Obama's Package

McJ's picture

I just had to share this with anyone who is out there. I thought you might need a chuckle right about now.
I don't know how this made it past the editors. smiling


And a quote from one of the spam comments, I just deleted, from someone who needs help.
laughing out loud
"Hello everyone. My mother loved children - she would have given anything if I had been one. Help me!"


newjesustimes's picture

how did you know?

"I thought you might need a chuckle right about now."
LOL rolling on the floor laughing LOL rolling on the floor laughing thanks McJ you just made my day!

McJ's picture

Glad to help out NJT.

Glad to help out NJT. smiling

"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson

McJ's picture

This tidbit of news is very interesting

This is a very interesting tidbit of news. I am wondering what this was all about. A very strange hoax for a pro-government station to perpetrate. From the minds of psychopaths no doubt. sad

"Switching on their TV sets at 8pm on Saturday, Georgians were greeted with incredible news – Russia had invaded. The pro-government Imedi TV station reported that Russian tanks were once more trundling into Georgia. Not only that, but the country's pro-western leader Mikheil Saakashvili had been murdered, the station said.

For the next half an hour there were scenes of absolute panic, as the mobile network collapsed, Georgians spilled on to the streets, and friends and relatives desperately tried to reach each other and seek out information. In fact, they needn't have bothered.

The report, it turned out, was a hoax. The Kremlin hadn't invaded and Saakashvili, it emerged, was very much alive. Not since Orson Welles persuaded Americans that the Martians had landed, during his hysteria-sparking War of the Worlds radio broadcast, had a whole nation been so duped.

"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson

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