April 2010

'Not' Learning

The subconscious mind does not distinguish between positives and negatives. For instance, if a person was to hear that the Pope is not a pedophile, the subconscious is going to put 'Pope' and 'pedophile' together and miss the 'not'. 'Not' has no meaning to the subconscious. It does not exist. It is not real. The subconscious cannot picture something that has no reality, no existence, no substance. How does any mind conscious or subconscious picture a 'not mountain' without thinking? The thinking mind, the conscious mind, will start the process of determining what a 'not mountain' might be, turn it into a positive image of some sort and then picture a flat landscape. But the subconscious mind cannot think rationally and so cannot do this and so will simply see a mountain.

This has enormous ramifications because if you are to teach a child what to do and you frame it in what they should not do, you are very likely going to put the opposite of what you want in that child's subconscious mind; what you don't want. Yet the child, after thinking, will have a rational understanding in their conscious mind of what you do want. So the subconscious will be driving counter to the conscious mind. They are at odds with each other and can even be at war with each other.


The conscious mind has been likened to a Ferrari; very flash and able to zip around, twist and turn and all at high speed. The subconscious mind has been likened to a bulldozer. Slow to move, cumbersome, yet immovable from its chosen course. Not at all impressive compared to the conscious 'Ferrari' mind. However if you were to witness a head to head contest between them as to which would prevail over the other, which would you put your money on?

There will be damage to the conscious mind.
Neuroses, at the very least, and psychoses being very real possibilities.

neurosis, neuroses (pl)
n : a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction

psychosis, psychoses (pl)
n : any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted

Now imagine a religion that teaches children through negatives;
Thou Shalt Not....Covet ... Steal ... Kill

Then imagine a nation using this religious teaching as its model for behaviour and social and political policies; a nation that builds structures such as legal, police, military and educational bureaucracies, designed and administered by these same children some years later in adulthood. Will this nation engage in behaviours, nationally and internationally, that are destructive of mental health; that are neurotic and/or psychotic?

Will damage follow as night follows day?

There Ain't No Escape From Collapse

I came across this excellent article from Joe Bageant last night and thought it very appropos to what we have been talking about here. And it now seems appropriate to copy it here in full.
Joe asks an important question, "Not to be a smart ass or snide, but let me ask: How much do you love your fellow man? Or do you merely want to save your own ass? "

To see the original, go here to Joe Bageant's excellent site (Italics below are mine for clarity in reading, james)

There ain't no escape from collapse


In response to a letter from a reader (Joe, why did you crap out on us?), you wrote: "Places like Ecuador, northern California -- all sorts of places -- creating little spots of sustainability as best as possible."

Since the US is the nexus of all the fraud, empire, control, and will thus be the center of the pain in the upcoming financial collapse (AND contains a huge percentage of "useless eaters", i.e. superfluous workers) have you given any thought as to where the best places/countries in the world will be to "hang out" while the Collective Madness and Economic Collapse take over?




Well, I don't think it's possible to "hang out" until the collapse is over. For starters, it could take 50 years. Or it could take five years. If we knew, more people would probably get off their asses, even in America. But I don't think it will be all at once, or even recognizable at any given moment to techno-hybridized Americans on the ground. For example, most Americans STILL do not recognize the irreversible ecological collapse so well underway. More aware thinkers are calling this "denial," but it is not. They are simply experiencing the world they see before them, as honestly as their senses and experience permit. And that ain't much.

Thanks to technology and layers upon layers of mediation by TV, movies, the Internet, etc., gadgets and manufactured imagery, we all live many steps removed from reality. Collapse is symbolized to each of us in different ways. To some it would be the sustained malfunction and lack of access of the Internet, which is surely coming.

Incidentally, this will be capitalized upon by privatizing the net and selling access at a much higher price, just as with oil. Of course they will experience it as "the consumers" they have been reduced to. So they will see it as bad guys charging money for things that used to be free. Given that their consciousness is a product of technology and its false promise of solutions and endless plentitude, they can never understand that everything is a finite resource and that technology itself can reach such a point of complexity as to be unsustainable. Even your laptop and router is made of petroleum and both eat oil or coal.

Others might perceive collapse as banking failure, given their absolute belief that money is the blood of society -- a capitalist hallucination if ever there was one. My point is that many will not even understand that collapse is going on because capitalism will provide excuses and more fake solutions at ever higher prices -- mainly at the expense of the world's poor and defenseless of course -- until it can no longer extract from them through banking, military force, or other means. This slows down the inevitable and helps the western world maintain its disastrous belief systems. None of which answers your question, but I just had to say it.

There is really no "safe place" to run. For instance, the banking system may utterly fail; actually, it already has, yet no one is calling for an entirely new system. This shows you both the thoroughness of indoctrination of the American people, and the astuteness of the overlords who profit from the masses. Gasoline for cars can become nearly unavailable, and energy prices can become exorbitant, as they are becoming in the UK. And again, people will slowly learn to suck it up, and the system will roll on for a while longer. The more perceptive among them will dream, and are now dreaming, of escape.

Escape as they conceive it does not exist. The ongoing collapse manifests itself in the least developed world too, and even harsher terms: hunger, lack of water, warfare, government corruption, infrastructure collapse, crime. It's a planetary problem and no one escapes that. They just experience it in different ways.

The question is not so much where to do it as how to do it. The question is not "Where can I run to to escape?" It is "What sorts of problems can I best deal with?" To my mind, you cannot deal with them alone, despite the romantic imagery of being "off the grid" on some homestead growing your own food. Yes, there are people doing that successfully. But it has been my experience that they are people who've wanted to do that for a long time, and that they are the kind of people suited to deal with the problems that come with that life. I've done it and believe me, it's not for the average American, who is, quite frankly speaking, incompetent in the ways of the earth. It's a very long learning curve, even if you grew up on a farm. You don't just stick seeds in the ground and wait for your food. Every spot on the earth is unique and you have to come to understand the place you are, which takes time, error and dedication.

Not to be a smart ass or snide, but let me ask: How much do you love your fellow man? Or do you merely want to save your own ass? By now you must know the answer. From what I've seen, a person can be honest with himself on this matter, then pursue either route more effectively.

If you have the temperament and character to readily love other people around you, and the willingness to labor solely for sustenance, community and friendship, then there are countless options. Because that's what most of the rest of world's people do every day, if allowed to. So you could do that in any number of places on the planet, especially here in the New World south of the US. You can do it in literally thousands of places, some of which are in the US. I get emails from all over. But I don't give out contacts anymore because I learned the hard way in Belize that human chemistry is a complex thing. And most Americans do not come into approximately sustainable situations with either the social skills or the willingness to sacrifice for the group. Hell, some Americans starting up such communities don't have those qualities.

Yet, believe me, just being in a place where life is more fundamental and simple, if hard, goes a long way toward peace of mind and discovering human normalcy. It's the learning ground. And usually one learns that people who escape at least some of the ravages of our slow collapse, always seem to do it in cooperation with a community of some sort. Either an already existing one, or an intentional one they create between themselves.

There's nothing new in this, of course. Latin America and the world have countless communities hundreds of year old. Governments come and go, rivers dry up, but the people always have tortillas, one way or another. Americans and Europeans usually see these people as poor, thanks to our heavy social conditioning, industrialization and commoditized consciousness -- not to mention the denial of the effects of colonialism by Euro-American culture. We see no connection between our iPods, high speed wireless, and, say, the present condition of the Haitian or Dominican people.

