October 2013

Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher

Attack On Iran Imminent

All warfare is based on deception.

Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must seem inactive;
when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;
when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War Ch1

In the video below, recorded in June 2012, we see Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and James Baker, former Secretary of State, (and the audience) gleeful at the prospect of war with Iran and, of course, the prospect of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of deaths. We also see Clinton outlining what she maintains the Iranians are thinking.

But psychopaths often attribute their thinking to others along with accusing others of doing exactly what they, the psychopaths, are doing. So, if you know how to listen to them, psychopaths will tell you all you need to know about them. Clinton in true psychopathic form, is ostensibly elaborating on what she says is the reasoning of some of the Iranians when, in fact, she is outlining her (i.e. her government's) thinking.

(Some transcript and video is available at GlobalResearch H/T Bot Tak at Penny's. The transcript of the full interview can be found here [thanks WP] and a video of the full interview can be found here)

When Clinton says she thinks the Iranians will provoke an attack from the US, she is telling us that a false flag attack on the US (or israel) will appear as a provocation to get America to attack them. It's about as screwy as it can get but we are dealing with the sick logic of psychopaths desperate to deceive the US populace into supporting them by turning reality inside out.
“All war is based on deception”
Once the American public at large and, more particularly, American servicemen and women understand what is really going on, the US administration's power will evaporate.

The above State Department sponsored interview was a little over a year ago. We had representatives of the ruling elite in America drooling at the prospect of ever more war and, yet, today we have this same US government setting itself up as the honourable party to negotiations with Iran. They are now mimicking Russia with this conciliatory approach because they see the approval Russia is getting world wide. Meanwhile, Netanyahu is saying the Iranians are liars and deceivers only to be 'proved right' (and Russia and the world 'proved wrong') when an attack is supposedly perpetrated by Iran against the US or israel and triggering a massive and sudden US response. Can this apparent sudden about-face by the US be in any way believable?