Below (after the jump) is an excellent article by Michael Colhaze about his life in Ukraine mixed with a telling of past history and contemporary events concerning Ukraine and Russia and their common enemy. Indeed, their enemy is the enemy of the whole world. Michael Colhaze identifies this enemy as "the gnomes". "Gnomes" refers to the 'Gnomes of Zurich'. This was a derogatory name for a group of Swiss bankers.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) also resides in Switzerland; Basel to be precise and this bank lords it over all bankers everywhere including Zurich of course. The BIS is owned by what used to be known as Merchant Bankers and who were/are, incidentily (and unsurprisingly), mostly of jewish origin with names like Rothschild, Worms and Lazard amongst others.
This jewish connection is relevent given the long history between jews and many millions of starved and massacred Russians and Ukrainians. It is also noteworthy that Victoria Nuland, the American Assistant State Secretary, is jewish as is the man she appointed to head the illegal installed government of Ukraine, Arseny Yatsenyuk. Yatsenyuk is also a banker in his spare time.
The original article can be found at his blog LUX I recommend you visit his site and read more there.
Grand Chess & Great Flops by Michael Colhaze
Materialists and Madmen never have Doubts If you wonder how the above birds could fit into the heading of this piece, and I told you it’s because of Global Strategies as I understand them, you might even go so far and lift an eyebrow in consternation. Thus permit me to commence with the fowl and move on from there. The birds are healthy and happy geese who, among other denizens, populated Joyful, a small village somewhere in the vast expanses of Eastern Ukraine. I know this because I have lived there myself for two healthy and happy years, together with my lovely young wife, our daughter and our dog. The village is mostly a long road bordered by We were growing our own vegetables and received twice a month organic foodstuff from a retailer in Kiev. Our garden had a few fruit trees, among them a mighty Greek nut and an even larger apricot, and both produced more bounty than we could handle. The village is peaceful and on the whole very safe, with troves of kids playing Wages are pitifully low and nearly everyone tries to earn something by the side. Once, while visiting Odessa’s magnificently restored Opera House to enjoy a lovely and strictly traditional Tosca, an acquaintance told us that the First Baritone worked during the day as a taxi driver and upon demand entertained his clients with an ear-splitting aria. Bribes are a part of life, particularly when dealing with an often ponderous officialdom. This can be sometimes awkward, but after a while you twig the game and manage to play along. Where big government is concerned, the habit appears to be more manifest With the time, and how could it be otherwise, I learned more about my host country and its people. And realized to my surprise that there exists a deep divide that separates East and West. One that manifests itself, to begin with, in two different languages. Inhabitants of the huge eastern Donetsk basin speak Russian, whereas in Kiev and The languages apart, there prevails an emotive separation that is even more significant. It has its genesis to a large part in Stalin’s collectivization orders, a catastrophe diligently enforced by his NKVD lynchpins Genrikh Yagoda, Leonid Reichman and Lazar Moisevich Kaganovich, a gang of human monsters and their willing executioners who efficiently managed to murder whole population strata in cold blood: independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, priests, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labour movement activists, ‘opposition supporters’ who were As to the latter, the terrible tragedy is remembered as Holodomor, a time when the people of Joyful, at least those who could not escape beforehand, were ordered at gunpoint by NKVD thugs to surrender their winter provisions and, in due course, first saw their children die of hunger and then died themselves. Historical accuracy was hard to come by in those years, and many Ukrainian survivors blamed the crimes on the Soviet government, a sinister and lethal creature impossible to fathom, but generally believed to be Russian. A misconception entirely, because the ethnic Russians themselves suffered even more from their Georgian tyrant and his Jewish henchmen. Yet what it effected was an escalation of the tragedy, if that could be possible. Because there arrived a day when Hitler set out to take with the fist what is refused to amicable methods, an intention long since heralded in Mein Kampf. Land can be only obtained at the expense of Russia, and this means that the new Reich must again set itself on the march along the road of the Teutonic Knights of old, to obtain by the German sword soil for the German plough and so daily bread for the nation. The nation in question was of course exclusively meant to be Germany, a simple fact not understood by most of those Ukrainians who only recently had escaped Stalin’s collectivization terror. Thus when Hitler’s armies invaded Galicia and other parts of western Ukraine, they were greeted as a welcome liberators. Young men flocked en masse to the Führer’s heathen banners, military units were created, complete with uniform and insignias, and all wanted eagerly to go east and exact revenge. Yet what came to pass was an even worse carnage that ended in utter defeat at Stalingrad, and those who got caught alive paid dearly for their treason. Memories of the gruesome era have been diligently kept alive, and the profound differences, ethnic and ideological, were only thinly camouflaged during the following decades of communist rule. When Boris Yeltzin and his oligarchs broke up the USSR and arbitrarily