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Trading Oil For Gold and Leaving $US Out In The Cold

Below is a very instructive article first published in Russian by Dmitry Kalinichenko. This translated version by Kristina Rus was found at Fort Russ. I have copied it below in full but I urge readers to follow the link to Fort Russ to read this and other excellent articles.

Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap

by Dmitry Kalinichenko for Investcafe.ru

Accusations of the West towards Putin traditionally are based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody ever accused Putin of lack of intelligence.

Any accusations against this man only emphasize his ability for quick analytical thinking and making clear and balanced political and economic decisions.

Often Western media compares this ability with the ability of a grandmaster, conducting a public chess simul. Recent developments in US economy and the West in general allow us to conclude that in this part of the assessment of Putin's personality Western media is absolutely right.

Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin's trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes.

What is the truly tragic predicament of the West and the United States, in which they find themselves? And why all the Western media and leading Western economists are silent about this, as a well guarded military secret? Let's try to understand the essence of current economic events, in the context of the economy, setting aside the factors of morality, ethics and geopolitics.

The Two Wars In Ukraine

There are two wars being waged in Ukraine. One is by the Kiev Junta Forces (KJF) against the citizens of the Donbas in an effort to drive them out of their home and to kill and terrorize those that remain. This is, of course, one big war crime. The second war is being waged by the Novorossian Armed Forces (NAF) against the invading KJF and their masters in Kiev.

The purpose of Kiev junta's war is to gain (or regain) control of physical territory and resources. That is what is important to psychopaths. Behind the oligarchs in control of Kiev are the bankers of London and New York who control NATO and their member governments. Their big picture aim is to cripple the Russian economy so it doesn't outshine the dying economies of the West and to eventually bring about regime change in Moscow.

The NAF are fighting to completely eliminate the Ukrainian military and the fascist volunteer forces as viable forces that can be used by the junta against all the people of Ukraine.

(picture source) . . . Come on Porky. Just a bit closer . . . .

They aim to bring about freedom for the Novorossians and the chance for the rest of Ukraine to bring about a regime change of their own. This will suit the Russian government in its overall aim of eliminating the bankers from any power over the BRICS nations and eventually eliminate them from any power in the world.

So right now the junta are shelling the population of Novorossia to gain territory and the NAF are setting about systematically killing the KJF. The NAF are much less interested in controlling territory in the short term. They are focused on destroying the KJF and the best place to do that is in the Donbas on their own territory where supply lines are short, where they have the support of the people and where they know the territory intimately. It also frames their war as defensive and not aggressive.

Ukrainian Forces May Be Turning Their Weapons Against The Kiev Government

The chickens are coming home to roost. So much so that pretty soon the 'government' of Kiev is going to be covered in chicken shit.
Psychopaths in power always bring two major problems with them - wholesale thieving and incompetence on a grand scale. These problems are on display in the following video.

Will we see a civil war in the west of Ukraine? Whatever it is called it will be a shit fight and who will NATO arm and support? Porky, Yats and friends are no doubt getting the engines warmed up now ready to 'do a Saigon'. I think it will be even too chaotic for the bankers' and NATO's purposes with no banker tools left in situ to receive and distribute the loot ... er ...loans, I mean.


International peacekeeping force, any one?

H/T Erebus from the comments at The Kremlin Stooge. (Lots of good writing, comments, up to date info and links there)

Alexander Zakharchenko

This video shows captured Kiev soldiers. Alexander Zakharchenko (Prime Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic) begins to speak to them at 4:00 mark. Well worth watching.


UKRAINE – What Just Happened? (Updated)

(Update at the foot of the article)
This last week has seen a dramatic turnaround in the fortunes of the Novorossian Armed Forces (NAF); from barely holding on, to turning the tables on the forces of the Kiev junta regime. The NAF has from the beginning imposed heavy losses on the Kiev forces, often in the order of 10 to 1, but they were unable to hold many strategic areas as they were greatly outnumbered and did not have the heavy equipment needed to sustain heavy attacks. So what happened?

It wasn't luck or happen-stance that led to this turnaround. It was planned from the beginning. Well, almost the beginning. After the Crimean vote for independence and then decision to join the Russian Federation, the oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv also proposed referendums. Russian President, Vladimir Putin, advised these oblasts to postpone their referendums. Kharkiv agreed but Dontesk and Luhansk proceded with their referendums calling on increased independence from Kiev. The votes were over 90% in favour of independence in the form of a federation, at least, if not more.

Kiev then decided that the smartest thing to do was to wage war on the citizens of the eastern oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk to win their hearts and minds back to their illegally imposed masters in Kiev. This piece of genius from the Kiev fascists sparked an armed defence from the citizens against the shelling of their towns and cities.

A retired Russian colonel, Igor Strelkov, appeared amongst the eastern Ukrainians (henceforth called Novorossians) and organised them into a citizens militia and led them brilliantly against the fascist Kiev junta forces.

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