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"US Empire Collapsing: over-stretched, over-militarized"

This is the title of a short video clip taken from a longer RT show called "Worlds Apart". This episode features peace studies academic and researcher Dr Jan Oberg.


The full show (29 mins) can be seen below. From the RT video channel-

"Swedish and Finnish leaders have reinvigorated a push for their traditionally non-aligned countries to join NATO, in the face of what they say is a Russian threat. But does Russia really pose a threat to European security, or has it become a convenient scapegoat for growing militarism in Europe? How can Russia and the western world end the conflict in Ukraine, and rebuild peace by peace? Oksana is joined by the founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Dr Jan Oberg, to examine these issues."


NATO 'Falling Forward' On The Sword That Is Ukraine

NATO is Destroying Itself

It is often said that while Russia plays chess, the US plays checkers. In checkers, or English Draughts, the players cannot move backwards. All pieces must move forwards (diagonally – zigzagging) and cannot move backwards until they reach the opponents end of the board. And so it is with the psychopaths running NATO, the British and US governments and the people behind them all; the bankers.

We have today what amounts to a declaration of war from Petro Poroshenko in his Inauguration Speech. After leading Vladimir Putin to believe he was interested in negotiating (i.e. moving backwards or, at least, standing still), he turned around and announced it would be 'forward into the Valley of Death'. Business as usual, in other words, for the psychopaths.

This is not unexpected because it is, indeed, business as usual. The bankers have been pushing this 'forward only' strategy since forever. There is one exception, some might say, to this; Syria. But it is not really an exception at all.

The US Game of 'Sanctions & Isolation' in the Hall of Mirrors

A few days ago, Pepe Escobar published a scathing piece at RT on Obama's $1b splash over Europe. I'll quote from it extensively-

. . . . “Stupid s**t though, doesn’t even begin to describe Obama’s first act after announcing the doctrine last week at West Point. For those who don’t get the message, one picture is enough to tell the whole story; Obama and the Polish president in front of an F-16 exhibition at a military airport near Warsaw.

(Straighten up and fly right, grunts) Ed.

Stupid s**t also irretrievably takes a backseat to serious s**t during Obama’s current European tour. We just need to examine what’s in store at the selected pit stops.
First is Warsaw – whose nervous poodle, US vassal government is absolutely hysterical over an imminent Russian “threat.” Then it’s the G7 in Brussels – the “ex-G8,” from which Russia was expelled by the self-proclaimed “great powers.” One of the items in the agenda is the possibility of slapping even more sanctions over Moscow’s “threat” to the Ukraine.
And then there are the ceremonies over the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. It was the Soviet Union that essentially defeated Nazi Germany; the “West” only finished the job. Stalin’s generals should have easily entered Berlin; they didn’t because Stalin was afraid of ruffling Allied feathers at Yalta (and then the whole post-war scenario would have been a completely different story).
Check it out: the whole, fascinating process becomes quite visible by mixing Vojtech Mastny’s “Russia’s Road to the Cold War. Diplomacy, Warfare and the Politics of Communism, 1941-1945,” with Vladislav Zubok’s and Constantine Pleshakov’s “Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War.”
Now a serious World War II event like the Normandy landings has been marred by – what else – stupid s**t.
Because Barack the First simply cannot be in the same room with Vladimir Putin – as he would have no teleprompter to guide him – French President Francois Hollande must host two dinners in a row on Thursday. This was essentially leaked to American media by one of Obama’s foreign policy advisers, the astounding mediocrity Ben Rhodes.
And the most startling absurdity is that all this is taking place with the background of a Kiev-conducted, Washington-enabled “anti-terrorist operation” – for instance in Lugansk – where civilian “collateral damage” is being framed as the culprit. Neo-Nazis are positively gloating – in their graves or in their contemporary balaclavas. “

Crazy stuff, no?

A Little History On The Purveyors Of Death

Two offerings from the net looking into the history of death squads deployed around the world and their sponsors, the ultimate purveyors of death, the international anglo/zionist regime.

The first is a net interview with Dan Welch (h/t McJ). I first saw him on an RT Crosstalk show and was struck by his logic, his grasp of historical facts and how to use them. He also has an engaging manner that communicates the absurdity of the talk of the psychopaths in power and those that carry water for them.

Dan clearly identifies the perps in power as psychopaths. He talks about the genesis of the death squads in Latin America and how they were trained by the US at places like The School of the Americas. He points out that Al Qaeda and affiliated jihadist groups in Syria and elsewhere are in fact the continuation of the death squads trained by the US and deployed in Latin and South America in decades gone by. Same same in every way.

One point especially pleased me, I must say. I have been saying for some time that the factor that stopped the military bombardment of Syria was the Russian Navy's downing of the two missiles fired at Damascus by the US Navy. Dan Welch makes a point of this and is the only media commentator that I have come across who calls it and emphasises the point that the only thing these psychopaths respond to is a credible military deterent. All the nonsense about Obama being reasonable or facing a potential revolt from Congress etc is just that; nonsense. Psychopaths cannot be reasoned with. There is no conscience, no compassion and no ultruism there to appeal to. They only know what they want and only think about how to get it.