Anyway, to me, this is the bottom line:

There is no escape in the sense Americans and European culture thinks of escape. Which is mainly running away to a place where you will get something for nothing in a new and different way -- in this case, security and safety from the storm -- and also keep some or most of the stuff and gadgetry and ease that has come to represent "quality of life."

Unless you are rich, this is impossible. And rich these days, including here in Mexico, means so fucking well heeled that even a 90% devaluation cannot hurt you. Oh, there are retirees still living down here on the last shreds of the glory days of the empire. They will tell you there is nothing wrong up there, because they are still getting their checks. But I'm not seeing many newcomers join their ranks. Not at that level. Beyond that, the empire never goes away. It always claims you as its "citizen," which is to say its property. And lately the empire has been extending its tentacles toward expats, in order to extract new money for its failed system.

The rest of us, the non-rich who would prefer to take a shot at some different life -- and just about anything will do in the dark of the night when it is gnawing at your guts -- must choose another way to cross the border (the "gringo wetbacks"). But always we run up against the same barrier, the same closed gateway to what we suspect is greater satisfaction and peace of mind, but increasingly cannot afford the price of admission, if we play the same old brainwashed money game.

I have come to think the price of admission anywhere in the world, (except in America and Europe, where enough dough will get your ass kissed in any circles) is service to others. We have been indoctrinated by an earth devouring capitalist system to believe otherwise. Believe that giving only depletes. And that mankind and civilization came about through kings and warriors and "great men." But the essential glue of man the social animal has always been on cooperation and sharing. That an endless stream of elite thieves have always managed to steal the fruits of that cooperation does not matter. And the best that is in man still rests on the same fundamentals -- cooperation for the greater good of all.

So I would suggest that in planning for the future, you first spend many days pondering the question: How can I best go about giving up the world as I have known it -- which, after all, is the root of our pain and of our catastrophe -- and serve others every day and in as many ways large and small as possible. In other words, sacrifice. In truth, the sacrifice will not be sacrifice, but liberation, because Americans are buried under so much material shit and petty notions as to entitlement, that shedding such things is a blessing. A gift.

From that vantage point you can "watch the collapse" while you help put up a pole barn in Oregon or make love in a Patagonian mountain shack after a hard day of well digging, or smoke a joint in utter relaxation after rescuing orphans from the streets of Guadalajara. And chances are that the collapse of the empire will not much cross your mind.

There is no escape, but there is freedom. And if our fellow Americans long ago forgot that, well, one can still get there alone.

But it's not for the faint of heart.

In art and labor,


An Answer To My Critics

When America fought a war against Japan, every Japanese-American citizen in this country was shipped off to an "internment" (aka concentration) camp. Were they all enemies of the state? Of course not. We now realize (well, sort of, not really) that it was a terrible injustice, though we've never made reparations.

Today in the name of "9/11" we round up innocent Muslims from around the world, throw them into prison indefinitely, torture them, and murder them. Are all these Muslims "terrorists"? In the eyes of the powerful in our country -- and I emphasize again that they are not all of one religion -- yes, they are all potential terrorists, and they have less rights as human beings. But you and I recognize that that is racism and a grave injustice and abuse of human rights -- not to mention the outright slaughter of millions of innocents.

Let's say I accepted your premise that the world is controlled by a secret cabal -- which I don't. So what if it turned out that many, even most, of these "world bankers" were Jewish. (We know it can't possibly be all of them; you are quite correct that the Rockefellers are not Jewish, for example.) Would all the Jews in American then be rounded up when the great revolution comes and put into concentration camps, being enemies of the state?

I believe 100% that this is the logical conclusion of people like Kenny -- and you, who obsess over whether the "people in control" are Jewish or not. I'm not in the mood for being hurled into a concentration camp, thank you very much -- whether literally, or rhetorically when I show my face (so to speak) on someone's blog. For that reason, I can't continue this conversation with you, or with the jerks on WP.

Grow up. If you want to change the system, then fight the system. Stop looking for a category of people to scapegoat. Stop fighting invisible actors and fight the visible ones. God knows there's enough death and destruction being meted out by our government, right before our eyes, to mobilize against. Life is not the X-Files, and the Cigarette Smoking Man is not pulling the strings.

I have nothing to do with your "secret cabal." If there is a shitload of Jews doing evil stuff, it's because they're evil. But as long as people like you are hunting for Jews behind every door, you can be damn sure that I will not be spared when Judgment Day comes.

Which brings me to my conclusion, to put it as delicately as possible: Fuck Off.

McJ's picture

Just For Fun And Speaking Of Archives...

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

I added a new forum category "Just For Fun" to the General Forum. Obviously, I had way too much time on my hands today coupled with a need to get away from all this investigating the dark side.
party time!
There is a new post there titled "The King of the World and The Boysen Bill".

"WPIA (Winter Patriot Intelligence Agency)
Blues Brothers

Forward on a 'need to know' basis only

Dear Sally,

RE: The King of the World election and a proposal for the enactment of The Poysen Pill Boysen Bill

As you know, it's become increasing obvious that James is positioning himself to make a run for King of the World..."

And piling onto Ghandi's archived gem, you may also like to check out some of our excellent forum articles and maps stored here.

McJ's picture

The King of the World and The Boysen Bill

WPIA (Winter Patriot Intelligence Agency)
Blues Brothers

Forward on a 'need to know' basis only

Dear Sally,

RE: The King of the World election and a proposal for the enactment of The Poysen Pill Boysen Bill

As you know, it's become increasing obvious that James is positioning himself to make a run for King of the World. He refers to this title with the waggish (and misleading I might add) euphemism 'El Presidente'. An El Presidente, as you may well imagine, is unlikely to accrue for himself the far reaching powers of a King of the World. This is not the first time this has come up! He has hinted that he covets this position on comment threads in the past. I'm not saying he wouldn't make a good King, and if he has a chance at election you and I would certainly want to be on the winning side of that one! However, we need to proceed carefully! He has made a couple of worrying comments regarding his intent to carry through on campaign promises so I thought it best I move all the relevant conversations on the 'ice cream for votes' deal I have been attempting to negotiate with him (see below) to this newly created forum. That way we can keep track of the half-truths, innuendos and well, just out and out political horses**t horse-bleep all in one place. This is how these guys operate, you know. They dump and spread these kinds of promises on numerous threads, spinning and suggesting, manipulating our thoughts and making it nearly impossible for we poor voters to nail down the deal or know who said what to whom, and when. One needs to be some kind of investigative reporter to follow the trail. I mean he didn't really offer you the deal did he? He just pointed you over to some unrelated info where the ice cream deal was being discussed. Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear he has been making 'off-thread' deals with WP, NJT or others.

That brings me to what I have tentatively dubbed the Boysen Bill named for the '2 scoops of Boysenberry icecream for 1 vote' deal that James is peddling.

A Bit of History:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A boysenberry is a cross between a raspberry, a blackberry, and/or a loganberry.[2] It is a large (8.0g) compound fruit, with large seeds and a deep maroon color.[3]
In the late 1920s, George M. Darrow of the USDA began tracking down reports of a large, reddish-purple berry that had been grown on the northern California farm of a man named Rudolph Boysen.[4] Darrow enlisted the help of Walter Knott, a Southern California farmer who was known as a berry expert. Knott hadn't heard of the new berry, but he agreed to help Darrow in his search for the berry.