created present-day Ukraine, a majority of parliamentarians refused to install Russian as the country’s second official language, even though it was spoken by millions of citizens in the large southern and eastern provinces. This downright discrimination only ended when Victor Yanukovich won the elections in 2011. While living in Joyful, I asked myself often who owned the enormous expanses of arable land that unfold beyond the local peasants’ paltry acres. You can drive for hours on end along endless fields of wheat or maize, and only sometimes see a small village, often destitute and clearly not related to the substantial riches which the country’s fertile soil must necessarily yield. Until the head of our local kindergarten, a diligent and warm-hearted lady who earned about one hundred dollars a month, told me that all was owned by foreign companies who changed their legal trappings every year to avoid paying taxes. Sounds familiar, you may say, and I agree. Looking back, the Soros financed Orange Revolution is a first indication of the strategic struggle that culminated in the havoc recently unleashed on Kiev’s Maidan Square. As to the principal players, they were always clearly defined. On one side are the eighty five gnomes or so who own about as much as the rest of the entire world population. They own the USA, they own most of Europe, they own large chunks of Central and South America, they own the goldmines of Mali, they own most of NATO, they might even own me. If you find this hard to believe, just check the following numbers. The Finance Group Goldman Sachs manages assets totaling $ 11,5 billion and derivatives amounting to 42 billion. Bank of America manages assets totaling 1.4 billion and derivatives to the amount of 44.4 billion dollars. Citibank manages assets of 1.3 billion and derivatives for 52 billion dollars. JP Morgan Chase manages assets As we know long since, and have been unequivocally told by one of their ringleaders, this gang of utterly ruthless and immoral banksters intends to turn the globe into an Orwellian nightmare and rule it by the power of their mammon alone. And they have made great headway already, creating poverty and destitution in southern Europe and the US, or sowing death and destruction in countries that tried to escape their stranglehold. Like Saddam’s Iraq or Gadhafi’s Libya. But since the gnomes are heartless nihilists who never understood Creation’s intrinsic design, they overlooked one fact of paramount importance, namely that God, as we say in Germany, won’t allow the trees to grow into the heavens. There exists a furtive order of things, a clandestine balance that comes at times into play, and during mankind’s convoluted history it has done so in the most unexpected moments. As it did now. Now the gnomes and their murderous associates have encountered a team of antagonists too formidable to devastate outright. One is China, a veritable giant they do not dare to tackle, for fear of getting swamped with a deluge of worthless dollars that could wash all their artificial derivatives into the gutter. The other is Russia, huge as well, but more vulnerable, because truly democratic and much dependent on exports. It too owns some 200 Billion US $ in Treasure Bonds, and if President Putin and his associates could decide to set them afloat, it would be most likely the end of the US as we know it. Seen in this light, the present Neocon scheme to pull Ukraine forcefully into the western fold reminds us strongly of Chesterton's words. As stated atop this article, its intent is to ponder global strategies as I understand them. And to avoid any misunderstanding, what follows are strictly personal and completely subjective ruminations. This said, allow me to take a look at one of the other side’s principal player. During my entire and much varied career have I never encountered a politician who could rock me off the chair. I liked Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, but in a vaguely emotional fashion and without plumbing the deeper layers of their personalities. For the rest it seems to me that the entire bunch of shifty performers who populate the political vaudeville stage have nothing but their own advance in mind, and I despise them accordingly. As a man of letters, however dilettante, can I look easily through their stale and empty talk, delivered without a grain of true feeling, including sympathy or compassion, and I find it even more disgusting. This changed when I took one day a closer look at Vladimir Putin. It happened shortly after my debut as amateur essayist for TOO, and I only remember a mainstream outlet’s venomous attack which sounded too improbable to be true. But it made me appraise the Because here was clearly a man who had offered battle to the gnomes and did so shrewdly and with iron resolve. It must have been a difficult and dangerous time when he and his friends began secretly to conspire against a bunch of powerful mega-crooks who, with their enormous tool of looted money, controlled Russia and its executive Well, they never do, do they? Rather, they are willing and able to trick an entire people out of its possessions, like Yukos and other giant state-owned enterprises, and sell it to the gnomes or become a gnome themselves. Yet in this particular case the scheme didn’t work out. Instead of consolidating their powerbases and multi-billion bank accounts, they found themselves on the run or in prison. And this thanks to a man who valued his country more than mountains of stolen gold or political influence to attain strictly personal gains. Once firmly in power, he set out on the tortuous road to heal his country and create a measure of prosperity for its people, and if you are stuck today in one of Moscow’s traffic jams amidst the many Mercedes, BMW or Audi limousines, you will agree that he has done very well so far. But it was