It is an excellent interview. It links a lot of things together historically and covers a lot of ground including that the US will fail in Ukraine whether it takes 6 months or 6 years. He also maintains that the US already knows this but is now intent on causing as much harm and destruction as it can (Plan B) just as it is doing in Syria.

Ukraine: it's a Gas, Gas, Gas

Below is a short video from RT's Katie Pilbeam talking about Ukraine's non-payment of its gas bill and the twists and turns going on and the likely twists to come.

It is appropriately named, "The Check's In The Mail" and with all that implies!


Ukraine, at the very last minute, says the cheque's in the mail. Russia says the money hasn't arrived and the Ukrainians tell the Europeans that the money was sent to New York but will arrive in due course.

What's wrong with this picture? As the RT title for the piece implies, the Ukrainians are telling lies. We know they are liars and thieves. We also know the New York bankers are liars and thieves. You'll remember that the first thing to happen after the junta seized power was to fly Ukraine's central bank's gold out of the country to New York. Then Ukraines foreign currency reserves disappeared. Then Ukraine immediately stopped paying anything for their gas from Russia. But I'm sure the (illegal) Ukrainian govt was still charging and collecting for the gas they were supplying to Ukrainian citizens and businesses. Why doesn't somebody ask, "Where has that revenue gone to?" To New York? Very likely in my view.

So what's going on with this 'cheques in the mail' bullshit?

Our Psychopathic Rulers

Below is an extremely good article on psychopaths in government and the military. The author makes many sharp observations regarding psychopaths which we would do well to remember. Here is an example-

"Psychopaths are in love with power and risk taking, masters of manipulation, self-serving opportunism and self-aggrandizement, and hold doctorates in deceit and deception. Psychopaths are super intelligent charmers who are highly skilled at playing others in order to get what they want. They are keenly perceptive at reading people, understanding their motives and values, brilliant at learning their weaknesses and blind spots, and highly effective at inducing both sympathy and guilt in others."

All this is true although I would question his use of the term "super intelligent". They may appear so but they are not super intelligent. Psychopaths as a group exhibit the same range of intelligence as the wider public. If anything, they are a little below the average. However, they do think differently from the rest of us and that puts us at a distinct disadvantage.

Their ability to outmanoeuver us comes from a lack of something in them rather than the addition of something. They lack a conscience and therefore are uninhibited in doing harm to others. They have no empathy for others and cannot experience the emotions we would normally associate with being human. Psychopaths are accutely aware of this lack within themselves though they do not perceive it as a loss, as such. But they do know that they have to hide this lack from others. They do this by learning at a very early age to observe and mimic normal people in their emotional reactions. This course of study of normal people makes them keen observers of human behaviour and accutely aware of how to manipulate others. They become masters of manipulation through this compensatory behaviour to survive and then to thrive.

It is much like a deaf person who learns to become more attentive with their vision to pick up on the emotional cues that are normally perceived through hearing but unavailable to them as a deaf person. I do not in any way want to equate a deaf person with a psychopath but rather to demonstrate how a compensatory skill develops. It comes through necessity and practise and not intelligence pre se.

So with that one proviso, I highly recommend this article by Joachim Hagopian. It was first published by GlobalResearch and pick up by Signs of the Times from whence I borrowed the graphic above.

(There are many links to references in the text to be found at the original publication site at GlobalResearch linked immediately above)

“Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World
A Case Study of Obama and Petraeus

By Joachim Hagopian
Global Research, May 24, 2014

Psychopaths dominate the halls of power in both the United States and throughout the world. The current economic, political, military and legal system breeds psychopaths, rewarding psychopathic behavior and punishing those with conscience and integrity. Psychopaths will naturally be drawn to and converge at the apex of the power pyramid as much from their own drive for ambitious power as the hierarchical system that both requires and reinforces those who can comfortably operate without conscience, guilt or any genuine level of empathy toward others.

Psychopaths are in love with power and risk taking, masters of manipulation, self-serving opportunism and self-aggrandizement, and hold doctorates in deceit and deception. Psychopaths are super intelligent charmers who are highly skilled at playing others in order to get what they want. They are keenly perceptive at reading people, understanding their motives and values, brilliant at learning their weaknesses and blind spots, and highly effective at inducing both sympathy and guilt in others.

Instinctively knowing what others want to hear, psychopaths are gifted at winning over others, making them feel special and wanted. They are adept at making positive and lasting first impressions and initially demonstrating that they appear to be caring and considerate, but only on the most superficial, disingenuous level. Their innately keen intelligence, social charisma and charm, extroverted energies, over-the-top confidence are all weapons they utilize in their powerful arsenal to win over, defeat and control others, especially to win over those imbued with power and position that they yearn for themselves.

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