NATO's interpretation of their self assumed "responsibility to protect" the people of Sirte, Libya, by laying siege to them and bombing them to death.
The following is the introduction to an excellent article by Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer blog. It is an extremely informative summary of the aggression against Syria, together with some background, by the NATO countries. Our governments at work -
"Friends of Syria" summit in Istanbul seeks means of rehabilitating, rearming, & redeploying hobbled terrorist proxies. by Tony Cartalucci Editor's Note: Much of this report is based on James Corbett's recent presentation, "R2P or: How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Wars of Imperial Aggression." April 1, 2012 - Updated April 2, 2012 - Even with violence ebbing across Syria as order is restored, Kofi Annan is still attempting to peddle a "peace deal" between the Syrian government and militants - demanding Syrian troops be withdrawn from cities just recaptured from terrorist forces. And as Annan seeks a reprieve for remaining militant forces, the West is meeting in neighboring Turkey, devising a method to rearm and redeploy them in order to reignite and perpetuate the bloodshed they claim they are trying to prevent. More specifically, BBC reports in their article titled, "Syria crisis debated at Istanbul talks," that ways are being "explored" to "step up pressure on the Syrian regime and bolster the opposition." The report also makes mention of calls to arm the opposition. There is also funding being given by the West and the Arab League to literally "pay" terrorist to get back into the fight. Surely, placing pressure on a government that has just restored order across the country, while "bolstering" and arming the opposition will only trigger yet another round of bloodshed and violence. Indeed the entire premise of the "Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" doctrine follows that if a nation is incapable of providing protection for its own population, it relinquishes its sovereignty to direct intervention by the "international community." Should such a nation manage to restore order, however, the R2P doctrine along with the meddling it justifies and the window for regime change it opens no longer applies. Knowing this, and realizing the window for forcing regime change in Syria is closing, the West is actually seeking ways to perpetuate the bloodbath, not end it, until their objective of removing President Bashar al-Assad has been achieved - revealing in incredible detail the insidious nature of the so-called "humanitarian" R2P model. This includes foreign-funding to create proxy opposition movements within targeted nations, training, equipping, and funding mobs of protesters to sow unrest, providing covert military support to ensure the survival of these proxy movements, and a series of financial and economic measures, including sanctions used to poison the will of a nation's people against their government and foster division within ruling parties. Essentially, the violence that then predictably unfolds is cited as justification to intervene more overtly and ensure regime change is accomplished and a series of neo-liberal reforms instituted. |
Read the rest including many links to further reading at Land Destroyer blog - West Seeks To Perpetuate Syrian Bloodbath
Very informative article.
Very informative article. Land Destroyer has been cranking out some really good 'stuff' of late.
The veil covering the evil doings (the R2P doctrine) is falling, yet these relentless paths press on for more death, pain and destruction. It makes me think of Matt Taibi's vampire squid analogy with regard to Goldman Sachs. Although, in this case, the evil f**kers are relentlessly jamming their emotional blood funnels into any area where they can/have created chaos and destruction with all of its ensuing death, pain and emotional distress (for which they apparently have an insatiable appetite).
How do you see the election of Putin in Russia affecting events in Syria. Do you think they can/will do anything about it?
I read this article the other day. I think it is a good compliment to Land Destroyer's piece.
Kofi Annan: black skin, white masks
"Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s 20 September 1999 speech to the General Assembly outlined what has been termed the "Annan doctrine." Using his own impotence in Rwanda and Bosnia as an excuse, he argued that in both cases the States had failed in their duty to protect their own people. He therefore concluded that the sovereignty of States, guiding principle of the UN Charter, constitutes an obstacle to human rights protection. The African Union adopted this view under the name of "Responsibility to Protect;" the UN followed suit in 2005 during the World Summit responsible for the follow-up of the Millennium Summit. The Annan doctrine is nothing more than the reincarnation of the right to intervene invoked by the British to wage war against the Ottoman Empire and, more recently, updated by Bernard Kouchner. The new concept will be used explicitly for the first time in 2011 to legalize the colonial operation against Libya [4].
Kofi Annan’s landmark initiative was the Global Compact, the mobilization of civil society for a better world. On the basis of a voluntary dialogue, businesses, unions and NGOs were brought together to discuss and commit to respect human rights, labor standards and the environment.
In practice, the Global Compact did not yield the desired effect on the ground. On the contrary, it deeply distorted the nature of the UN by playing down the power of nation-states and emphasizing that of transnational corporations and of associations which are "non-governmental" only in name and which are covertly funded by the great powers. By promoting lobbies as partners of the United Nations, Kofi Annan buried the spirit of the San Francisco Charter. It is no longer a question of saving mankind from the scourge of war by recognizing the legal equality of nations large and small, but of improving the human condition by supporting the convergence between private interests.
The Global Compact is a deviation from the nearly universally accepted logic that international law serves the common good, to a logic embraced only by the Anglo-Americans for whom the common good is a chimera and good governance consists in bringing together the largest number of special interests. Ultimately, the Global Compact has had the same effect as the charity galas in the U.S.: to give oneself a good conscience by launching high-profile initiatives while condoning structural injustices.
In that sense, the terms of Kofi Annan (1997-2006) reflect the reality of the historical period, that of a unipolar world subjected to the globalization of U.S. hegemony at the expense of nation-states and the peoples that they represent.
This strategy is in line with the device set up by Washington in the 1980’s involving the National Endowment for Democracy, an agency that, contrary to its title, aims to carry forward the subversive action of the CIA by manipulating the democratic process [3]. The NED subsidizes, legally or not, employers’ organizations, labor unions and associations of all kinds. In return, the beneficiaries participate in the Global Compact, thereby bending the positions of the Nation-States which lack the means to fund their own lobbies. Peace has stopped being a concern for the UN since the unipolar world has its own policeman, the U.S.; thus the organization can concentrate instead on absorbing all forms of protest to better corroborate the global disorder and justify the progressive global expansion of U.S. hegemony."
hi McJ, good article. It
hi McJ,
good article. It shows clearly what has happened to the UN. It was set up to protect and support the sovereign territorial integrity of nation states. Why else would they join? Now as the article points out very well, this same institution is being used to undermine and destroy this same national sovereignty. But then, that is what the evil fuckers always do; reverse everything so that their actions are the opposite of their words. So who in their right mind would make an agreement with them?
"How do you see the election of Putin in Russia affecting events in Syria. Do you think they can/will do anything about it?"
The brief Georgian war established definitively, in my mind at least, that Putin is NOT part of the NWO. However, elements within Russia (and probably including Medvedev) certainly are. Hence the schizophrenic behaviour coming out of Russia in recent years while Medvedev has been responsible for foreign policy.
If I'm right, then things will change quite radically once Putin assumes power in May as President and is in control of foreign policy once again. The statement out of Russia saying it will not intervene militarily in Syria despite the treaty between them seems to me to be designed to hamstring Putin once he assumes power as President again. Why else would you make it public? It is an otherwise stupid diplomatic thing to do especially when there is no need to make such a statement and shorten your options. Unless it was designed to shorten those options. And then it would only make sense for a NATO-friendly faction to do so at the cost of a NATO-unfriendly faction and that would be Putin.
Syria is also due for elections in May so I would think NATO et. al. are consumed with creating mayhem in Syria before then and intervening with aerial bombardment. They can't afford to have Assad returned to power by popular vote.
Maybe Assad thought he'd buy time till then with his agreement to the lunatic UN proposal. Clearly it was a huge mistake, in any case, as the Syrian army was on top of the NATO trained and supported terrorists.
I remember that the US launched the Georgian war when Putin was at the Olympic Games in China. Maybe that is why he cancelled his meeting with NATO this coming May in Chicago. Maybe he is expecting war. Or at least telling NATO he is prepared for one.
There's no point in making deals with NATO, anyway, given their repeated failure to honour their agreements.
