Famed geneticist creating life form that turns CO2 to fuel
Thu Feb 28, 3:56 PM ET
MONTEREY, California (AFP) - A scientist who mapped his genome and the genetic diversity of the oceans said Thursday he is creating a life form that feeds on climate-ruining carbon dioxide to produce fuel.
Geneticist Craig Venter disclosed his potentially world-changing "fourth-generation fuel" project at an elite Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in Monterey, California.
"We have modest goals of replacing the whole petrochemical industry and becoming a major source of energy," Venter told an audience that included global warming fighter Al Gore and Google co-founder Larry Page.
"We think we will have fourth-generation fuels in about 18 months, with CO2 as the fuel stock."
The poll about Venter's invention
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The Poll
I didn't find a question I wanted to answer. I really don't want to jinx the man, for one thing!! I would probably choose a couple of answers if I could.
Knowing how things have been going down for decades I've become somewhat cynical & jaded. Fer instance: "Who Killed the Electric Car?" http://www.whokilledtheelectriccar.com/
co2 to fuel?
so is he making plants?
Sorry. weird sense of humor. I'm happy to see there is some action going on here and there.
And after years of research... moss!
thanks for dropping by francina
Not a plant ...
Vetnor claims to have created a synthetic life form -- a bacteria.
You can read more here at the Guardian UK:
I am creating artificial life, declares US gene pioneer
Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.
Mohandas Gandhi
PS I did laugh!
Off the wall humor is NEVER WASTED on me!
We need SOUND!!
Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.
Mohandas Gandhi
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