Dr Marcus Papadopoulos gives very concise and accurate answers to questions posed to him by a BBC presenter who does not interrupt him or contradict him. Truly, a piece of informative television. At the same time, it is truly puzzling because it is so out of character for the BBC to present such an opposing view (the truth) to their otherwise constant war propaganda (blatant lies). Something seems to be very wrong here.
This interview was aired a few days ago but it came to mind after hearing about RT's London studios being told their bank accounts were being closed by NatWest Bank, a subsidiary of RBS which is partially owned by the British Government. Are these events connected? First you have the BBC, of all people, imitating RT and then RT is faced with possible closure. Are the BBC governors trying to present the BBC as 'balanced' so that RT's closure is not seen as an irreplaceable loss? And why does the British Government need to close down RT now? What's coming?
At the Duran, Alexander Mercouris has written about the US capitulating over the battle for Aleppo, U.S. pleads with Russia for ‘mercy’, gives up on Aleppo and admits Syrians will win". It is a very good article indeed but there is, again, something wrong with this capitulation. We're dealing with psychopaths here and psychopaths are incapable of capitulating while there is any freedom to move. They are driven. They have to be totally defeated, tied down, chained down before they stop. A 'wooden stake through the heart' comes to mind!
"Press conferences by John Kerry and Boris Johnson following Western foreign ministers' meeting in London confirms military options to save Jihadi fighters have been abandoned and that the Western powers have accepted that the Syrian government with Russian support will recapture eastern Aleppo".
So after I read Mercouris' excellent round-up, I was left wondering what underhanded surprise they are now putting in place. Something they would need to shut down RT for?
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