Putin hard to figure
"The brief Georgian war established definitively, in my mind at least, that Putin is NOT part of the NWO. However, elements within Russia (and probably including Medvedev) certainly are. Hence the schizophrenic behaviour coming out of Russia in recent years while Medvedev has been responsible for foreign policy."
I thought that but I find Putin really hard to figure out. How does he keep his head if he is not part of the gang?
Good point about the Syrian vote in May and Putin assuming the presidency in May as well. It does help to explain the increased overt craziness of NATO/GCC's actions as they panic about loosing further control of the game.
Perhaps you are right about Assad thinking he is buying time. I saw via Penny Russia has rejected the plan.
"Russia rejects Kofi Annan's six-point peace plan deadline
"Ultimatums and artificial deadlines rarely help matters," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said while on a visit to Armenia.
Lavrov added that only the United Nations Security Council – on which Russia wields veto power – could put any time restrictions on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's compliance with Annan's peace plan.
"Annan has a Security Council mandate and it is up to the UN Security Council to decide who is complying with this plan and how," he said.
At the "Friends of Syria" meeting in Istanbul over the weekend Western and Arab nations agreed to ask the UN to set a deadline for Assad to comply with Annan's Syria peace plan."
So, I guess we will see if Assad actually starts removing his troops.
And there is this; so, I am at a hmmmm
"In a show of support to Mr. Assad's embattled government, Russia said Monday it was sending a navy destroyer to the Syrian port of Tartus, according to the Interfax news agency.
The destroyer will dock in Tartus in the coming days where it will conduct planned naval exercises, a previously scheduled trip. Russia leases the port from Syria, its only power base in the Mediterranean Sea."
"Clearly it was a huge mistake, in any case, as the Syrian army was on top of the NATO trained and supported terrorists."
Why would he make a mistake like that, at this point in the game, especially when he appears to have the upper hand? Fear? Are they paying him off? It doesn't really make sense unless he is playing for the other team?
"I thought that but I find
"I thought that but I find Putin really hard to figure out. How does he keep his head if he is not part of the gang?"
The Military and the various intelligence agencies are behind him and they, in turn, are not captive to the jewish bankers or their agents, the jewish oligarchs.
"Perhaps you are right about Assad thinking he is buying time. I saw via Penny Russia has rejected the plan. "
Russia was for the plan but is against the likes of Killary Klinton extending it to include further demands such as deadlines. This was always going to happen of course.
I expect the Russian destroyer is delivering military equipment of one sort or another. Perhaps it is to replace equipment that the NATO special ops troops and terrorists have destroyed in their attacks on air defence buildings. The first thing that NATO did after being granted the "no-fly zone" was to take out Libya's air defence installations through aerial bombardment.
NATO can't do that because they don't have their "no-fly zone" so they are taking out Syria's air defence facilities through bombs on the ground via SAS and Friends. NATO can't be assured of winning without a monopoly on air power. Their whole strategy is built around it
"Why would he make a mistake like that, at this point in the game, especially when he appears to have the upper hand? Fear? Are they paying him off? It doesn't really make sense unless he is playing for the other team?"
As one of the nuns who taught me in primary school would say, "fucking good question!" It's hair pulling stuff, isn't it?! I can only think that the pro-NATO faction in the Russian govt threatened to cut of military intel or supplies if Assad didn't go along. Perhaps the destroyer with the replacement equipment is the Russian side of the bargain. But who knows.
I think a lot of the explanation for the confusing behaviour comes down to the competing factions within Russia; Putin and the military on the one hand and jewish oligarchs and their corrupting influence on the bureaucracies and diplomatic corps on the other. I'm no expert by any means but this is the only scenario that makes any sense to me.
Ok thanks - I think I got it on Pooty.
"I think a lot of the explanation for the confusing behaviour comes down to the competing factions within Russia; Putin and the military on the one hand and jewish oligarchs and their corrupting influence on the bureaucracies and diplomatic corps on the other. I'm no expert by any means but this is the only scenario that makes any sense to me."
I'm never really sure who belongs to what gang.
NWO = the jooish gang. Putin is part of the military, intelligence agency (Masons, industrialists ?) gang that have a foot in all the camps (Joo, Vatican, Aristocracy). Although lots of competing interests and intrigue going on, it is a push back against the joos.
Putin and the elite
My reading of it is that Putin is a nationalist and so are many of the military heads. I don't see them as part of any other grouping. They know only too well the devastation brought down by war (foreign and civil) and deadly purges and who has been behind most of it. They know their enemy and know what will happen to them and their families if this enemy ever gets on top in Russia. This enemy is the Zionists and their bosses, the nominally jewish international bankers.
Jewish money power has a lot of influence in Russia at present and is having a major effect on foreign policy. Medvedev seems to be in their pocket but is not all powerful. Hence all the conflicting behaviour.
This jewish money power has enormous influence within the world power elite but their are other factions within it. This elite has enormous power worldwide and Russia is small potatoes compared with them. I think this accounts for Putin cozying up to the likes of Berlusconi in the past trying to exploit differences within the elite.
The thing I keep going back to to orient myself in all the politics and confusion is Putin's demonstrated nationalism and devotion to the cause of Russia. Elite figures are noted for their treachery towards their nations.
Speaking of Chicago and meetings
Speaking of Chicago and meetings, here is an interesting article by Wayne Madsen (reposted by Noor).
"For as yet unknown reasons, the White House abruptly moved the venue for the upcoming May 18-19 G-8 economic summit of world leaders from Chicago to Camp David.
President Obama and the NATO leaders still plan to hold their NATO summit in Chicago from May 20-21.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former White House chief of staff who is also known to have close connections to Mossad, was given only a few hours notice of the change in plans and was reported miffed at the White House’s sudden decision.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who will be sworn in as President of Russia on May 7, will attend the G-8 summit in Camp David."
Mossad and Obama
I don't know what is going on there with the Camp David move of venue. But I do know that the rest of Madsen's article smells of bullshit. Wikileaks is a discredited source. A narrative is being set up here but I don't know what for.
There's an odd point in the article. Burton, who is presumably an american given his employment record, uses the word 'arse' twice. This is the english spelling. It seems a 'too obvious' mistake to me. Who knows what the hidden agenda is but what is obvious is that there is one.
As in the Kennedy assassination and the WTC demo, there is no way Mossad is going to pull of a coup/assassination or major false flag without the involvement of the CIA and the power centre of the US i.e. CFR et. al.
I agree on the Madsen
I agree on the Madsen article. I haven't bought the Israel doesn't like Obama narrative or any suggestion he may be an 'independant' actor that is threatening to them.
I noticed the use of "arse" as well and thought it was odd. I included that clip because it stuck out for me with regards to Putin and then you mentioned how Putin had cancelled his meeting with NATO in Chicago.
Secret Plans to Evacuate Chicago Residents During NATO Summit
"A leaked directive issued to the Red Cross indicates that the federal government has prepared plans to evacuate Chicago during the NATO summit.
An email sent to Red Cross volunteers in the Milwaukee area notes that the NATO summit in May could "create unrest or another national security incident."
"The American Red Cross in southeastern Wisconsin has been asked to place a number of shelters on standby in the event of evacuation of Chicago," the email, which was leaked to CBS News, reads."
Chicago, some thing strange is coming your way
It never made sense to me that Rahm Emmanuel would go from the front line of international politics where israel's interests play out, to being mayor of Chicago. Something very odd is coming that way and israel will have an interest in it, it seems to me. They will need someone they know well to be in control of it. Someone who may have dual citizenship but definitely not dual loyalties.
good point James
I hadn't thought about Rahm's "demotion" in light of this Chicago NATO conference
Our Man in Chicago
Emmanuel's life has been devoted to israel's advancement and he won't be able to retire gracefully from that (not that he'd want to. Once you've had power . . . . . . .)
So, he's in Chicago to advance israel's interests somehow and it isn't a project that they can sub out to one of their many 'goy-boys'. So it's big deal if it comes off. It's anybody's guess though if the NATO conference is part of it.
