Middle East Forum

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Middle Eastern Maps
12 12 13 years 23 weeks ago
by McJ
1 1 13 years 23 weeks ago
by McJ
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Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - Anstruther Mackay (As originally published in The Atlantic Monthly July 1920) 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
Zionism And Its Impact - Ann M Lesch 0 15 years 25 weeks ago
by McJ
Zeev Maoz - The Building Blocks of Israel's National Security Policy 0 15 years 20 weeks ago
by littlehorn
World Court Advisory Opinion Summary - Condemning Israel's Wall 0 15 years 26 weeks ago
by littlehorn
Water: The strategic resource in the Middle East - by Jason Godesky 0 15 years 16 weeks ago
by McJ
Water and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process - by Mike Ammons 0 15 years 16 weeks ago
by McJ
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields - Michel Chossudovsky 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
Those People in Gaza: Where Do They Come From, And Why Are They So Mad? - from Lawrence of Cyberia 2 15 years 25 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 25 weeks ago
by McJ
The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil - Michel Chossudovsky 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
The Red/Dead 'Peace' Canal 0 15 years 16 weeks ago
by McJ
The plot against Gaza - Jonathan Cook 2 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
The New Map Of Asia - Herbert Adams Gibbons (1919) - Excerpted from Chapter XI, "Palestine and the Zionists" 2 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
The Myths of Zionism - John Rose 1 15 years 24 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 23 weeks ago
by littlehorn
The King-Crane Commission - Report of [the] American section of Inter-allied Commission of mandates in Turkey - August 28, 1919 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
The Israeli War on the Gaza Strip: "The Birth Pangs of a New Palestine/Middle East” - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy - John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt 0 15 years 26 weeks ago
by McJ
The Irresponsibility of Thomas Friedman - Jerome Slater 1 15 years 26 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 26 weeks ago
by littlehorn
The Haifa-Kirkuk Pipeline - from Xymphora Blogspot 0 15 years 16 weeks ago
by McJ
The Great Zionist Coverup - Edwin M. Wright 10 15 years 24 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 23 weeks ago
by littlehorn
The Gaza Bombshell - David Rose 3 15 years 26 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 26 weeks ago
by littlehorn
The Camp David II Negotiations: How Dennis Ross Proved the Palestinians Aborted the Peace Process - Norman G. Finkelstein 1 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
15 years 26 weeks ago
by littlehorn
Sheldon Richman - "Ancient History" 1 15 years 26 weeks ago
by littlehorn
14 years 45 weeks ago
by Anonymous (not verified)
Shebaa Farms Belongs to Lebanon - Michael Hess 0 15 years 27 weeks ago
by McJ
Open Thread: Reports and Notes on Libya 72 13 years 22 weeks ago
by McJ
13 years 12 weeks ago
by james
List of the murdered and injured aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla 7 14 years 6 weeks ago
by McJ
13 years 46 weeks ago
by ventagiongono (not verified)
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