Darrow and Knott learned that Boysen had abandoned his growing experiments several years earlier and sold his farm. Undaunted by this news, Darrow and Knott headed out to Boysen's old farm, on which they found several frail vines surviving in a field choked with weeds. They transplanted the vines to Knott's farm in Buena Park, California, where he nurtured them back to fruit-bearing health. Walter Knott was the first to commercially cultivate the berry in southern California.[4] He began selling the berries at his farm stand in 1932 and soon noticed that people kept returning to buy the large, tasty berries. When asked what they were called, Knott said, "Boysenberries," after their originator.[5] His family's small restaurant and pie business eventually grew into Knott's Berry Farm. As the berry's popularity grew, Mrs. Knott began making preserves, which ultimately made Knott's Berry Farm famous.

The relevant bit to note here Sally is the Knott('s) Berry Farm...clever - NOT BERRY!. Now some may accuse me of being a 'conspiracy theorist' for noting this obscure detail relating to the history of said berry but are we really going to get Boysenberry? Will there be any real berries in our ice cream or will it be synthetic flavoring? That's why I am proposing we draft the Boysen Bill in advance of James' election campaign and get it enacted ASAP! We will want to insure we carefully lay out exactly what is expected in return for our votes so there will be no surprises after the election (ie. real berries, real cream, two scoops, boysenberry and not something 'peachy', time frame for receipt of payment etc.). Procedures for immediate impeachment will need to be included in the event any of the provisos of the Boysen Bill are breached.

Yours in truth and accountability

McJ to James:
...You make some excellent suggestions in your comments. If only you ruled the world. smiling

James to McJ:
El Presidente
You make some excellent suggestions in your comments. If only you ruled the world. smiling

Hahaha! That would not be such a good idea, believe me.

Though, there'd be free boysenberry ice-cream for everyone. party time!
Hmmm, maybe the interminable speeches would be worth it! listen to this
rolling on the floor laughing

McJ to James:
You've got my vote. I'm all for free ice-cream. party time!

James to McJ:
Well, that was easy. I think i can see the way to go stretched out before me. Yes!

McJ to James:
You are going to be using real cream - right? smiling

James to McJ:
Real cream? Um . . . yeah, sure. ah . . whatever you want. Kosher, even. Yes. Just vote for me and I'll fix everything up just peachy after I'm elected. Trust me!

McJ to James:
...I trust you James smiling sticking out tongue, but no petroleum bi-products or other junk in that ice cream ya hear! or I'll have to have you impeached if 'everything' is not 'peachy' enough! wink

James to McJ:
...if I'm gunna get impeached it had better be over a peach.

McJ to James:
...speaking of el presidentes and rightful rulers ...here's a wee word from the bard himself about some poor Scots who fought for an earlier King James over in Ireland. You won't be making the same mistakes as Seamus a' chaca I trust - cuttin and runnin? laughing out loud

It Was A' For Our Rightfu' King
by Robert Burns

It was a' for our rightfu' King
We left fair Scotland's strand;
It was a' for our rightfu' King
We e'er saw Irish land, my dear,
We e'er saw Irish land.

Now a' is done that men can do,
And a' is done in vain;
My Love and Native Land fareweel,
For I maun cross the main, my dear,
For I maun cross the main.

James to McJ:
I see you're angling for a double scoop, McJ. I'm sorry but there will be no extra privileges in the workers paradise where everyone works equally for my paradise!

McJ to James:
Double scoops - the going price for my vote! smiling

James to McJ:
...Um . . . we'll talk more about the scoops after the election, ok? But don't you worry, I'll see you right.

Sally to McJ:
...Peace, Joy and Boysenberry Icecream

McJ to Sally:
..."Joy and Boysenberry Icecream" wink wink
James has been giving me the runaround on that whole ice cream thing so be careful about making deals with him! I offered him my vote for 'king of the world' for just two scoops but he came back with some BS about trusting him to make it right once he's the ruler. I'm beginning to think it's just your typical political pre election promise although I'm sure he'll tell you that his promises are anything but typical. laughing out loud

Sally to McJ:
The Deal Re - Boysenberry Ice Cream
Blue Thank You Thanks for starting negotiations over the icecream McJ. I may want some of this action.

I'll vote for James as "King of the world" as well but only with a signed voucher for quite a lot Bosenberry Icecream. read this Purple Berry cream is my fav.

I think he's supposed to carry out our wishes as an elected King. Not that Ive ever heard of that scenario.

Kings usually committ mass murder to get their job or are the children of mass murderers.

Elections and Boysenberry icecream are very new concepts in world domination.

From the archives...

This was how the Goldman Sachs HQ looked during Dubya's 2006 election campaign.

I remember being shocked at the brazen chutzpah of this late 2006 political endorsement from the neocons' favourite bankers. It was like the Batman beacon flashing across the sky of Gotham City, but this was no Hollywood movie.

For anyone who was paying attention, the truth was all too plain to see. Alas, those who knew what was going on were mostly applauding madly, queuing up for favours, and raking in the money. The rest of us could go f--- ourselves.

McJ's picture

'Cup of Joe'

Some midnight musings from the always thought provoking Joe Bageant. His take on 'hope for America' is sobering and perhaps timely considering some of our recent discussions.

"Americans are hope fiends. We always see hope somewhere down every road, chiefly because honestly looking at the present situation would destroy just about everything we hold as reality. Personally, as I often state and catch readership hell for, I do not like hope. When Obama ran it up the flagpole for us to salute, and so many saluted, my blood chilled. Made me feel that we were all in deeper shit than I had supposed...Hope is magic thinking, believing that somehow, some larger unknown force is in motion to set things right.

The world is what it is, and its injustices are set right by peoples and nations morally intact enough to challenge its malevolent forces."

Round Midnight: Tortillas and the Corporate State
By Joe Bageant
Ajijic, Mexico

Near midnight and I am making tortillas on an iron skillet over a gas flame. Some three thousand miles to the north, my wife and dog nestle in sleep in the wake of a 34-inch snowstorm, while the dogs of Ajijic are barking at the witching hour and roosters crow all too early for the dawn. While my good Mexican neighbors along Zaragoza Street sleep.

Yet here I am awake and patting out tortillas, haunted by the empire that I have called home most of my life.

I like to think that, for the most part, I no longer live up there in the U.S., but southward of its ticking social, political and economic bombs. Because the US debt bomb has not yet gone off, Social Security still exists, and the occasional royalty check or book advance still comes in, allowing me to remain here. And so long as America's perverse commodities economy keeps stumbling along and making lifelike noises, so long as the American people accept permanent debt subjugation -- I can drink, think and burn tortillas. Believe me, I take no smugness in this irony.

There is a terrible science fiction-like awe in the autonomous American economic monolith, in the way that it provides for us, feeds on us and keeps us as its both its lavish pets and slaves. The commodity economy long ago enslaved Americans and other "developed" capitalist societies. But Americans in particular. The most profound slavery must be that in which the slaves can conceive of no other possible or better world than their bondage. Inescapable, global, all permeating, the commodities economy rules so thoroughly most cannot imagine any other possible kind of economy.


