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Been very sick this weekend.

American Everyman - Mon, 02/13/2017 - 06:56

by Scott Creighton

Hi everybody. I’ve been sick all weekend. Got some flu bug from my mother Sat. morning. Haven’t eaten since Fri. Slept about 2 hours since Sat. Combine that with me not being therapeutic with my INR and all the ramifications of that and it’s a pretty unpleasant time in the AE household.

You know, I wonder if people understand the purpose behind this reactionary austerity measure of Obama’s attack on the disabled in 2013. Few write about it. Hell, no one writes about it. I wouldn’t if I wasn’t one of its many victims. And that’s what happens every time. Because people just don’t give a shit about the disabled. (this is a depressing post written by someone in a bad situation so if you don’t wish to continue reading, I certainly understand)

In ’81 when Reagan did the same thing, eventually it got some coverage and exposure and in ’84 it was halted and a new piece of legislation was put in place to keep future reactionary fascists from targeting the weakest and most defenseless in our society.

But Obama and the “moderates” got around that, they took a percentage from the 6% SS withholding tax in 2010 so by 2013 they could claim there was a “crisis” in SS which of course allowed them all the cover they needed to pump an additional 1.4 billion annually into the program that “reviews” the disability status of the disabled and then kicks them off the program. In many cases, like mine, wrongly and deceitfully.

You know what’s funny? Someone who was actually faking a disability wont be harmed by this move. That’s the funny thing. They’ll just find a job and go to work, as if they weren’t already working off the books in the first place.

The ONLY ones who will be harmed by this policy, and it was the same in ’81, will be the truly disabled. They wont be able to work and no body would hire them even if they could, for a while, because the company’s insurance provided wont allow them to be hired.

It’s a horrible little way to die, you know? You watch your life fall apart piece by piece. Family relationships are strained, your credit hits the toilet, homelessness, madness, depression, arrest, incarceration… that’s what happens when you can’t work and you cant get health care.

Funny thing is, in this great country of ours, this weekend at least once, some self-satisfied snobbish fake leftie was marching to some protest somewhere to scream and yell to keep some criminal in this country who is here illegally and working for 5 bucks an hour under the table, and he walked by some disabled American citizen sitting on the sidewalk with his hand out and that self-absorbed fake leftist sneered down at him and told he would be just fine if he had just a little of the gumption of all these illegal immigrants.

That happened. No doubt in my mind.

People don’t give a shit about the truly disabled. In fact, since that phony “crisis” they manufactured, my bet is, a lot of people secretly applaud the decision to let us die in the streets. That way SS is “saved” for when THEY retire… right? Something about war-time triage and cutting off the dead flesh. Yeah, of course the right-wingers and the Randians will openly admit to this, but I’m talking about the fake left, the one’s who wear their hearts on their sleeves and pretend they stand up for the weakest of our country.

They don’t. They stand up for cheap labor and yelling at congress members at town hall meetings because THEY’RE scared THEY might lose THEIR healthcare.. like us poor miserable disabled folks.

Hell, I understand that. It’s a horrible thing to be excluded from any kind of medical care due to circumstances beyond your control. Actually, it fucking sucks. Especially when you paid for SSDI for 30+ years just in case something unforeseen happened.

But don’t expect the left to start running around demanding an accounting of how many truly disabled people have been cast aside, made homeless, destroyed bit by bit and then died on the side of the road someplace. Don’t expect them to give a shit about that. Because ObamaGod of the Left Cover did it.

And don’t expect the Trumpers to give a shit either. They are fine with the whole process. Disability for them is nothing more than an entitlement a bunch of frauds take advantage of to bring down our Shining City on the Hill. Until they get sick. Until they need it. Then it’s different.

It’s been a bad weekend and I’ve been left stewing in my heart all night long thinking thoughts reasonable people should never think. I can’t sit here for too long and this is already longer than I thought it would/should be.

The people in this country don’t give a shit about the disabled. They’re broken so why bother with them? What can they contribute anyway?

I hope sometime soon someone with more resources and ability starts to look more closely into the tens of thousands of people kicked off disability since 2013. I hope someone comes to the conclusion that it’s not about getting frauds off the system as much as it is about getting rid of the damaged and dying.

I gotta sleep. Trolls go ahead and have your field day.


Torture Is a European Problem Too

myantiwar - Wed, 01/21/2015 - 03:00
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