War porn: The new safe sex By Pepe Escobar
War porn: The new safe sex
By Pepe Escobar
"Syria is yet another declination of war porn narrative. If you can't R2P it, fake it.
And to think that all this was codified such a long time ago. Already in 1997, the US Army War College Quarterly was defining what they called "the future of warfare". They framed it as "the conflict between information masters and information victims".
They were sure "we are already masters of information warfare ... Hollywood is 'preparing the battlefield' ... Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures; it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable … Our sophistication in handling it will enable us to outlast and outperform all hierarchical cultures ... Societies that fear or otherwise cannot manage the flow of information simply will not be competitive. They might master the technological wherewithal to watch the videos, but we will be writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties. Our creativity is devastating."
Post-everything information warfare has nothing to do with geopolitics. Just like the proverbial Hollywood product, it is to be "spawned" out of raw emotions; "hatred, jealousy, and greed - emotions, rather than strategy".
In Syria this is exactly how Western corporate media has scripted the whole movie; the War College "information warfare" tactics in practice. The Syrian government never had much of a chance against those "writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties".
For example, the armed opposition, the so-called Free Syrian Army (a nasty cocktail of defectors, opportunists, jihadis and foreign mercenaries) brought Western journalists to Homs and then insisted to extract them, in extremely dangerous condition, and with people being killed, via Lebanon, rather than through the Red Crescent. They were nothing else than writing the script for a foreign-imposed "humanitarian corridor" to be opened to Homs. This was pure theater - or war porn packaged as a Hollywood drama.
The problem is Western public opinion is now hostage to this brand of information warfare. Forget about even the possibility of peaceful negotiations among adult parties. What's left is a binary good guys versus bad guys plot, where the Big Bad Guy must be destroyed at all costs (and on top of it his wife is a snob bitch who loves shopping!)
Only the terminally naïve may believe that jihadis - including Libya's NATO rebels - financed by the Gulf Counter-revolution Club, also know as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are a bunch of democratic reformists burning with good intentions. Even Human Rights Watch was finally forced to acknowledge that these armed "activists" were responsible for "kidnapping, detention, and torture", after receiving reports of "executions by armed opposition groups of security force members and civilians".
What this (soft and hard) war porn narrative veils, in the end, is the real Syrian tragedy; the impossibility for the much-lauded "Syrian people" to get rid of all these crooks - the Assad system, the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Syrian National Council, and the mercenary-infested Free Syrian Army."
Wool vs lamb chops
You can shear a sheep many times but you can only skin it once.
"What this (soft and hard) war porn narrative veils, in the end, is the real Syrian tragedy; the impossibility for the much-lauded "Syrian people" to get rid of all these crooks - the Assad system, the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Syrian National Council, and the mercenary-infested Free Syrian Army."
Escobar here is making a mistake that many people are doing (especially gatekeepers working for the interests of the 'political' opposition within and without Syria) by lumping together the shearer (Assad) with the butchers ("the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Syrian National Council, and the mercenary-infested Free Syrian Army." - to quote Pepe)
Sheep can live a long time with shearers but not long at all with butchers. The difference and choice is clear and I'm surprised Pepe Escobar does not acknowledge that difference because it leaves the impression that still something "must be done". Enter the UN or NATO?
The other points he makes are very valid and prompt the question, "Why doesn't the Syrian govt put an English language news site up on the web detailing exactly what is going on??" Instead of feeding into the West's propaganda machine, they could go around it.
The wool over Pepe's eyes
Well James, I know I have said this before, but I think I am starting to think like you.
That bit caught my eye as well in Pepe's article. I thought he should have separated Assad from the other groups because it does indeed suggest that Assad must be dealt with or is 'as bad' as the others, which is clearly not the case.
"The other points he makes are very valid and prompt the question, "Why doesn't the Syrian govt put an English language news site up on the web detailing exactly what is going on??" Instead of feeding into the West's propaganda machine, they could go around it."
Good question! Wish I had an answer.
hubris and ignorance
Perhaps I'm starting to think like you, though, McJ
It took quite a while for the rulers in the US to catch on to the possibilities of the internet because of their age and their hubris. Maybe it is just the same in Syria, or worse.
"Perhaps I'm starting to think like you, though, McJ"
Hahaha - then you'd be in for a treat.
Well, from looking at pictures of your garden, I'd be well fed for a start
Well fed
You have a better memory than me. I have a vague remembrance of putting up some pictures of my garden but can't remember where or when. Are they on the site?
And you would be well fed around here James. If I'm not feeding someone, I'm cleaning up after them. Pretty much the story of my life for the last 25 or so years.
Thanks for the extra info on Putin. I hope you are right that he may actually be one of the "good guys', at least as far as Russia is concerned. If I live long enough, I may have a chance of figuring this stuff out.
I hope I'm right too, McJ
garden pics here-
Gardens and time
Thanks for the link to the pictures. Those were nice, if I do say so myself. And I do.
It gives me some motivation to get my garden started again. It's a lot of work (and I'm getting old, ya know) but it is fulfilling when you get to sit back and contemplate your efforts.
Strange, but that seems forever ago. It is a bit of a conundrum for me that while time appears to move by with increasing speed as I age, it has also become more dense and immediate (if that makes sense). I imagine that is because my mind is filled with so much information that doesn't necessarily lend itself to being strung out linearly in time. Gardens (and nature in general) are good teachers of the cyclical nature of time. That is if you take the time to pay attention.
I'm off to the mountains for the day. Catch up with you tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy your break. sounds nice. I'm green
hey all! regarding R2P and pepe escobar
Hello- so it seems it was so long since I have popped in I had forgotten my own password!
I have become rather caught up in the whole Syrian chapter of the remaking of the ME.
The premise of R2P as described above is very good
Create the mayhem then just have to step in as the saviour
One can boil it down to the bare basics
problem reaction solution.
Because that is what it is, with minor variances to fit the circumstances.
RE: the comment made about Russia not going to defend Syria
Or something along that line
I had an article linked at my place with the full quotation
"Russian not obliged to fight on the side of Syria"
Current treaties do not oblige Russia to offer military assistance to Syria in case of intervention, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said at a briefing on Friday.
The treaties may not oblige Russia to offer military assistance-but
Further down:
But here is section 6 of the treaty in question
"In case of situations threatening peace or security of one of the sides or peace and security worldwide, the High Contracting Parties will immediately engage in contact with each other to coordinate their positions and cooperate to overcome the emerged threat and restore peace.”
That reads as if there is an agreement
to engage in contact and coordinate positions and cooperate to overcome the emerged threat and restore peace
But, it is ambiguous enough to give plausible deniability to the Russia's
So I never saw that as an out and out no, just, as usual diplospeak
Pepe Escobar? He gets paid and I don't so he will only go so far and me- I will just say what I think. IMO
He won't talk to much about our NATO backed rebels
I can live with it
He makes some dam good points with this stuff
-"Syria is yet another declination of war porn narrative. If you can't R2P it, fake it.
And to think that all this was codified such a long time ago. Already in 1997, the US Army War College Quarterly was defining what they called "the future of warfare". They framed it as "the conflict between information masters and information victims".
They were sure "we are already masters of information warfare ... Hollywood is 'preparing the battlefield' ... Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures; it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable
Societies that fear or otherwise cannot manage the flow of information simply will not be competitive. They might master the technological wherewithal to watch the videos, but we will be writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties. Our creativity is devastating."
Post-everything information warfare has nothing to do with geopolitics. Just like the proverbial Hollywood product, it is to be "spawned" out of raw emotions; "hatred, jealousy, and greed - emotions, rather than strategy".
In Syria this is exactly how Western corporate media has scripted the whole movie; the War College "information warfare" tactics in practice. The Syrian government never had much of a chance against those "writing the scripts, producing them, and collecting the royalties".