It comes down to owning stuff, and that the stuff we own also owns us (as anyone paying rent for a storage locker can attest). Transmogrified by industrial materialism, we have become what we own. More specifically, what we are observed by the rest of our society as owning. In the commodified society of industrial materialism, owning is being. So much so, that politicians bandy the term "ownership society" about, not only without causing the public to gag, but to cheers. Even liberals who claim to dislike the term don't want to be in a "We don't own shit society."

Early modern capitalism was more or less understandable, if not always pleasant. One can see why a pre-industrial world that had owned less would embrace owning a bit more. Who gave a damn if it came from Adam Smith's "unseen hand," the hand that was taking care of the already rich, who in turn managed the order of the world as seen through the lens of aristocratic and bourgeoisie English commerce. "If we work our guts out Nellie, we can buy a pork knuckle every Sunday. And a featherbed, if you get my drift. Woo Hoo!"

Enter the reign of the bourgeoisie, self-appointed and self-interested middlemen to anything and everything. The sheer complexity of the industrial revolution and associated finance was a dog that could fatten many fleas.

When the bourgeoisie did not get what it felt was a good cut of the action from the monarchies, it raised hell, sometimes enough to cause revolutions. If they won, as they did in America, they took credit for establishing democracy. If they lost, they fobbed it off as a "people's revolution," leaving the working slobs, the actual producers of wealth, to face the king's hangmen.

Even when "the people" occasionally win one of those "people's revolutions", we never really win. Not in the end. For instance, here in Mexico, contrary to what we've seen in Zapata movies, there has never been a successful people's revolution in terms of lasting and real egalitarian reform. Just armed struggle, and many promises of reform, always to be abandoned after the revolution. They were subsequently wiped out by the politically potent urban middle class, in league with traditional elites, such as the haciendados and corporatists. The bourgeoisie never gives up its profitable connections to the elites. Same as in America. The bourgeoisie lives at the pleasure of the elites.
However, in the people's revolutions it was mainly "the people" who got killed. So they get naming rights. The people own their revolution only in death. Just as in the U.S., the elites here and the business classes get everything else and rent it back to us as mortgages or whatever.

You can argue that people have always screwed other people for a buck, or a drachma or a shekel. You will win with that argument every time. However, the real issue is about how many people got screwed and how hard by how few. Under 250 years of capitalism, the rising take from the ongoing screw job has grown astronomical. Enough to buy every political tub-thumper in Washington and a Supreme Court. Enough that if the elite cartels on Wall Street rip 300 million Americans for trillions, leaving them squinting at the fine print on their eviction notices, they cannot do jack about it. Except pay the next ransom demand for their credit . On their credit cards. Then sign their children into future debt slavery.

We are all Mexicans now

Thanks to the autonomous commodities economy, Mexico literally cannot keep itself in tortillas. No longer food self-sufficient, Mexico, where corn was first bred and developed into a staple, buys corn on the world market. The price of tortillas in the tiendas along my street is up 40 percent and climbing at ten times the rate of Mexico's minimum wage.

Mexico was food self-sufficient in 1982. Minimum daily wage then was the equivalent of 8.2 kilos of eggs, or 23 liters of milk, or 33 kilos of tortillas. Eighty-five percent of the people had access to government medical care and the country was fifth worldwide in GNP growth. Now, thanks to international financial pirates, Mexico cannot even keep itself in tortillas.

This has happened repeatedly to Mexico, each time due to a different pirate gang, the French, the English, the Germans. But most often, it is the Americans and their institutions and policies, the IMF, GATT and NAFTA. Mexico is continually robbed from within and without. Within lives the tapeworm of government-business corruption feeding on money passing through the nation's economic bowel. From without come the assaults of American and global corporate financialism.

Loathe as Americans are to believe it, the Mexican people and the American people are in the same situation of being mugged. However, they are robbed at a different rate and from different positions in the global pecking order. We rob the Mexicans and global capitalism robs us. Fortunately we can still afford to buy our national food staple from Dominoes. Which makes us a superior people.

Humping the Big Lie

Meanwhile, somebody has to hump The Big Lie, maintain the appearance to the rest of the world that American cowboy capitalism is stable. Also keep Americans sold on The Big Lie's flip side, the number two tune: "We are the richest and most blessed people on earth because of capitalism (but currently going through a rough patch). Proof is offered: "Step right up and see for yourselves! Just look at the spectacular services and goods that bury us in wonderment! Now go buy a PT Cruiser."

Decades ago, the spectacle of commodity capitalism, the sheer variety of possible stuff to own, ways to be, possible appearances of being, came to constitute a commodity in itself -- enchantment as a product, product as enchantment. Materialistic enchantment as commodity was so powerful in scale and scope, and so thorough in mind saturation that it came to colonize our consciousness in what Guy Debord aptly deemed "the society of the spectacle."

No ordinary person could ever have withstood such a colonization of human consciousness as the American people have seen. Consciousness being simply awareness, there was no surviving the onslaught. The tsunami of false possibilities and pseudo choices constituted entire constellations in the psyche, of goods, and images of goods large and small: hair dryers, iPods, anti-bacterial wipes, cable television, ammunition, plastic siding, gourmet foods, this HP notebook computer in my lap, the Prius and the Porsche, even words such as Google, Microsoft, China Mobile, Vodafone, Marlboro… They all have psychological and social meaning in our commoditized consciousness, that battlefield where each commodity vies for preeminence with every other commodity in the shifting exposition of stuff we are permitted to labor to pay for.

It can now be honestly stated that mere goods and services express the citizenry and the American culture in its entirety. Citizenship in a consumer society is consumership. Consumer culture consumes all rival cultures, replacing them with "pop culture," which is simply deeming the marketplace as culture. Hip Hop is a good example. So is the modern cinema, and all of the music and book publishing industry. Corporate industry and its products are not culture, despite all the new definitions of culture bourgeois academia and the marketplace come up with on behalf of the corporations that fund both of them.

Your iPod shall set you free!

Freedom and personal identity exists as freedom to choose identity from among the commodities, and particularly the entertainments, offered. The Mac person as opposed to the Windows person. The Mariah Carey or Rihanna Fenty fan as opposed to the Eric Clapton fan. Each is convinced he or she is different because of their chosen commodity. Yet at the root of this, they all purchased a computer or a CD from a faceless corporation grounded in the toxic wastelands and sweatshops of Asia and elsewhere. Those who, in a fit of defiance, choose Indy music choose a product originating in and listened to through digital equipment produced in the bowels of monolithic corporate commodities generators.

We may gaze at the hologram and dream of living larger, or conversely, living the uncorrupted "simple life" on that little organic farm in Vermont. In the end though, the lucky ones among us, all those people out there in anonymous Terra Condominia, out there in the sprawling suburban nether land, must be content with a flat screen television. Watching those commercials for the Super Bowl commercials, delivered to us breathlessly as "news," The News is the liturgy of the commodity economy -- whose scope and omniscience no man can grasp, but only consume as manna. We are feasters at the table of goods and services, most of which are not only unnecessary, distractive and mind killing, but earth destroying in both their manufacture and their use. This matters not a bit in an illusionary world of appearances. The commodity economy in its bounty, also offers us a chance to "buy green." To text a link to the Earth First website.

