November 2021

The War Dividend – the who, why and how we have wars.

The War Dividend – the who, why and how we have wars.

Winter Patriot alerted me to an article written by Robert Koehler.

Bob Koehler is a veteran journalist of high standing and high skills. His article powerfully describes the insanity of an attack on innocent women and children in Syria in 2019 by the US Air Force.

He goes on to describe how the US military sets up these atrocities in such a way as to avoid, by and large, responsibility and how these atrocities become inevitable.

I will excerpt the initial paragraphs and following Koehler's opening, I will put this travesty into the larger picture of why we have wars at all. The culprits and the remedies, however difficult these remedies might be, will become obvious, at least if I've done my job well.

You will also learn what happens to you, the reader, as a member of the public that has been manipulated into acquiescing in this forever nightmare of constant war; how your own humanity is compromised by that manipulation. A remedy for that is also proposed.


It's a Catch-9/11

My newest "effort" is finished, and it turned out so awful that I've decided to post it elsewhere.

I hope you won't look at it, but here's the link anyway:



This is by far the worst thing I've ever written and that's why I'm so anxious to share it with YOU!

I hope you'll HATE it! And I hope you won't share it with either of your friends because I hope they'll hate it too!