guerrillas.
our terrain is the emotional world.
our language is love.
they don't know our terrain.
they don't speak our language.
and we greatly outnumber them.
draw them out and pick them off.
your weapon is the truth.
use it.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
A Peasant's 'rant'
Yes, McJ, I was open mouthed while reading it. Here was all my inexpressible feelings and half formed thoughts given full throated voice. The outrage at not just the initial crimes but especially at the totally outrageous 'defence' of the precious 'rights' of the almost 'caught red-handed' accused. That these people were now being presented to us if they were victims themselves (as you noted so well that the Vatican is now doing) and that we could easily be in their shoes, for God's sake. The shamelessness of it all. All of this was laid out so cogently and convincingly before me.
I was participating in a thread recently where this 'defence of the indefencible' process was being acted out and it made me sick yet I couldn't express it. So I can say as a once victim of satanic ritual abuse, myself, at the hands of Catholic priests, it was a great gift to read of AP's comprehending of and giving voice to the understanding I have of this sewer that is thought by most to be a civilized society but is, in fact, first and foremost, a predatory structure.
If you read this AP, thank you very much, indeed.
don't quite know how to express this
Well James, I don't quite know how to express this but she was what she wrote, in that she was 'speaking our language' and we got it. Very poetic, a soul raging rant, and I thank her for that as well.
I hope it helps you thru your Easter. I'll be thinking about you.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
It has! And thanks, McJ
I'll come back to the Annett forum topic a bit later
K :)
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
hey AP here (who can't get log in info to work...), i just wanted to thank you both for your kind words of support, and i'm happy that other people 'get it.' we already have everything we need, we only need to stand up straight and tall and protect our own dignity and most especially our children's dignity by opening our mouths and backing each other up.
You're more than very
You're more than very welcome, AP. Give a shout if you don't have success sorting out the logging on issue
Israel warns of another war on Gaza
Israel warns of another war on Gaza§ionid=351020202
Fri, 02 Apr 2010 07:11:21 GMT
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and his deputy Silvan Shalom
The Israeli deputy prime minister has warned that Tel Aviv would soon launch another large-scale military operation against the Palestinians trapped in the Gaza Strip.
Silvan Shalom made the remarks on Friday after Israel carried out a series of airstrikes, injuring three Palestinian children, aged two, four and 11.
The deputy premier said that the new offensive will be launched in the near future.
He added that the military attack is a response to rocket fire from Gaza. A single rocket landed near the Israeli town of Ashkelon on Thursday, causing some damage but no casualties. Hamas did not claim responsibility for the attack.
Israel responded by carrying out six waves of air raids overnight.
Tel Aviv holds Hamas responsible for the ineffective and occasional attacks with home-made rockets that carry little or no explosive warheads.
The rocket attacks by Palestinian groups came after the worst Palestinian-Israeli clashes over the reopening of the Hurva synagogue in East Jerusalem al-Quds.
The Israeli move also led to demonstrations in several Muslim nations.
Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal, in a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, said his resistance movement is "not interested in escalating the tension."
He also promised that his organization would take "appropriate measures to prevent the rocket fire from Gaza."
In 2008, Israel launched a large offensive against the coastal strip that killed some 1,400 Palestinians — most of them non-combatants — and a number of Israeli officials face war-crimes charges as a result of the indiscriminate onslaught.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
WTF - Top Polish political, military killed in jet crash
Top Polish political, military killed in jet crash
" By VICTORIA BURAVCHENKO and MONIKA SCISLOWSKA, Associated Press Writer Victoria Buravchenko And Monika Scislowska, Associated Press Writer – Sun Apr 11, 2:52 am ET
SMOLENSK, Russia – The crash of an aging Russian airliner ravaged the top levels of Poland's military, political and church elite Saturday, killing the Polish president and dozens of other dignitaries as they traveled to a ceremony commemorating a slaughter that has divided the two nations for seven decades.
...On board were the national bank president, deputy foreign minister, army chaplain, head of the National Security Office, deputy parliament speaker, Olympic Committee head, civil rights commissioner and at least two presidential aides and three lawmakers, the Polish foreign ministry said. Kaczynski's wife, Maria, also died.
...The Polish military suffered the deepest losses. Among the dead were the army chief of staff, the navy chief commander, and heads of the air and land forces, who were all making the emotional trip to honor the Polish officers slain by the NKVD, the acronym for the Soviet secret police at the time of the killings in 1940.
Some on board were relatives of the officers slain in the Katyn massacre. Also among the victims was Anna Walentynowicz, whose firing in August 1980 from the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk sparked a workers' strike that spurred the eventual creation of the Solidarity freedom movement.