It ain't fascism, it's practicality

If our national and individual minds have been colonized, occupied, then we necessarily live in an occupied nation. We have arrived at the destination where the trajectory of material consumer capitalism was always headed, toward an occupied (and preoccupied) totalitarian society. Rational, practical, productive and autonomous.

Cliché as the word is, you would have to call it overshoot. In judging the arc and trajectory of that technical rationality Western society so prides itself upon, we reduced the Enlightenment, the original launching pad of ration, to the merely practical, material and economic. The practical is scripture now. Without it material production and profit, the only concerns of capitalism, do not exist. All power rests in the practical.

What is most practical is hierarchy and specialization. Technical specialization -- within engineering specialization -- within scientific specialization. All contained within the economic specializations of the state sanctioned economy and ideology governing the conditions of our daily existence. By definition, this is totalitarian.

Totalitarianism calls ideology philosophy. It salutes itself in every medium and every product, material, legal, political. And we salute it in return through meaningless work and consumption.

In all likelihood, you the reader are younger than I. Possibly less cynical and surely less tired. You may believe yet that violent overthrow of such a monstrous system is still possible.

A year or so ago, I still believed that. Events in the world and at home have since convinced me otherwise. Maybe the system could have even been changed from within forty years ago. If it could have been and was not, then that most certainly is the greatest failure of my generation. The Sixties were a critical point at which important choices were offered us as a people. At the time, a minority realized revolution was still possible and warranted. Violent revolution, if necessary. But as a generation, we were no better at acting in unselfish concert than yours.

As Chris Hedges recently pointed out, violence today only assures the survival of the most violent, criminals of one sort or another, petty or international. Beyond that, the state now has the technological capability to inflict the most violence in every case, and therefore win. Realistic thinkers say aloud that what is so far advanced can no longer be stopped or turned around by revolution, violent or otherwise. Most other thinkers on the subject secretly suspect the same.

Mr. Popularity and the marmot

The rest of the country is oblivious, lost in the anxious clamor for an economic "recovery." The voice of the state defines recovery for them as a return to former levels of the unsustainable superheated capitalism, and increased indebtedness of the populace. "Oh when, oh when will the bankers loosen the credit markets so we can again buy things?" As if their debt slavery were a great gift! The banksters simply do not issue more credit to people they know are dead broke -- because they broke 'em, they will continue to make more money by letting the people wail, and taking the people's money directly from the state as bailouts. Stretched out over the coming years, we will see more of them. It should give us chills.

President Obama at some point asked himself if bailouts for those who caused the collapse will truly result in an end to the "current crisis" (a term calculated to make our slow inevitable collapse look temporary). How does getting the masses to accept more debt add up to anything but worse crisis later? Obama is a smart fellow, smarter than George Bush, which is what got him elected, right? (Of course after Bush a marmot could have run on the "smarter than Bush" ticket and looked good). So he must have asked that. And like any highly educated (indoctrinated) American politician who has interiorized the capitalist system -- you do not become a presidential candidate without interiorizing capitalism lock stock and barrel -- his first reflex was: "The system must be saved at all costs!" Members of Congress, whose butts arrived in the Washington through the same processes as Obama's, agreed. That cost us all plenty.

Obama is himself a commodity, the most telegenic political commodity since Kennedy. One that suits American style capitalism best this particular historical political moment. He is a useful illusion, the same as George W. Bush was a useful illusion. What is the difference between George Bush managing the country through media performances and Obama doing the same? Both are telegenic, which is everything today, but in different ways. One was stupid but radiated virility and manly appearance; the other is attractive for his intelligence and so smart he's stupid. Both lives are absorbed in "appearing to be" in the Great American Hologram of appearances. We are a nation following the appearance of national leadership.


It is cold comfort that we are not alone in this ultimate folly. Globally, it is estimated that the economic crisis has seen at least $50 trillion in financial assets -- approximately equal to the value of the entire global GDP -- wiped out. Given the bullshit "science" that is economics, and that economists serve the purposes of the money masters of their particular age, and that money is always in motion, it is very doubtful that anyone really knows the global GDP. But the illusion that someone does is necessary in preserving and controlling perceptions of the present system. Otherwise the concept of money itself would have to be reexamined and changed to fit the world reality. Better to proclaim a "crisis" and scare the shit out of the peasantry, than give them an opportunity to question the new feudalism of credit cards, mortgages, car loans, educational loans and general debt slavery. The word crisis scares people, flogs them into anxious submission, lest some fucking socialist come along and ask, Why don't you take charge of your own lives and destiny? Do you really need these people?

The "crisis" was set in motion by institutions lending each other non-existent money none of them can pay back. Consequently, the masses are once again expected to produce enough material value in the world to make the funny money real, and shore up the system one more time. To "raise the money" to do this will require generations of future productivity shoveled into the furnace of corporate capitalism's banking machinery. There was nothing left to steal, so extorting the future was the only option left. Assuming the skimmers and the scammers manage to extract enough public monies to pump up corporations one more time, there will be another and bigger disaster not far down the road. We don't need the Oracle of Delphi to predict this. Capitalism is unstable as hell, like an unbalanced dreidel that keeps tilting ever more wildly off center until it falls over or eventually hits the wall. We can now see the wall from here: Massive ecological collapse and species extinction. "Economic downturn," even "crisis," does not quite describe that approaching wall. All of America hopes we will miss that wall at least one more time.

Americans are hope fiends. We always see hope somewhere down every road, chiefly because honestly looking at the present situation would destroy just about everything we hold as reality. Personally, as I often state and catch readership hell for, I do not like hope. When Obama ran it up the flagpole for us to salute, and so many saluted, my blood chilled. Made me feel that we were all in deeper shit than I had supposed (Nevertheless, I reluctantly voted for Obama. At the time it seemed It was either Obama, or continuing war, debt, and diminishing civil liberties. Ha!) Hope is magic thinking, believing that somehow, some larger unknown force is in motion to set things right.

The world is what it is, and its injustices are set right by peoples and nations morally intact enough to challenge its malevolent forces.

Hope is political pabulum for an infantilized nation.

A shot at economic justice (gets you shot at)

On those rare occasions when I do see nations take concrete steps toward liberation, the heart is cheered at having at least some reason for reality based optimism. After more than a century of taking it up the shorts from autonomous capitalism, Latin America is moving toward alternatives to the free trade cowboy capitalism that has so long raped them.

One step is ALBA (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América). ALBA is aimed solely at meeting human need instead of profit. Bartering and mutual economic and material aid outside of so-called free trade agreements. Out of the reach of global banking. For example, Venezuela gives Cuba over 100,000 barrels of oil daily at production cost. In exchange Cuba has sent 20,000 state-employed doctors and medical staffers. And if Venezuelans' medical problems require higher medical specialism, they may travel to Cuba for specialized care free of charge. No profits allowed. Take it or leave it.

The takers are lining up. Venezuela, Ecuador, Cuba, Saint Vincent , the Grenadines , Dominica, Honduras, Antigua and Barbuda, Nicaragua and Bolivia. ALBA nations are in the process of introducing a new regional currency, the SUCRE. (Sistema Único de Compensación Regional, or Single Regional Payment Compensation System) to replace the U.S. dollar. Now a common virtual currency, it is scheduled to become a hard currency.