:For example, the armed opposition, the so-called Free Syrian Army (a nasty cocktail of defectors, opportunists, jihadis and foreign mercenaries) NOTICE he does not mention how this motley crew came to be? brought Western journalists to Homs and then insisted to extract them, in extremely dangerous condition, and with people being killed, via Lebanon, rather than through the Red Crescent. "
Yes, the journalists came in with the terror crew and then were held by the terror crew in hopes of gaining the no-fly/humanitarian corridor.
Hence Marie Colvin dies from and IED, not a Syrian shell
The msm was very quiet on that. If they wanted out the could have gone with the red crescent or the terror crew could have got them out the way they came in. But they(reporter/spooks) allowed themselves to get used in more ways then they realized. I am sure the higher up thought them expendable anyway.
They were nothing else than writing the script for a foreign-imposed "humanitarian corridor" to be opened to Homs. This was pure theater - or war porn packaged as a Hollywood drama.
What appeals to me about his Hollywood drama angle?
That is exactly what it feels like! All the emotional heart tugging drama, pure Hollywood. All of it
Except real people are dying!
This to my mind is an indication of just how sick we have become as a species, in general.
Hi Penny, with kind regards
Hi Penny,
with kind regards and thanks for your thought provoking comments.
"This to my mind is an indication of just how sick we have become as a species, in general."
Weren't our species always this sick deep down and the current conditions have allowed this gross manifestation?
what is a self-loathing human to do?
Thanks for the input Penny
Thanks for the input Penny.
"But, it is ambiguous enough to give plausible deniability to the Russia's
So I never saw that as an out and out no, just, as usual diplospeak"
"Diplospeak" - I like that!
It is going to be interesting to see which way the Russian ship sways once Putin takes back the helm.
Re Pepe:
He does not mention the NATO backed rebels in this particular article but he has been scathing about them in others he has written. I have quibbles here and there with some bits but for the most part I like what he writes and find him very informative. I also like his style.
The shadow war in Syria
By Pepe Escobar - Dec 2, 2011
"Although these ''humanitarians'' come from NATO members US, Canada and France, and GCC members Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, their cover is that they're only innocent ''monitors'', and not part of NATO. Needless to say these humanitarians consist of ground, naval, air force and engineering specialists. Their mission: infiltrate northern Syria, especially Idlib, Rastan, Homs but most of all the big prize, Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, with at least 2.5 million people, the majority of which are Sunni and Kurdish.
Even before this news from Brussels, the French satirical weekly Le Canard Enchaine - as well as the Turkish daily Milliyet - had already revealed that commandos from French intelligence and the British MI6 are training the FSA in urban guerrilla techniques, in Hatay in southern Turkey and in Tripoli, in northern Lebanon. Weapons - from shotguns to Israeli machine guns and RPGs - have been smuggled en masse.
It's no secret in Syria that armed gangs - from Salafis to petty criminals - have been attacking regular soldiers, the police and even civilians since the early stages of the protest movement. Of roughly 3,500 people killed during the past seven months, a large number of civilians and more than 1,100 soldiers were killed by these gangs.
And then there are the deserters. So when the Assad regime insists the current Syrian tragedy is to a great extent incited by well-paid and well-armed elements - not to mention mercenaries - at the service of foreign powers, it is essentially correct.
It's fair to argue that masses of Syrians want something other than the Assad regime - but certainly not some variant of humanitarian bombing, not to mention civil war. They saw NATO's legacy in Libya - virtually the whole infrastructure of the country destroyed, cities bombed to dust, tens of thousands of dead and wounded, al-Qaeda-linked fanatics wielding power in Tripoli, widespread ethnic hatred. They don't want a brand new massacre. But NATOGCC does. "
propaganda on propaganda
Notice how the use of the word "information" is used as a euphemism for "lies", thus making their skill at disseminating lies a noble skill.
"Societies that fear or otherwise cannot manage the flow of information (bullshit and brain-washing) simply will not be competitive. They might master the technological wherewithal to watch the videos, but we will be writing the scripts (lying), producing them (dissemination), and collecting the royalties (profiting). Our creativity is devastating (our bullshit is unequalled and unending)."
So we have the the US Army War College Quarterly proudly claiming that the US Army are the worlds Greatest Liars. Only people without morals and without any appreciation of what that means would proudly proclaim such a thing. These people are called psychopaths. And whatever they do will not end well.
Was our species always this sick?
Good question.
I will respond in general-no.
I don't think we as a species were always this sick.
Sure there were specific individuals within the structure of a society that were and they of course conducted some horrid campaigns against other humans.
But, if we had been as sick then as we in society are now, we would never have survived this long as a species.
Nor would our brains have evolved beyond the base level or reptilian brain.
What I think, and this is just an opinion, which you are free to regard or disregard.
With the advent of radio first and then television second the ability of "interested" evil persons to manipulate the masses became so widespread, so pervasive, that the vast, vast majority of persons do not ever realize how manipulated and controlled they are.
I humbly feel that for many years now, probably 30 plus years the agenda has been to create legions of psychopaths.
What is a "self-loathing" human to do?
First of all - Don't be self-loathing. Humans have many fine attributes.
But the biggest thing any human can do is walk away from the mind control box in your living room or family room.
The one that "channels" your reality to you?
Also do not expose yourself to violence via tv, movies or video games.
It affects your brain the same as if you killed, or witnessed killing
Eventually you will become desensitized to suffering, pain and more
This is dehumanizing and I believe this is why all the media has become more violent and sexualized over the decades
It is intentional manipulation of the masses.
How far will it take humanity down the road of ruin?
As far down as we allow it.
That is the next thing we must do. take back our power.
Live consciously.
Well said
Well said Penny and excellent advise!
Yes, well said, Penny. Absolutely!
I would add for 'anonymous' @ 17:29, that as a species we are being led to destruction by a sub-set of our species, the psychopaths, who do not have the same mental or neurological processing as the rest of humanity has. Psychopaths have been described as "intra-species predators". They get away with this leadership and predation because the rest do not understand about the predatory nature of psychopathy.
Psychopaths hide behind the rest of us by describing their behaviour as "human nature" i.e. our behaviour. This is simply not true.
If everyone understood this, their power over us would evaporate. Throwing out the teevee and spending the time reading up on psychopathy and then telling your neighbours is the best start possible to a redeemed world!
Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran's Northern Border
Business Insider
Mon, 09 Apr 2012 20:19 CDT
`The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources.
Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.
Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.
"Iran is our neighbor," Rogozin said. "If Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security." Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia's defense sector.
Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn't believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.
The implication of preparing to move Russian troops not only is to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of such an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces, or both.
Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of "unpredictable consequences" in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military will take part in the possible war because it would threaten its vital interests in the region.
The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran "causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions."
This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.
Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.
Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.
"Military Base 102 is a key point, Russia's outpost in the South Caucasus," a Russian military source told the newspaper. "It occupies a very important geopolitical position, but the Kremlin fears lest it should lose this situation."
With Vladimir Putin returning to the Russian presidency, the prospect that he again would order an attack on Georgia as he did in August 2008 also has become a possibility, these informed sources say.
The Russians believe that Georgia would cooperate with the United States in blocking any supplies from reaching Military Base 102, which now is supplied primarily by air. Right now, Georgia blocks the only land transportation route through which Russian military supplies could travel.
"Possibly, it will be necessary to use military means to breach the Georgian transport blockade and establish transport corridors leading into Armenia," according to Yury Netkachev, former deputy commander of Russian forces in Transcaucasia. Geography of the region suggests that any such supply corridor would have to go through the middle of Georgia approaching Georgia's capital of Tbilisi given the roads and topography of the country.
In September, the Russian military plans to hold its annual military exercises called Kavkaz 2012. However, informed Russian sources say that preparations and deployments of military equipment and personnel already have begun in anticipation of a possible war with Iran.
These sources report that new command and control equipment has been deployed in the region capable of using the Russian GPS system, GLONASS for targeting information.
