Hi I`m new here


I found this forum in Delicious and like it vey much. My name is Helena, I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I work in computer firm. I like russian vodka and 24h

admin's picture

I find it incredibly interesting

That both your and the previous forum poster's post contain a backwards single quote '`'
Rather telling, don't you think?
If you'll indulge my curiosity, please tell me what part of Boston you live in and your favorite brand of russian vodka.
Be warned, you don't have to answer my questions, but the absence of any response will likely result in the deletion of your account and that of the other "newbie" as well. No offense intended, but the prior and exceedingly similar forum post has raised my doubts.

I say:

Delete them both now, before the IDF propaganda machine establishes a beach-head here.

OR ELSE leave them up and expose them to ridicule at every turn.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I found Winter Patriot dot Com on delicious too, and it seemed to me, given the scope and nature of the posts around here, that what the place needed most was two new forum topics introducing alcoholic newbies who don't answer questions.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, good idea.

Shalom but not really.

McJ's picture

What I was thinking

"Delete them both now, before the IDF propaganda machine establishes a beach-head here."
Just what I was thinking!
"given the scope and nature of the posts around here, that what the place needed most was two new forum topics introducing alcoholic newbies who don't answer questions."
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson

admin's picture

ok i went too far

trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. The first one definitely seemed off. Now with this one, obviously these are both from a common source; I was kind of curious to see what they say next, but I suppose I should lock them out now before they cause any real trouble. done.
I wonder if we should make a policy where people have to post at least 3 comments before we give them an account?


admin's picture

why stop at two?

"what the place needed most was two new forum topics introducing alcoholic newbies who don't answer questions."
laughing out loud laughing out loud
Well if you are that alcoholic newbie who is an Eddie Murphy fan with a new-found tendency towards winter patriotism, out on a week long bender, contemplating the most strategic answers to the questions posed, you might be quite disturbed to find your access revoked and your introductory post deleted, now you'd have to start the process all over again...


McJ's picture

just about right

Na, I'd say you got it just about right. I'm wondering what the hell the point was of her posting. Maybe just fishing to see what the response would be. Or maybe we're just so far out in cyberspace we got assigned one of the lowest level trainees just getting her feet wet-not too bright with a real poor grasp of the culture/language. I mean - "I'm a fan of 24h" - great - that will go down well here Puzzled. And then it could be just too much of the whiskey and that Russian vodka.

"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson

admin's picture

my guess

is that it's some kind of automated system being developed to post things (whether their goal is political propaganda or marketing/ spam) and the Internet is their laboratory.

are you gonna delete the threads?

or should we keep them around for grins?


ha ha ha, it gave us something new to talk about!

newjesustimes's picture

Either way

I would have deleted them but for your funny post about what this site needs is 2 new forum topics introducing alcoholic newbies. Made me laugh so that's always nice to keep around. But if you want me to dump them, I will.

And there's plenty to talk about but where does it get us... the wars drag on and most people barely notice or care, they've become used to perpetual war and used to ignoring the enormous drag it's having on their economy. i feel like debbie downer now... sad puzzled smiling Cool looking forward to the next article by whoever's got the gumption to write it.