Countries such as Argentina are experimenting with an economy based on worker self-management and balanced job complexes. Venezuela is developing community owned and directed banks. A common goal is to develop an economy not dependent, as is capitalism, on limitless exponential growth, but on consuming fewer resources, operating without debt, and using less or none of the global banking system's money. When the IMF and the world's banksters dubbed these nations "developing countries" (a fine example of Newspeak, that both renamed miserable poverty, and suggested that the international bankers' robbery was benefiting those countries), this is not the kind of development they had in mind. This is pure wide-open socialism based on the universal socialist and democratic socialist vision. The stuff of capitalist nightmares.

The traditional answer to such challengers to autonomous capitalism has been simple. Kill 'em. And we do our best. The U.S. has always had its provocative agents and hit squads working in those counties. Castro has survived or foiled some 638 assassination attempts, one every few weeks of his long presidency. Attempts on Chavez are so common the Venezuelan press no longer bothers to report them. After all, besides being old hat, they don't seem to be working anyway. Which means we will be forced to bomb the piss out of Venezuela and Cuba at some point. But they will have to get in line behind Iran.

By the way, a Latin American country does not have to be socialistic to get hammered by capitalist interests. Even Mexico, governed by corrupt capitalist and business overlords of the first order, men who have consistently sold their country out to foreign capitalist interests both before and since its revolution, is a target for covert action and sabotage -- from Israel of all places. In October 2001, a month after 9/11, two Israelis, MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and another Israeli who slipped into the country covertly, were arrested inside the halls of the Mexican congress, while posing as two rather lumpy looking photographers. The lumps turned out to be nine hand grenades, a dozen sticks of dynamite, detonators and detonator wiring and two Glock 9mm automatics. Immediately following the arrest, Ariel Sharon sent a top envoy, who sprang them, following strong pressure from Israeli government. They were whisked off, leaving Mexicans to wonder, What in the hell was THAT all about?" One neighbor here in Mexico says wryly, "That must have cost the Israelis millions in bribes." (*see footnote)

Born with the disease?

It would be nice if we could neatly lay all the blame on the nasty monolith of autonomous capitalism as an outside malignant force of its own. A systemic pathogen that somehow infected a decent and unsuspecting America. Looks like I just did, in fact.

Nevertheless, America and its national character were founded on the purest greed. From the beginning the people who came here wanted more of the material world. Sure, there were some religious dissenters (of which too much has been made for propaganda purposes). But the English and Dutch stock companies that established the first colonies came looking for profits. And the common people who came here were looking for "a better life," which to them was, above all else, becoming as wealthy as possible. America was its own self-selecting process.

Read Tocqueville's description of earlier Americans' relentless buying and selling fever. Everything and everyone was always up for sale from the start. Read about the greed and stinginess of the "refugees from religious persecution," such as slave owning Quakers, Presbyterians and Methodists. Read about how the founding fathers ripped off the Revolutionary War veterans for the IOU script they so patiently held for many years in payment for fighting, buying it up for pennies on the dollar, then passing legislation to pay up on the script. Or how not only the business class, but also the supposedly bucolic and wise heartland American farmers cheered as the government troops shot down hungry striking miners, burned out their families, lest they disturb the order of the Republic of commerce.

There were the exploited working masses then, just as there are now. And there was always the petty bourgeoisie, more than happy to do the dirty work of the most elite owning class, in hopes of currying its favor. Always happy to sanction the "wet jobs" on the Italian, Polish, Chinese and Irish immigrant laborer. You could then, and you can now, depend on the true middle class, that 15% or so, capitalism's commissars, to crush the working class. They will do anything to remain in a more privileged zone of consumption, the boundaries of which are maintained by agreement of state authorities. From their petty perches, they have deemed themselves "the middle class." In reality they are the mitigating class, the petty anointed whose job it is to obscure class awareness in America.

Shut up and let the green stuff talk

An awareness of class makes clear who is fucking whom. That's why American capitalism's official line is that we area "classless society." Denying the existence of class, deeming all Americans (excepting a few too-obvious-to-be denied cases, such as inner city blacks and the poorest of immigrants), "middle class" was one of American capitalism's great strokes of genius. It blurred the line between workers and capitalism's middle class commissariat -- the petty business, mid-management, teaching and owning class managing the rest of us for the elites.

And just in case that line was not blurred enough, the bourgeoisie, particularly the academic institutions, successfully wrote the labor and the working masses out of American political history as taught in the public schools. We workers now have no continuous organic chain of memory and experience from which to draw.

The owning/business class has always been institutionalized as the state and the custodians of the entire American social and political process. History as we learn it in school is the owning class' version. Despite what we were taught, America's Constitution is mainly a property rights document, and those with the most property are naturally ascendant at all times in this country. Generation after generation of this ascent was bound to lead to what we see now. The ultimate triumph of property and money. A Supreme Court that, without the slightest hesitation, declares that money is speech and as such, will do most of the talking from here on out. The autonomous economy now has a tongue.

We can well imagine its future admonishments, its smug edicts, proclamations of terror afoot, more need for surveillance camera eyes, oil pipelines for its circulatory system. The autonomous economy not only has the bullhorn of the national media. It has a voice capable of drowning out what little of the people's voice remained, replacing our small national dialogue with soulless monologue. The bourgeoisie will listen closely though, for opportunity, a buck to be made in Kevlar, or perhaps the next new antidepressant for a demoralized, passive and discouraged republic.

In all honesty, I am sick of thinking about it, tired of burning up unrecoverable hours at the end of my 63-year old candle writing about it. So are many of my colleagues in cybernetic left-space.
Distance and solitude seem the only refuge. Which is why I am "aging Mexican," and almost monastically absorbed in the small daily rituals of sustenance these days. I do not kid myself that it is permanent or a real solution to the unbearable ugliness of the American condition.

But at the moment, four AM, a cricket chirps in the orange tree by my window, and my tortillas are perfectly lovely.

newjesustimes's picture

Open Thread for April 15 2010

Here's an article tangentially related to the hot topic of the week
NYTimes Poll on Tea Party: Educated, Rich, White, & Racist

I wish I could elaborate but I must get some sleep now.

g'nite all!

Facing The Dark Side: Bipartisan Accountability For The Empire’s Crimes

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good. - Gandhi

On the Sunday after the 9/11 attacks, Vice-President Cheney appeared on Meet The Press, where he famously told the late Tim Russert the following:

"We also have to work, though, sort of the dark side, if you will. We’ve got to spend time in the shadows in the intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies, if we’re going to be successful. That’s the world these folks operate in, and so it’s going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective."

Cheney's fascination with the dark side has produced a country that fears shadowy villains, and a society that, on the surface, is psychologically unable to examine the slimy details of what the dark side truly entails, and who governs it. The election of Obama did not stop America's dance with death in the dark side, in fact, the music of violence is now even louder, and the movement of the empire's steps are speeding up. It seems like the party in the war room won't crash until the roof caves in. But we have to avert that. Obama is already singing the tune of a war with Iran. And we all know, that the ramifications of an attack on Iran for humanity and modern civilization are beyond unthinkable.

The suffering caused by such a earth-shattering attack will either unleash mass love, or mass violence. And my money is on the latter. But since I don't have any money, I'm working to unleash mass love. That is the reason why I write. If I don't try to create a deeper public understanding of the crises that are currently facing us, and expand the potentialities for forgiveness, justice, and societal restoration, then I will have let myself down.