"The air force in the South Military District is reported to have been rearmed almost 100 percent with new jets and helicopters," according to regional expert Pavel Felgenhauer of the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation.
In 2008, Felgenhauer pointed out, Kavkaz 2008 maneuvers allowed the Russian military to covertly deploy forces that successfully invaded Georgia in August of that year.
Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov already has announced that new Spetznaz, or Special Forces units, will be deployed in Stavropol and Kislovodsk, which are located in the North Caucasian regions.
Russian sources say that the Russian military believes that if the U.S. goes to war with Iran, it may deploy forces into Georgia and warships in the Caspian Sea with the possible help of Azerbaijan, which since has stated that it will not allow its territory to be used by Israel to launch an attack on neighboring Iran.
There had been speculation that given the improved relations between Israel and Azerbaijan, the Jewish state may use bases from which to launch air attacks on neighboring Iran's nuclear sites. Israel recently agreed to sell Azerbaijan $1.6 billion in military equipment.
A further irritant to Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili is the prospect that Russian assault airborne troops, or VDV units, with helicopters could be moved into Georgia's two breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These two provinces were taken by the Russian military during the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war. Initially they were declared by Moscow to be independent countries, but now the Kremlin is indicating they may be annexed to Russia.
Similarly, Lt. General Vladimir Shamanov, commander of the VDV, has announced that Russian troops in Armenia will be reinforced by paratroopers, along with attack and transport helicopters.
"The Russian spearhead (from the Transcaucasia region) may be ordered to strike south to prevent the presumed deployment of U.S. bases in Transcaucasia, to link up with the troops in Armenia and take over the South Caucasus energy corridor along which Azeri, Turkmen and other Caspian natural gas and oil may reach European markets," Felgenhauer said.
"By one swift military strike, Russia may ensure control of all the Caucasus and the Caspian states that were its former realm, establishing a fiat accompli the West, too preoccupied with Iran, would not reverse," he said.
"At the same time, a small victorious war would unite the Russian nation behind the Kremlin, allowing it to crush the remnants of the prodemocracy movement 'for fair elections,' and as a final bonus, Russia's military action could perhaps finally destroy the Saakashvili regime."
Putin has made no secret that he despises Saakashvili and with his return to the presidency, he may consider taking out the Georgian president as unfinished business. Just as in 2008, Putin will not have much to worry about if he sends Russian troops into Georgia, since there was muted reaction from the U.S. and the European countries to the Russian invasion and subsequent occupation.
Growing tensions in the Caucasus
Growing tensions in the Caucasus as the West tries to apply the "Libyan Model" to Syria and Iran - April, 2012
"The situation at hand in the Middle East has long ceased to be a war of rhetoric between Syrians, Arab monarchies, Iranians, Turks, Israelis, Westerners and Russians. Regional powers are now actively vying for political advantage. The situation has developed into a serious military affair. It is being reported that various regional players currently have assets in the field of operation. It is also being reported that various major powers currently have covert military teams operating within Syria. A group of French special forces personnel were reportedly captured in the Syrian city of Homs several weeks ago and more recently a unit of anti-terror personnel from Russia was reported to be operating inside Syria. Needless to say, if this very explosive situation gets drawn-out much longer, it has the potential of seriously getting out of control. The region's unrest has gotten uncomfortably close to the Caucasus, and Baku and Tbilisi are increasingly becoming causes of concern."
The escalating unrest and critical situations in regions adjacent to Russia's vulnerable underbelly is elevating the importance of the already very important geostrategic significance of the Caucasus for Moscow. As Western-instigated wars and political unrests encroach on Russian interests in the region, Moscow is beginning to take on a more aggressive political posture. Libya was the pawn Moscow reluctantly gave up in its desperate effort to protect its bishops, Syria and Iran. Realizing now that its presence in the strategic region are directly threatened by the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance and friends, Moscow has finally decided to do away with diplomatic niceties and draw a clear line in the sand.
For its part, not only has Moscow blocked all efforts by the West and its allies to intervene in Syria, it has also in recent months conducted several significant military exercises and it is planning additional ones in the near future. This muscle flexing is obviously meant to be a show of force. Moscow is signaling to the West that it has had enough of their hooliganism at its doorstep. In the coming months and years, we can expect Moscow to further strengthen its strategic forces and to continue bolstering its military presence throughout the Caucasus region. Strategically situated and straddling the regions of unrest, needless to say, Armenia will be a major theater of Russian operations.
Israel's continuing covert military operations against Iran from Azerbaijani territory is creating renewed tensions between Baku and Tehran. And Baku's belligerent stance regarding Nagorno Karabakh and the Russian radar station at Gabala is creating heightened tensions between it and Moscow. It must also be said that Tbilisi's fate is beginning to hang in the air. Saakashvili's despotic Western-Turkish-Israeli led and funded government is now isolated and probably close to a collapse. If the West or its allies militarily intervene in Syria or attack Iran, Moscow may want to make a drastic move on Georgia as a response. In fact, a recent news release out of Moscow actually suggested such a thing. Therefore, the first victim of the war against Iran or Syria may in fact be Georgia. A very interesting interview with Levan Pirveli, a Georgian opposition figure, appears at the bottom of this page."
Neo-Ottoman Empire
From the interview with Levan Pirveli you mentioned McJ-
"Therefore, the U.S., it seems, begin to create yet another global player, which will be a counterweight to all three centers. This is the creation of a neo-Ottoman Empire. And attacks on other Muslim countries - Egypt, Libya and Syria - have only one purpose: to severely weaken this country and to drive them to the new neo-Ottoman alliance, where the leading role will be in Turkey as a strategic military partner of the United States. The structure of this American design to enter and Central Asia."
This Neo-Ottoman Empire is the new Caliphate, of course.

I believe it will be a 'partner' with the US/israel but it won't be presented to the american public as such. It will be the excuse for turning the US into an even more police state than it is now.
Then Turkey will find out what the fate of ALL allies of israel is when the US launches a war against this Caliphate for real, devastating and then occupying Central Asia and dividing Russia from China in the process. The plan is to rule Eurasia by destroying it piece by piece.
Iran is the only credible alternative to Turkey as the leader of the Muslim world. And this definitely can't be allowed to happen. Iran can't be allowed to have 'nukular' weapons. Neither can Pakistan. So they have to be taken out.
I went looking for that map
I went looking for that map you posted just the other day when I read this article: The "Specter" of Al Qaeda in Africa: A Cover for Western Reconquest of the Continent .
"The RUSI, with an old colonialist flourish, says Al Qaeda "appears to be adopting a strategy of 'going native', which implies seizing upon and exploiting local grievances with the ultimate aim of securing a stable foothold in volatile countries".
Significantly, that scary thought allows the RUSI study to conclude: ""The focus of anti-jihadist counter-terrorism is shifting to Africa."
In other words, the pretext of anti-jihadist counter-terrorism by Western powers is shifting to Africa.
But in point of fact, the Western counter-terrorism pretext is not shifting; it is more accurately being extended to Africa, as NATO is continuing its illegal occupation and wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
This represents a strategic expansion of the global war agenda that the Pentagon and its Western allies have been pursuing in the Middle East and Central Asia incorporating a region for hegemonic control stretching from the Mediterranean to the Caspian - a region that compromises at least 60 per cent of the earth's known oil and gas reserves.
The seven-month aerial bombing campaign of Libya by NATO during 2011 that led to the overthrow of the government in Tripoli can be seen as serving as a beach-head for the US-led powers in North Africa, and for their continued militarization across the East-West continental belt, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean."
Already, the Western powers are engaged in a new scramble for Africa that can be traced back to the setting up of the new US military command of AFRICOM under the George W Bush administration. "
I originally read the article on the SOTT site but linked to the source article above. They suggested a couple more articles to read on this 'Arc of Instability'.
Here's their comment: (I haven't read these yet.)
"An arc of instability"... hmmm, where have we heard those words before? Oh yes..."