Top Polish leaders opposing euro and swine flu vaccines wiped out in mysterious plane crash
"...a day after the crash, many unanswered questions surround the event.
Polskaweb has said that an assassination cannot be ruled out.
There are many reasons to dismiss the official story of how Poland’s president, all of Poland's top army chiefs, the central bank governor and secret service chief died as a cover-up of massive proportions.
...Who gains from the death of so many leading Polish figures?
The main winner is Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk who has wiped out the entire opposition to his pro-euro, pro-IMF, pro-New World Order policies, even though they appear to be some allies sacrificed on the plane, including the pro swine flu vaccine ombudsman."
...“Among the victims were key members of Poland’s biggest opposition party, Law and Justice, including current and former heads of the party’s parliamentary caucus, Grazyna Gesicka and Przemyslaw Gosiewski as well as the party’s main economic expert Aleksandra Natalli-Swiat, and deputy parliamentary speaker Krzysztof Putra.
The list also includes deputy parliamentary speaker Jerzy Szmajdzinski, who was the presidential candidate of the opposition Left Democratic Alliance. That means the crash killed the presidential candidates of two of Poland’s three largest parties. Kaczynski had already won the endorsement of the opposition Law and Justice party. He was to officially declare his candidacy in May,” reports Bloomberg."
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Article on this Polish plane crash
there's an article about this posted at the 'Penny for your thoughts' link in our (infamous?) blogroll - reading that sounds like this was not sabotage, but just human error. But when I first heard about this, I had to wonder...
I'm not so sure
Certainly, accidents happen and this may well be just that. My biggest question is, why were they all on the plane at the same time? Maybe this isn't unusual or it was because of this one time special event they were attending, however you would think someone in charge of running the country might have thought this was a bad idea. It really smells like some kind of payback or 'warnings being sent' by the ptb's.
We shall see...
'Russia engineered air crash that killed President Kaczynski,' claims Polish MP
By Mail Foreign Service
"Of Kaczynski's flight, he said: 'At first it was descending OK, according to the rules, no problems. Soon our air traffic controllers began to worry. The head of our group three times ordered the pilots to stop this attempt to land, and try one more time, while also preparing to fly to another airport because of bad visibility.
'The crew did not listen to him. So the traffic control warned them about bad visibility and the necessity to fly to another airport.
'The crew did not obey, so the controllers had only one thing to do - to carry on leading in the plane and see what happens. There was only one attempt to land and the plane crashed.'
Because it was a civilian flight, they did not have the authority to order them to another airport, he said.
He said 'mainly we spoke Russian to the crew, partly bad English. Understanding was hard.'
The Polish pilots 'began to land without our permission' and 'did not report to us with their altitude data', he added.
Another controller Pavel Plyusnin confirmed the understanding was '50-50' as the plane approached its tragic end.
'It was hard to guess here if the pilot understood us properly,' said Col Muraviev. 'The language barrier did not help of course. I think it could have affected the result of this flight along with other circumstances.'
The Polish air force yesterday defended father-of-two Captain Protasiuk, saying he 'often flew with the president and other VIPs'.
A spokesman said it was 'ruled out' that the president could have forced the pilot to land at Smolensk."
Read more:
By Gabriela Baczynska, ReutersApril 12, 2010
"The crash has raised questions over basic procedures and the state of Poland's government air fleet.
"How is it possible that all these top people, military and civilian, came to be travelling on the same plane?" said Luczak.
"We have to re-think the whole functioning of the air force. This tragedy is just the latest in a series (of accidents) and shows we cannot keep on improvising all the time due to a lack of proper equipment."
A military plane carrying 20 people, mostly senior Polish air force personnel, home from an air security conference crashed in Poland in 2008. All on board perished.
After that accident Poland introduced new security measures forbidding the heads of military units to fly together with their deputies.
The deputies of the generals killed on Saturday have already taken over their superiors' duties and Poland's defence minister is expected to nominate new permanent replacements soon.
Poland's Acting President Bronislaw Komorowski, who served as defence minister in 2000-2001, must approve the nominations.
"The military cannot function without its top brass and replacements have to be chosen soon. Komorowski knows the military quite well and has always been seen as a person who cared about the armed forces," Janusz Onyszkiewicz, a former defence minister, said.
Onyszkiewicz noted that civilians killed in Saturday's crash would also need replacing. They included Deputy Defence Minister Stanislaw Komorowski and the head of the National Security Bureau (BBN), Aleksander Szczyglo."
Read more:
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
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