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Headlines from: AlterNet: War on Iraq,, original, Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII), Chomsky's ZNet Blog,, Common Dreams, Dahr Jamail, Democracy Now, Electronic Intifada, Electronic Iraq, Indymedia UK, Jyoti Mishra, Media Lens, Media Workers Against War, picks, Robert Fisk, SchNEWS, The NewStandard: Iraq,, War in Iraq - Analysis, World Crisis Web, ZNet
Updated: 9 years 14 weeks ago

When the Ayatollah Said No to Nukes

Sun, 10/26/2014 - 02:00
Summary: When the Ayatollah Said No to Nukes In an exclusive interview, a top Iranian official says that Khomeini personally stopped him from building Iran’s WMD program. source: Foreign Policyread more

The Malala The Bourgeois Media Doesn?t Want You To Hear

Sat, 10/25/2014 - 02:00
In March 2013, Malala sent a message to the 32nd congress of Pakistani Marxists (the biggest of such meetings in the country?s history). Her statement read: “First of all I?d like to thank The Struggle and the IMT [International Marxist Tendency] for giving me a chance to speak last year at their Summer Marxist School […]