Michael Ledeen Demands `Regime Change' in Iran
"Ledeen gave the introduction for former British military intelligence operative and Princeton Professor Emeritus Bernard Lewis, who is the inventor of the idea of a "Clash of Civilizations," later popularized in a book by that name by Samuel Huntington. Lewis' thesis, cloaked in phrases of Athenian democracy, is that which President Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski formerly called "the Arc of Crisis" and today calls "the Zone of Instability." It calls for stopping Eurasian integration through manipulating tribal, ethnic, and religious axioms to destroy nation-states, beginning especially in the Middle East. Ledeen introduced Lewis as "the reigning genius of Middle East studies everywhere.".
See also: Creating an "Arc of Crisis": The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia: The Mumbai Attacks and the “Strategy of Tension”
A few more articles on the subject
"Russia’s highest ranking military officer has warned of a possible attack against Iran in the next few months.
Russian media quoted defence sources as saying that Russian military bases in the Caucasus – in Armenia, South Ossetia and Abhazia, had been put on combat alert. Military experts speculate that the U.S. may carry out strikes at Iran from Turkey, and that Georgia and Azerbaijan may be also drawn into the conflict. Earlier this week Iran lodged formal protest with Azerbaijan over alleged Israeli spy activity in Azerbaijan.
To prepare for war contingency, Russian warships in the Black Sea have been deployed closer to Georgia, and the Caspian flotilla has been relocated from Astrakhan to ports closer to Azerbaijan, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported.
Annual war games in Russia’s North Caucasus this year will be scaled up from tactical/operational to strategic level, that is, will involve “Russia’s entire military setup,” according to media reports. The Russian Defence Ministry has announced plans to supply to the Southern Military District 40 new aircraft and to assign to it two special commando units."
"A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was “a bomb” certain to have serious repercussions.
...the Russian Black Sea fleet’s Iman tanker has arrived in the Syrian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean Sea with an anti-terror squad from the Russian Marines aboard according to the Interfax news agency."
"...there is increasing evidence that Azerbaijan is ready to provide the United States and Israel, a springboard for attacks on Iran in exchange for advanced weapons systems and, possibly, on the accession of the northern lands of Iran in his section. Last Wednesday, an article about it was published in the electronic version of the Foreign Policy – one of the two most influential foreign policy journal in Washington. Citing unnamed senior officials of the Obama administration and U.S. intelligence officers, the author wrote that "according to the conclusions of the United States, Israel has recently been granted access to air bases near the northern border of Iran." The State Department said it did not have any information on this subject, which can be interpreted in different ways.
High-ranking opponents strike on Iran, including Sergei Lavrov, said that local, this war will not be, but rarely explain why. Possible participation of Azerbaijan helps to answer this question. If Baku under the guise of the Iranian campaign decides to use Israeli weapons for the attack on Karabakh – expect a lightning recognition of Karabakh by Armenia and to mobilize its troops to defend the breakaway republic. Since Armenia is a CSTO member, it is likely that Russia will come to her aid, cut a corridor through Georgia to its base in Gyumri (talk about it openly in Moscow and Tbilisi). In this situation, on the side of Azerbaijan, Georgia and is guaranteed to perform, it is unclear in what form – Turkey. Thus, a great war involving the whole of the Caucasus and Russia in the event of an attack on Iran is very likely."
Georgia On My Mind
Thanks for posting all this info, McJ. I always thought it was a mistake for Putin to withdraw from Georgia.
It's hard to know what is going on. There's quite a bit of spin of course regarding the history of Russia and Georgia in this article. Plus I see the israel will attack Iran on it's own meme being repeated again.
The trouble with that idea is that israel's defences are tied into NATO's so there's no way it can attack on it's own without the foreknowledge and co-operation of NATO and hence the US.
However there is something afoot with Russia preparing for the worst it would seem from all the other articles.
Here's a description of the author-
"F. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND’s G2Bulletin, is a former senior security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense."
And a picture of him-

I wonder if he has dual citizenship?
uh huh
Well, yes. I didn't check who the writer was but I did notice where the article was coming from and all the "informed sources say this" and "insiders say that" references in the article. I was interested to know if there was indeed something 'afoot' with regards to Russia mobilizing troops for an Amerisrael/nato attack on Iran, which is why I went looking for some confirmation and posted the other articles.
"I wonder if he has dual citizenship?"
Seems likely.
Russia bans transit of NATO heroin through its territory
Russia bans transit of NATO heroin through its territory
"At the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, President Dmitry Medvedev renewed the offer to make Russian rail lines available for the transportation of non-military material from Europe to Afghanistan and vice versa.
On 5 April 2012, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko, soon to become Russian Ambassador to NATO, said in an interview with Ria Novosti that the cargo will be governed by a new protocol. Under this agreement, it will be subject to searches by Russian drug control services.
Afghan heroin use has become a major public health problem in Europe, in general, and Russia, in particular. This country has become the world’s largest consumer. To date, two million Russians between the ages of 18 and 39 years are regular users. The drug causes over 30,000 deaths per year and promotes the spread of HIV at a rate the country has never seen before, according to a UNODC report [1].
In the past, top Russian officials in the fight against drug trafficking explicitly pointed the finger at NATO’s responsibility in the heroin trade from Afghanistan, having gone so far as to take the matter to the UN Security Council [2].
Alexander Grushko’s announcement and his appointment as Permanent Representative to NATO mark Vladimir Putin’s official return to the helm. The President-elect considers that Russian is the target of a true "heroin aggression" and has included the fight against this scourge among the priorities of his new presidential term.
At the time the rail transportation agreement was signed, officials close to Putin had indicated off microphone that in exchange for the right of passage for NATO cargoes, Medvedev was being paid a bribe of 1 billion dollars per year, financed with money from Afghan drugs [3].
It fits!
Good catch, McJ. This makes a lot of sense. All of it!
One of the source articles for the piece you quoted is well worth reading to get some history behind the global drug problem.
Of course Putin would be fully aware of it and the fact that he is moving against it in spite of all the money involved is real cause for hope. Organised crime anywhere can only flourish with govt and police protection or participation.
Bribery and corruption
I tried to confirm that last bit about Medvedev taking the billion dollar per year bribe because I can't see where it references this in the citation [3] he uses. All I could find was articles on how Medvedev has made fighting corruption and bribery one of the top agendas of his presidency.
How psychopathic of him to persecute others for what he himself is doing.
From Wiki:
"Russian anti-corruption campaign is an ongoing effort by the Russian government to curb corruption, which has been recognized as one of Russia's most serious problems. Central documents in the campaign include the National Anti-Corruption Plan, introduced by President Dmitry Medvedev in 2009, and the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, introduced in 2010. The central organ in the campaign is the Anti-Corruption Council, established in 2008."
"Medvedev Seeks Bribe Fines 100 Times Payments to Fight Graft
By Ilya Arkhipov - Nov 30, 2010 6:30 AM PT
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed increasing fines for bribery to 100 times any illegal payment and introducing criminal penalties for the mediators of corrupt transactions as he seeks to attract foreign investors.
Theft, kickbacks and misspent funds in Russia equal 1 trillion rubles ($32 billion) a year, Medvedev said today in his annual state-of-the-nation address from the Kremlin.
“Our principal goal is to fight corruption,” Medvedev said. “The experience shows that even the threat of 12 years in prison doesn’t stop some bribe takers. It seems that economical measures such as fines sometimes can be more effective.”
Care to elaborate on your thinking.
It fits 2
As I added to my comment above, organised crime can only exist with govt patronage. The reason being that organised crime involves many people who can be 'leaned' on and these days a deluge of electronic communications which are all available to the various 'crime fighting' agencies. There is no way organised crime (including paedophile rings) can hide from this scrutiny and capture if the political will is there. The resources of the state overwhelmingly dwarf anything any drug rings can muster including the Russian/jewish oligarchs.
