These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. ~~~ Thomas Paine, 1776

On The Trail Of The [Cutouts] Who [Set Up] The 9/11 [Patsies]

I'm currently working on a series about 9/11. The first 4 parts are posted on my "main blog" at these links:

Part 1: 28 Pages
Part 2: No Vortex
Part 3: The Lawsuit
Part 4: The Cutouts

I will inform you as further installments become available. As always, your comments are welcome below.

Nullifying The NSA

James Corbett has put together an extremely good show for his latest "Corbett Report". It's the best news I've heard in a long time.

He interviews people who are advancing the tactic or process of "nullification". What is nullification, you ask? I'll let James Corbett explain it-

James provides links to guests on his show and to websites he mentions at his website-

One of the segments in the report features Tom Woods from a video he has put up in youtube. It is well worth watching in full.

For more information, visit OffNow.Org

Seymour The Janitor

This post is perhaps best seen as an adjunct to WP's revealing article, Big Surprise: US Intel Knew Syrian Rebels Could Produce Sarin; Obama Lied About It Trying To Justify Another War

In writing his article, “Whose Sarin?”, Seymour Hersh is explaining to his audience what happened (and what didn't happen) in Syria and why Obama behaved as he did. He also provides us with the titilating revelation of the National Reconnaissance Office having sensors in Syria that can supposedly detect chemical weapon (CW) activity.

But the first question we need to ask ourselves is “Who is Hersh's audience?”

Big Surprise: US Intel Knew Syrian Rebels Could Produce Sarin; Obama Lied About It Trying To Justify Another War

Does any of this surprise you? No matter how you answered, your comments are welcome below.

A Five-Legged Stool And A Potato Of Milk

I've just posted a piece about a couple of civics lessons that my wife and I have learned from our children. Seemingly trivial stuff, but surprisingly relevant. You can read it at my main blog if you wish, and your comments are welcome below.

Multiple Blogs Rolling

I am happy to report that in the past month or so, I have been healthy enough to get multiple blogs rolling simultaneously.

You can read all the details at my "main" blog, and, as always, your comments are welcome below.

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