These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. ~~~ Thomas Paine, 1776

Telling It How It Is - Updated

What an inspiration!

From Kenny's Sideshow
The Greatest Speech by a Western Statesman This Century?

"32 year old Belgiam MP Laurent Louis's speech/video in the Belgian Parliament has been widely passed around but has not been seen by the tens of millions that need to hear these truths.

This courageous man makes the stooges and weasels in our Congress look to be exactly what they are...traitors."

(click the "captions" icon on the lower bar of the video screen if the subtitles don't appear)

The surreality that MP Laurent Louis addresses in his speech

From two years ago-
"Libya is surrounded by countries populated by Muslims. Libya will become the new Afghanistan. It will be used to de-stabilise all the countries surrounding it"

The Grand Plan and the creation of the new "Enemy to World Peace"

Driving (Muslim) country after country back into history and yet destroying that history and Islamic culture along the way leaving only the perception of "Islam=Violence" for the public in the West. In generations to come, will the world only know Judaic culture and history?

Priceless Timbuktu records and shrines put to the torch

Sandy Hook Inconsistencies. Or "What's Wrong With These Pictures?"

This first video comes via Penny For Your Thoughts and originally from a comment left there by the ever sharp Gallier2

This second video of parents of another child allegedly killed comes from a comment left by A13 at APea's Twelfth Bough" blog post "Missing"

Both videos show facial expressions of grief but without tears. There are lots of other inconsistencies if you look carefully. One tip is to watch without sound.

Speaking of inconsistencies, here are links to two articles found at SOTT by McJ listing some of the many
inconsistencies that have been reported.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control

Sandy Hook massacre: Evidence of official foreknowledge?

The two blog posts mentioned above, Penny's and APea's , are well worth reading for a fuller picture and thought provoking comment; particularly on the pictures that are missing and not just wrong.

So, is it important to work out what exactly is going on or is it simply enough to know that what we are being told is not the truth and what does this mean?


Here's another excellent link. This one provided by Kenny.
From Willyloman-
Wag the Dog As World View: How PR Guys and Thespians “Contribute” To Society

Also from Kenny, some excellent background info-
The Strategy of Tension

Roger Waters on Palestine

Here is a video of Roger Waters (of 'Pink Floyd' and 'The Wall' fame) addressing the UN General Assembly on the day of the vote for Palestine's 'observer status' at the UN.
I found it at Richard Edmonson's excellent blog, Leftwing-Christian

From Richard's post-
"A very powerful speech given by Roger Waters before the UN General Assembly last Thursday, on the day the statehood vote took place. The speech touches on a number of issues—the death of Rachel Corrie, the repeated violations of UN resolutions by Israel, the ongoing denial of the Palestinian people's inalienable rights and the shameful failure by the UN and its member nations to act to stop it. Perhaps most importantly of all, he calls for democratization of the UN. Roger Waters is truly an artist with a conscience. His speech was given on behalf of the Russel Tribunal.

What Are We Waiting For?

From the introduction to a video of Keith Harmon Snow talking at a TED conference -

"Sharing insightful personal experiences and stunning photographs from near and far, Harmon Snow explores a few pressing questions about consciousness, life purpose and the personal and societal changes that are required from all of us in service to building a better world.

A former aerospace & defense professional who later worked as a genocide investigator for the United Nations, Keith is a local small farmer from Williamsburg, Massachusetts, USA, a war correspondent and photographer. He was the 2009 Regent's Lecturer in Law and Society at the University of California Santa Barbara. He has worked in 44 countries, he is 'persona non grata' in Rwanda and Ethiopia, and he is also banned (for life) from Hampshire, Smith and Mt. Holyoke Colleges in Western Massachusetts. A facilitator of consciousness workshops, he describes himself as "... a spiritual seeker learning to breathe and feel fine while preparing for the end of the world as we know it."

Distraction 101: Why Are The Prog-Blogs Silent On Gaza? Because That Is Their Job!

In my view, the reason why "leading" "progressive" blogs are silent about the Israeli assault on Gaza is because "that is their job. Their main purpose is to capture and nullify any potential opposition."

You can read the rest here, and I welcome your comments.

What Are They Afraid Of? Values Whose Time Has Come

The newest post on my main blog says, in part:

Former Congressperson Cynthia McKinney could tell us something about political persecution. She was run out of office for asking all the wrong questions, and for failing to toe the correct lines. But she keeps asking the wrong questions and stepping on those lines all the same.

You can read the whole thing here and I welcome your comments below.

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