Organised crime survives through bribery at the top levels; that's Medvedev's level. That level never gets caught by their own laws. And, indeed, they need to pass those laws to provide cover for themselves. The more public figures bluster about some law breaking, the more certain you can be that they themselves are principle offenders. It's just what psychopaths do as you pointed out.
So looking at the evidence, Medvedev passes all these laws with lots of publicity against bribe takers and still the drug trade flourished. This is exactly the scenario you would expect if Medvedev is on the take.
In comes Putin and does the obvious (search US transshipments) which was avoided for four years since Medvedev offered safe passage into and through Russia to the biggest drug dealers in the world by far.
I noticed too the mention of Medvedev and his taking bribes was not realised in the actual article referenced. But then it doesn't need to be as far as I'm concerned. One billion seems excessive but then there would be a lot of mouths to feed and they don't come cheap at that level.
There's no way the Russian/jewish oligarchs are not part of the drug trade in Russia and Medvedev being in their pocket would explain the Russian sellout of Libya which brings us full circle back to the intro of this post. It all fits.
"By their fruits you shall know them".
It fits 3!
Oh, and Bloomberg singing Medvedev's praises fits as well.
Good finds, again, McJ
Here is a beautiful piece of music for a couple of celtic hearts; McJ, APea and Chuckyman if your out there
It sounds like a requiem to me in some ways and I think of all the lives destroyed by people like Medvedev and those running the Pentagon and I could go on.
The music starts at 1:45 if anyone is short on time (or patience!)
Money and elections
Very lovely song. It warms my Celtic heart and you are right it does sound like a requiem Thanks for posting it.
And thanks for the extra thoughts on Russia and Putin. It does make sense and helps understanding their Libyan decision. It seems that Putin is throwing down the gauntlet. Considering the amount of money at stake (ie from the drug trade with bribes etc.), I imagine there are a lot of really angry and dangerous players after his head. It also helps to explain all the messing around in and spinning of the Russian election as they could not have been happy about Putin's popularity and then subsequent election to the presidency.
Putin & NWO
I imagine there are a lot of really angry and dangerous players after his head.
Yes, indeed! One has to admire the courage of the man.
It also helps to explain all the messing around in and spinning of the Russian election as they could not have been happy about Putin's popularity and then subsequent election to the presidency.
Yes, this was another indicator for me that Putin was not part of the NWO
Putin's NWO speech at the Munich Conference in Dec 2007
Here is a link to a transcript of Putin's speech at the Munich Conference in Dec 2007 where he talks about the NWO. (He calls it the Unipolar World.)
"However, what is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.
It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.
And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy. Because, as you know, democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority.
Incidentally, Russia – we – are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves.
I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. And this is not only because if there was individual leadership in today’s – and precisely in today’s – world, then the military, political and economic resources would not suffice. What is even more important is that the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilisation.
Along with this, what is happening in today’s world – and we just started to discuss this – is a tentative to introduce precisely this concept into international affairs, the concept of a unipolar world.
And with which results?
Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centres of tension. Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished. Mr Teltschik mentioned this very gently. And no less people perish in these conflicts – even more are dying than before. Significantly more, significantly more!
Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force – military force – in international relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts. As a result we do not have sufficient strength to find a comprehensive solution to any one of these conflicts. Finding a political settlement also becomes impossible.
We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law. And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?
In international relations we increasingly see the desire to resolve a given question according to so-called issues of political expediency, based on the current political climate.
And of course this is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no one feels safe. I want to emphasise this – no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."
Here are the videos of his speech which is about 35 - 40 minutes long. The expressions on the faces in the audience are priceless - McCain, Leibermen, Tipsy etc. - are very, very squirmy.
Great speech
Great speech that. The globalResearch article puts the date at 2007. Is there another one?
I'll try and watch the videos. May take a while
Changed the date.
Yeah, I just noticed that. I changed the date in the original post.
The videos are only worth it,
The videos are only worth it, if you want to see the expression and actions of select members of the audience.
Those expressions
Tipsy's expression at 7:25-7:30 in pt3 is worth bottling. I reckon she could have happily killed Putin at that point!
William Engdahl on Putin's speech
Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War:
This article also written in 2007 (just after Putin's speech) is just as valid today as it was five years ago.
From Engdahl's article-
"It’s becoming clear to much of the rest of the world that Washington might even itself be instigating or provoking wars or conflicts with nations across the world, not merely to control oil, though strategic control of global oil flows had been at the heart of the American Century since the 1920’s. That’s the real significance of what Vladimir Putin said in Munich. He told the world what it did not want to hear: The American ‘Emperor’s New Clothes did not exist. The Emperor was clothed in naked pursuit of global military control."
'First Strike' capability is designed to allow the US (at the behest of certain bankers) to convincingly threaten Russia and bring it to heel. This is what it is all about.
In an attempt to preclude the Russians from thinking the US is bluffing, blow-hard morons like Bush and Netanyahoo have been 'put into power' to give Russia pause to think that they are indeed mad enough to do it. This strategy was advanced by Kissinger and the israelis long before the end of the Cold War. The only sane response would be for the rest of the world to isolate both the US and israel economically and diplomatically because this threat against Russia is a threat against everybody else. But this realisation, this conviction, this life saving isolation is not happening, of course.
"A new Armageddon is in the making. The unilateral military agenda of Washington has predictably provoked a major effort by Russia to defend herself. The prospects of a global nuclear conflagration, by miscalculation, increase by the day. At what point might an American President, God forbid, decide to order a pre-emptive full-scale nuclear attack on Russia to prevent Russia from rebuilding a state of mutual deterrence?"
It's long but is well worth reading to the end. What is certain from it is that Vladimir Putin is NOT part of the NWO. Though this does not preclude others in the Russian political elite from being so (and yes, Dmitry Medvedev, I'm looking at you). In fact, you would expect the zionists to have spared no expense and no effort in corrupting the political and economic structure from within. It is their way, after all. So it's not a case of asking, "Do the zionists have their agents in the Kremlin?" But, rather, the question is, "Who are they?"
Excellent article
Excellent article. He really covers a lot of territory in it. Well worth the long read.
Good additional comments as well!
Speaking of Nutty Yahoo but totally off topic, this blog post by SOTT's Joe Quinn gave me a smile.
"The young heckler, Rae Abileah (she’s Jewish and of Israeli descent) was trying to tell Bibi and the US Congress that someone should “stop Israeli war crimes in Palestine”. Unfortunately, she didn’t get very far before members of AIPAC dragged her out like a sack of spuds. Rae was hospitalized for neck and shoulder injuries, and then arrested.
According to Bibi, Rae being man-handled out of Congress for daring to interrupt a speech based on a pack of lies was an example of “real democracy” in action. The rapturous applause from the rabble in Congress suggests they agreed, although it’s unclear if Congress was applauding Rae being allow to interrupt or her being dragged out for interrupting (the safe money’s on the latter).
Bibi took the opportunity to remind Congress that such brief protests, followed by a beating, hospitalization and arrest, would not be allowed in Iran. I don’t know if such protests are allowed or even possible in Iran, or if beating and arrest would be the response, but I do know that a few days ago, a few protestors managed to get up close and personal with Ahmadinejad when he visited the Iranian city of Bandar Abbas..."
truth and nutjobs
Nutjobs like Netanyahoo can say the most asinine things and not be embarrassed because they don't understand that there is such a thing as 'truth' outside their own minds.
Greek towns developing bartering system without euro
We don't need the banks anymore! Greek town develops bartering system without euro
Mark Lowen
Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:06 CDT
As Greece wonders whether its debt crisis will eventually spell its exit from the euro, one town in the centre of the country, Volos, has formed an alternative local currency.
It works through a bartering system or exchange of goods.
The BBC's Mark Lowen reports.
Good for them!
Good for them! Taking their power back. I hope it snowballs and rolls right over their politicians. And I hope people get to understand what money really is and isn't through this experience.