In order to gain some understanding, we can't be afraid to examine the many troubling truths about the lack of democracy, justice, and liberty in contemporary society. To be clear, America's fall into tyranny started generations ago. Many people believe that the creation of the Federal Reserve began the whole ordeal, but even before 1913, state terrorism was an everyday reality for Black Americans, so we have to ask ourselves, when has America ever been truly free for all its peoples? No era comes to mind.

A lot of progressives have the unhistorical notion that the Bush Administration is responsible for anything and everything that is bad in America. But that view is way too narrow. The CIA operated in the dark side long before Cheney, so although Cheney is best suited to put on a Darth Vader mask, the derailment of American democracy and the attack on public liberty did not not begin during the Bush Administration, and it has not even begun to reach its apex.

Joan Mellen, author of "A Farewell to Justice" believes that the crisis of democracy was brought about by the assassination of President Kennedy, a sitting head of state, and the immediate cover-up by the American government and the mass media. In her speech entitled "How the Failure To Identify, Prosecute and Convict President Kennedy's Assassins Has Led To Today's Crisis Of Democracy," delivered on January 24, 2006 in New York, Mellen said:

"I would like to suggest that the truth about the Kennedy assassination, far from being a matter of interest only to historians, and not even to most of them, will help us understand how we have arrived at a point where people as respectable as New York attorney Martin Garbus are comparing the current U.S. government with the rise of fascism in the mid-twentieth century. It's my belief that the present state of our political culture is a direct result of the fact that those responsible for the murder of President Kennedy have never been brought to justice.

To sum up: “A Farewell To Justice” suggests that the clandestine service of the CIA not only covered up the truth about the Kennedy assassination - that's easy to demonstrate from the four million documents now residing at the National Archives - but organized the event itself. That the CIA escaped without penalty, this extraordinary fact, has been integrated over these forty-two years into the body politic. It has produced a political culture where the unthinkable has become accepted practice. Meaningful freedom of the press has fallen into serious jeopardy."

Mellen also mentions the ever-dominant National Security State, which pretends to shepherd the weak and protect them from foreign enemies, but as it turns out, the dangers facing America's liberties and well-being originate from the military establishment itself. As Stephanie Westbrook writes in "Occupied Washington, DC," the always present military establishment does not serve America's national interest. People who are kept in constant fear are less secure, and less willing to defend themselves because they believe that they require protectors to get out of any dangerous situation. And the corruption of violence by the country's ungrateful leaders trickles down to potential revolutionaries who view the path of violence as the only path to redress grievances. As Westbrook says:

"The signs of militarism in our country are ever-present to the point of becoming virtually invisible, while subconsciously persuading us to accept violence and war as not only a suitable solution to conflict, but the only one."

Commentators on the Left fear that right-wing militias could resort to violence to overthrow such corrupt leaders, but rarely do they take a step further, and critique the full-blown police state, that has been masked with a young and liberal face. They are forgetting a key lesson from Martin Luther King Jr. How can you object against violence by the oppressed, and say nothing of the violence by the government oppressors? Dark deeds are not being advanced in foreign lands alone, but in places all across America, in Waco, LA, New York, and every other city. It's not just the CIA who acts in the dark side, but many government agencies do.

Wendy McElroy lists the characteristics of a police state in her article, "When is a government a police state," and according to her, America is a police state, but the judgment is not final. There is still hope she says. But not if we shut our eyes to agencies like the BATFE and crimes like the Waco slaughter. McElroy:

"In America today, enforcement agencies often act with no accountability whatsoever. For example, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is notorious for invading homes without warrants, destroying property and harassing legitimate gun owners. Even the dozens of deaths caused by BATFE's 1992 armed seige and storming of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas did not bring down penalties against BATFE or its agents. Instead, BATFE continues to operate with neither transparency nor accountability. Indeed, it operates virtually 'in secret', which is another characteristic of a police state."

If those on the Left wants to get serious, then they must join forces with anti-war libertarians and conservatives, and make it their chief aim to hold such corrupt agencies accountable, and end the illegal wars overseas. Silence in the face of institutional murder and crime has undermined America's democracy, national pride, and the people's liberties. It is no longer acceptable to tolerate wide-scale government abuse and fraud. A new political coalition, made of principled progressives and principled libertarians, along with the many politically independents, is not a pipe dream anymore, it can become a reality.

"The Accountability Movement," as described by authors Kristina Borjesson, Charlotte Dennett, and Peter Dale Scott, can become politically feasible as public anger continues to rises, and the crimes of the government are further exposed. People across the political spectrum can come to very substantial agreements and move forward in union. Justice is not a partisan issue. Everyone has a stake in creating a just world. Where we go wrong is when we try to recruit others to our political sides, and get mad if they refuse to join us. Many progressives are eying disgruntled students, the unemployed, and returning vets, as potential progressive fighters, but what they don't seem to realize is that it's not about left vs. right anymore. It's about preserving the Constitution, restoring civil liberties, restricting government bailouts to Wall Street, and holding America's criminal leaders accountable for their crimes. I'm sure a wide political tent can be created to voice that agenda. And it doesn't have to a progressive label or a libertarian label on it.

The country is in such a dangerous state that stationing oneself one on political camp, and fighting for potential converts to one's side, is anti-productive, and very stupid. Party, class, and race differences must be laid side for the country, the Constitution and the rule of law. To say that America, and Canada as well, is under a military occupation is not as paranoid as it once sounded. This blog describes the twenty reasons why America might be a fascistic police state. The good news that can come from such a situation is that under an occupation, people generally tend to come together to throw the occupiers out, and restore popular sovereignty and their liberties. The problem is that the propaganda in America is so huge that to suggest the country is under a military occupation makes you an outcast. But I hope that will change, as people's experience and knowledge of the present evil system grows, and come to discover that the national interest can be served by coming together, and then to collectively face the national dark side rather than deny the truth and divide oneself along traditional class, race, and party lines.

When WWII ended, George Orwell wrote that the people of Europe learned a very significant lesson about the reality of national survival under Nazi rule. "The experience of German occupation," said Orwell, "taught the European peoples something that the colonial peoples knew already, namely, that class antagonisms are not all-important and that there is such a thing as national interest." In a fully-expressed police state, Americans may too realize that, and even reach into its own history to see how a people united in liberty can defy tyranny.

The articles that are mentioned in this post are linked at my blog, if you want to read them in full.


Notes On The Greatness Of The American People

There's a new post at my main blog.

You can read it there and/or comment on it here, if you wish.

I hope to return soon with more.

On A Personal Note: A Sudden and Unexpected Turn

My physical condition, which has precluded my blogging for most of the past year, has taken a sudden and unexpected turn -- for the better!

I am still struggling with pain (and painkillers!) and still having problems with mobility and strength, but these aspects of my daily grind are much improved recently.

I expect to be able to blog again, if only on a very limited basis.

None too soon, I might add.

Why I Can No Longer Be a Winter Patriot

Being a person who shares certain political values and views of the world, including deep skepticism of 9/11, has led me over many years to seek out others in the blogosphere who share my views, and Winter Patriot has been one of the most eloquent of those bloggers. I have especially appreciated his thorough deconstruction of what I refer to as "phony terrorism" such as the "liquid bombers" fiasco.