and still is a dangerous game. Because the gnomes didn’t take it kindly when an immensely important piece of their Orwellian puzzle dropped unexpectedly under the table. They immediately regrouped and began to destabilize Russia from within and without. Lavishly funded NGO’s were established, like the Pushkin Library whose Jewish-Georgian director received his massive resources directly from George Soros. And who, after his shop had been closed down for blatant subversion, publicly called President Putin a tyrant and demanded his removal from office. Meanwhile the former Soviet republics, those set adrift by Yeltzin and his posse, were an easy game for Western emissaries with pockets full of cash. Since poverty still reigned, the prevalent fantasy of any intelligent citizen was of course an instant leap into the American Dream. Or, even better, the European one. Thus when the so-called Another element that decisively thwarted a sneaking conquest were the promised riches which stubbornly refused to materialize, particularly in the Ukraine. Europe, itself already in dire straits and deeply indebted to the gnomes, balked at accepting yet another aspirant with empty pockets. Thus Julia Timoshenko, the aforementioned premier and latter-day Messalina with long braids that keep changing their tint, could not improve the bleak conditions of most citizens who eventually believed to have lived better under Leonid Brezhnev than under her. She too depended much on Russian gas to get the country through the long and icy winters, and did not dare to risk an open rupture. And while she openly antagonized her political cronies, she did little to stem the sell-out of her country’s assets. Small wonder thus that she lost out against a Russian leaning contender in the 2011 elections, a result that must have set all the It is to be assumed that behind the stage of these particular elections the Russian president has pulled a few strings as well, simply because the situation in this most important part of the former Soviet Union must have caused him much headache. Take, for example, the Russian Black Sea fleet stationed at Sevastopol on the Krim, a He might have wished often to reclaim this part of the world and incorporate it into Russia again, simply to be on the safe side. But that would have been only possible by way of a referendum, and even though many people in the region were quite openly advocating a return to the Motherland, it could have been too risky a game. The Then came NATO’s assault on Libya, and most of the world saw it for what it was, namely a murderous and entirely unprovoked onslaught that utterly ruined Africa’s wealthiest and socially most advanced country. When the same gangsters and assassins tried a replay in Syria, Russia was better prepared. It alerted its Mediterranean fleet of It must have set the gnomes and their Neocon buddies foaming at the mouth with rage. Accordingly their next moves became increasingly erratic, to such a degree that they finally found themselves where the Russian president wanted them to be. To begin with, there was suddenly an EC admission on the table again, including the once much coveted NATO membership, with the one difference that at this point in time even the most backward hillbilly realized how Europe was falling apart at the edges. Desperate pensioners committed suicide in front of the Greek parliament, and And that was that. Which brings us to the last stage of this strange and intricate play. Propelled by the usual brazen arrogance and a near-demented overestimation of their own capacities, the gnomes resorted to what they do best, namely unleashing naked aggression. But first America did go it alone in the end, even though the country it implies is most likely something entirely different from what a genuine Yankee believes it to be. Thus among the genuine Ukrainians who protested the elected President’s decision and only hoped for a betterment of their lives, there appeared the first Neo-Nazi thugs and armed foreign mercenaries, all paid well by Nuland’s agents. They soon controlled proceedings, and finally unleashed the havoc we have seen. And while all this happened, there were a lot of people who wondered what was really going on. Why did nobody take McCain by his bovine ears and sent him packing? Why didn’t the army move in and clear Maidan Square when there was still time? Why did Russia behave so strangely mellow and disinterested? President Putin threatened to intervene with his army, it is true, but only to protect the eastern provinces. And how was it possible that the legally elected Ukrainian president behaved so hopelessly undecided and incompetent? Well, as it happened he escaped south, probably by a pre-planned route, and Kiev got itself a new government. One completely illegitimate, if not downright criminal. The IMF has tendered a first offer, to the usual murderous conditions and most likely with the usual sugar-coating for those in charge, but it seems they can’t find anybody with the proper authority to sign lasting contracts. Which is probably the reason why, and against all expectations, the new regime can’t even pay the gas bill anymore. So who played grand chess and who committed the great flops? Don’t ask me, because I don’t know. All I know is that next week there will be a referendum in the southern provinces, and if you so want, I’ll bet you ten to one to its outcome. And who can see what the future might bring. Perhaps time will tell the western Ukrainians that it has been all a false hope and a big mistake, and they remember their former compatriots and forget the past and look ahead instead and become friends for a change. |
See also Saker's great synopsis of events building up to the demise of the bankers' grand plan-
How the US dream of world supremacy was buried in Crimea
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