They'd be better off denoting their currency in Euros but that would be quibbling at this stage
I hope they don't get invaded
by UN troops looking to protect them from the ruthless barter organizer.
just a joke, i hope
come on i was only joking guys!
Of course!
Yes, of course.
Especially as Greece has already been invaded by the UN/EU/NATO. They don't need the UN/NATO troops there because they control the Greek economic and political systems already and therefore can use the Greek police and army instead any day they want.
Any day they want, that is, right up until the day that the troops/police and their friends and family realise that they are living under an 'occupying force'. Same goes for all the countries in the 'West', of course.
Washington’s bizarre Kosovo strategy could destroy NATO
From Voltairenet:
"Not satisfied with having sponsored the artificial creation of Kosovo, the United States has now decided to ram the mafia state through NATO and the European Union. A new member with those characteristics is the last thing that Europe needs right now. However, it should work wonders for the consolidation of U.S. political and military agenda in the region, not to speak of the flourishing heroin trade from Afghanistan...both of which, as Engdahl points out in this sharp analysis, pose a threat to Russia and may backfire in the end."
Washington’s bizarre Kosovo strategy could destroy NATO by F. William Engdahl
Birds of a feather...
State Secretary Clinton at a press conference in Washington D.C. with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, 9 April 2012. Photo: EFE / END
"The question then becomes, why are Washington, NATO, the EU and inclusive and importantly, the German Government, so eager to legitimize the breakaway Kosovo? A Kosovo run internally by organized criminal networks is easy for NATO to control. It insures a weak state which is far easier to bring under NATO domination. Combined with NATO control over Afghanistan where the Kosovo heroin controlled by Prime Minister Thaci originates, the Pentagon is building a web of encirclement around Russia that is anything but peaceful.
The Thaci dependence on US and NATO good graces insures Thaci’s government will do what it is asked. That, in turn, assures the US a major military gain consolidating its permanent presence in the strategically vital southeast Europe. It is a major step in consolidating NATO control of Eurasia, and gives the US a large swing in the European balance of power. Little wonder Moscow has not welcomed the development, nor have numerous other states. The US is literally playing with dynamite, potentially as well with nuclear war in the Balkans."
Bedding down a policy
Hillary's hand gesture indicates a certain familiarity with Thaci to me. I wouldn' t surprise me as anyone who could bed Madeleine wouldn't have to much trouble with Hillary.
I'll check out the article. Thanks McJ
I thought that as well
"Hillary's hand gesture indicates a certain familiarity with Thaci to me."
I thought that as well. That's why I included the picture. Very creepy....
Iranian Oil Industry Hit with Cyber Attack
Iranian Oil Industry Hit with Cyber Attack
"Reports claim that the Iranian oil industry has been hit with a large cyber attack. Iran has disconnected computer systems at a number of its oil production facilities from the web in response to a cyber attack that occurred over the weekend.
Reuters reports that a source at the National Iranian Oil Company told it that a virus had been discovered in the control systems at the Kharg Island Oil terminal. That oil terminal handles most of Iran's crude oil exports. Other computer systems at Iran's Oil Ministry and its national oil company were also hit by the attackers."
Reuters reports that a source at the National Iranian Oil Company told it that a virus had been discovered in the control systems at the Kharg Island Oil terminal."
Always the control systems, already! Oi Vey. I wonder if the control systems of the Tel Aviv Sewage Treatment Center were hit if anyone would notice.
“Iran's Revolutionary Guard claims to have created a "hack-proof" network for all sensitive data,” blogged Chester Wisniewski, senior security advisor at Sophos Canada. “I have yet to see a hack-proof network and if they have convinced themselves it's true, perhaps that is part of the problem…One thing is clear, whether you are an oppressive regime, or simply an average small business, anyone who depends upon the internet will face malware threats and hacking attempts.” (so long as they are using Microsoft software instead of Linux or Unix, that is - Ed)
I simply couldn't believe the nuclear facility that was hit with Stuxnet was using Microsoft. It seems the Iranian govt is still using it. Unbelievable. I'd ban it from the whole country.
Re: Hacking
"I simply couldn't believe the nuclear facility that was hit with Stuxnet was using Microsoft. It seems the Iranian govt is still using it. Unbelievable. I'd ban it from the whole country."
Well, you can't help but wonder why they don't at least ban it from all critical industrial or commercial systems. It makes me wonder if there aren't elements within the Iranian power structure that are in on the game.
Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike if NATO Builds Missile Defens
Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike if NATO Builds Missile Defense Shield
"Russia's top military officer has threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike if Washington goes ahead with its plan to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe.
The Obama administration has been pushing for a deal to build missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe through the NATO alliance, over the strong objections of the Russians. Washington claims its purpose would be to protect from any Iranian missile threat. But Moscow believes it would undermine their nuclear deterrent.
Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov on Thursday at a international conference attended by U.S. and NATO officials said, "A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens."
As a compromise, Moscow has proposed running the missile shield jointly with NATO, but the alliance has rejected that proposal. Russian officials have described the diplomatic negotiations with the U.S.-led effort a "dead end."
U.S. Senator John McCain complained that Russia is using this issue as an "excuse to have a military buildup in this part of the world, which is at peace, is really an egregious example of what might be even viewed as paranoia on the part of Vladimir Putin."
Maybe, but paranoia also describes Washington's supposed purpose behind the missile defense shield. Iran's military capacity is minimal compared to America's and most of Europe's and the notion that a threat from the weak, isolated Iran calls for such a build-up in Eastern Europe is not rational (unless he's doing it for purely political reasons).
More likely, Putin is justified in his paranoia, and the real reason for Washington's plan is to weaken Russia's defenses and maintain military hegemony over the region. That the Obama administration would risk potential war for the scheme is reckless indeed. "
first strike and you're out.
The planned 'missile defense shield' is not defensive and is not a shield either. It is entirely offensive and a primary weapon.
In one fell swoop, the whole edifice of MAD (mutually assured destruction) and its inbuilt restraining effect against armed aggression from either side is gone. The US is then in the position of constantly holding a loaded gun at Russia's collective head. This is an impossible position for Russia to live with.
Nuclear armed missiles stationed on Russia's borders means that the US has the capability of taking out Russia's nuclear missiles at any time they choose before Russia can react and therefore the US would suffer little to no retaliation. Unless . . . . Russia acts first to take out these offensive missiles.
That being the case, I doubt Russia would warn the US beforehand aside from this early one. I think this early warning is likely aimed at the people of countries like Poland and Romania to drive home the point that the war will be fought on their territory and to get control of their corrupt, 'bought and paid for' politicians who have agreed to this on their behalf before it becomes too late.
But, really, this situation applies to the people of almost every nation especially those of 'The West'
throughout the cold war
throughout the cold war, every new defensive technology was viewed by the other side as an offensive move. This is really nothing new and I'd be shocked if the people in charge of US foreign policy are somehow unaware of this.
This topic really deserves its own post, wish that I was up to the task.
HI James Great to see you
HI James
Government money well spent I don't think.
Great to see you still writing, though I havent time to read today.
The cops are bugging my cellphone and have a tracker on my car. They follow me around like I am some sort of threat to the free world (really almost a prison planet) which is ridiculous as no one will listen to me anyway
Yo Sally!!
Hullo Sally,
and it's great to hear from you, too. You sound in good spirits in spite of the government's paranoia following you around. I've had some of that behaviour, myself, including having my mail opened in a none too subtle way. Though I haven't had the car tracker treatment. (but then, perhaps I have - haha) It's laughable but tedious at the same time.
They make it obvious to scare you and cause you to become as paranoid as they are so you act suspiciously for them. I remember Clare Swinney's case. If she had had your awareness and sense of humour about it all she would have been fine. She made the (understandable) mistake of thinking the people she was dealing with and the system they ran were sane.
Anyway, i'm very glad to hear from you again and to know you are still out there swinging
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