Thanks James..
I LOVE these guys..
They make my Thursday nights..
and are so succinct..and right on the Money (no pun intended
Thanks for putting this up...
Cheers A13
These two clowns are Australians, and as far as I am able to tell, are just part of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is but the propaganda arm of the Australian Government, the members of which, with a few exceptions, have long ago been absorbed by the Globalist Borg.
Notice that even in this parody, they fail to expose the source of the problem, which is no accident. They talk about "economies," rather than the architects, the Money Mafia behind the debt scam.
Clarke and Dawe
Thanks James..
I LOVE these guys..
They make my Thursday nights..
and are so succinct..and right on the Money (no pun intended
Thanks for putting this up...
Cheers A13
no worries, A13
yes, they have a gift for spotlighting the lunacy
And there's no shortage of it to choose from
bloody Kiwi's !
bloody Kiwi's !
yes, they are certainly good for a laugh
Do you remember Fred Dagg, Mick?
Hiding Problems in Plain View
These two clowns are Australians, and as far as I am able to tell, are just part of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is but the propaganda arm of the Australian Government, the members of which, with a few exceptions, have long ago been absorbed by the Globalist Borg.
Notice that even in this parody, they fail to expose the source of the problem, which is no accident. They talk about "economies," rather than the architects, the Money Mafia behind the debt scam.
Comedians as economists
Well it makes a break from economists as comedians, cb.
Antipodean humour is an acquired taste, I'll grant you. And it takes a certain mindset, too, to appreciate it. So no offence taken.
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