Being a person who is Jewish and who holds these beliefs is a much more daunting task, akin to swimming in shark-infested waters. I should be clear that my Judiasm is of a very "weak" sort: I was raised in a Jewish family, but I don't really believe in a deity, I don't have an interest in organized religion (and see it as a largely destructive force in the world), and I don't "practice" my religion in any day-to-day sense.

Nonetheless, in large part as a result of the family loyalties that most of us feel, and of the general sense that who I am is inevitably shaped by my background, I identify myself as Jewish. You could say that my Judaism is mainly a "cultural" Judaism. It consists of little more than partaking in several of the major Jewish holidays during the year (e.g. a Passover seder) and sending my kids to "religious school," so that they may be exposed to other ideas and people of a similar background -- in a community where there are very few Jewish people, and non-Jewish people are likely to have misbegotten notions about Jews. (Years ago a friend asked me in all seriousness if I had horns. That hasn't happened here, where I live, but only slightly less bizarre ideas have bubbled up every so often.)

If you were paying attention to the first paragraph, you might conclude that I hold very strong political views -- including an outspoken outrage at the horrible, ongoing human rights crime Israel perpetrates on the Palestinian people. During the horrific, criminal bombing of Lebanon in 2006, I took part in active protests. I have basically come to be an advocate of the "one-state solution" that posits a homeland for both Jews and non-Jews. I believe that American politics are far too influenced by Israel (though I do not share the belief that they are our "puppetmasters"), and I share others' suspicions that there may have been Israeli involvement in 9/11 (but I cannot, nor has anyone else, proven it).

I am aware that there is a tendency for critics of Israel to be labeled "antisemitic," and for this tactic to be used to foreclose legitimate criticism. I run the risk of being called antisemtic myself, or a "self-hating Jew" -- a rather bizarre charge, when you think of it, since I make no secret of my heritage or how I identify myself, and feel no shame about it.

The crux of the matter is this: The ranks of the far left blogosphere (I only use this for lack of a better term; Chris Floyd uses something better like "leftist-anarchist," I think) -- and especially of those who are active 9/11 skeptics -- are rife with unabashed, hate-spewing, genuine-article antisemites, and their links can be found with little difficulty on the right side of this page.

For a prime example of this, please see (if you can stand it) today's posting on "Kenny's Sideshow" (yeah, it's there, on the right): "A Zionist Jewish Lesbian Feminist Not So Free Speech Friendly Nominee for the Supreme Court." To attempt to deconstruct this hateful screed would take more time and energy than I have and, frankly, more than it deserves. Allow me to quote just a few choice morsels (not all his own, but some lifted from other writers I don't even want to know about):

"Jews as one-third of the Supreme Court seems sure to raise the eyebrows among people like me who think that Jewish identity often makes a big difference in attitudes and behavior. And if there is one area where mainstream Jewish political identity has had a huge effect (besides anything related to Israel), it’s in attitudes and behavior related to multiculturalism." OK, so the point of this is -- WTF? That Jews are trying to eliminate Protestantism from the country? And we're going to do that exactly...how? And isn't that rich, in a country where Protestant refugees from Europe eliminated and marginalized the people who lived here before?

"Viewed at its most abstract level, a fundamental agenda is thus to influence the European-derived peoples of the United States to view concern about their own demographic and cultural eclipse as irrational and as an indication of psychopathology." Yep. I guess that is our agenda. We use mind-control methods you don't even know about. (Those horns come in awfully handy.)

"Kagan seems to have lived a charmed life, with perhaps a whiff (or even a stench) of ethnic networking." "Ethnic networking is nothing if not reciprocal." Yeah, it's a Jewish thing. You wouldn't understand.

"As I noted elsewhere, Jews are represented in elite American academic institutions at levels far higher than can be explained by IQ." Contrary to popular belief, it's not just our being Jewish. It's that we're particularly good at fucking our professors/students. That's why I work at an elite institution of higher education. (Horns = Horny?)

"An all Catholic and Jewish Supreme Court? No Protestant justices on the court for the first time ever?" Well, now, we can't have that, can we? And while we're at it, an all-black presidency? WTF?

Of course, "Kenny" does not spew his hatred only on Jews. He doesn't care much for Lesbians and non-Protestants either, clearly. Hey, if you're going to be a hate-mongerer from the depths of Tennessee, you might as well go all the way and be a homophobic, antisemitic, white supremacist (for all I know) asshole.

Sorry, I don't mean to cast aspersion on all my good-hearted friends from Tennessee. Not all Tennesseeans are like the asshole "Kenny," but of course ALL Jews are out to getcha, "liberal or conservative."

The key point to keep in mind, if you decide to head over to Turdville and read the entire posting, is that nowhere does it say anything about Kagan's Zionist views, if she has them. It's just the fact of her being Jewish and having Jewish friends. Likewise, there isn't even an attempt to explain why being Lesbian or a Feminist would have any bearing on her being a Supreme.

I'm pretty sure I've asked WP to decommission these people from his blogroll before. I gave up on Mike Rivero's WRH blog long ago because it was overflowing with antisemitic invective, although it was one of the first blogs I came to after 9/11.

And please, don't give me chapter and verse about free speech. We all choose, ultimately, who/what we support. No one has to censor antisemitic blogs like "Kenny's Sideshow" or "Facts Not Fairies," but there's no reason their links can't be booted off WP.

Till then, I'm outta here. I'll stick to the vastly superior Chris Floyd and the god-damned brilliant homo (and probably Jew), Arthur Silber.

Empty Coffers, Filled Coffins

"Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. And we must rejoice as well, for surely this is the first time in our nation's history that a significant number of its religious leaders have chosen to move beyond the prophesying of smooth patriotism to the high grounds of a firm dissent based upon the mandates of conscience and the reading of history. Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movement well and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us." - Martin Luther King Jr. (April 4, 1967)

Exactly a year after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech about America's moral responsibility in the world and its unsustainable militarism, he was assassinated. The date of his death has probably had a greater effect on the nation's psyche than December 7, 1941, when the Japanese struck Pearl Harbor. In his speech, the revolutionary non-violent sage called for an end to the "tragic war" in Vietnam, but he also revealed his skepticism about America's willingness to make the right decision about its destiny in history, saying "the world now demands a maturity of America that we may not be able to achieve." Forty three years later, America is still not mature enough to take the right course. Will it disengage from needless conflicts around the world, and terminate its war machine and criminal empire, or will it continue its unjust and destructive ways? Before such a decision can be made, the American people must look within the shadows of the nation, and face the darkness that King said "seems so close around us."

The country has been buried in silence about MLK's tragic death, due in large part to the national media, but not everybody has been quiet and lethargic. The King family carried on the tradition of seeking truth and justice through non-violent means. In December 1999, Coretta Scott King and her children took a huge step towards healing the country's psyche, by recovering the details about the murder of their husband and father in a civil court. Twelve jurors reached the still unmentioned verdict that the death of Martin Luther King Jr. was the result of a criminal conspiracy, consisting of the Mafia, and local, state, and federal government agencies. At the trial's end, Mrs. King and the King family addressed a small gathering of reporters, expressing their gratitude for the American justice system, and their commitment to reconciliation and love.

Mrs. Coretta Scott King:

"There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court's unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury deliberation. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law. As we pursued this case, some wondered why we would spend the time and energy addressing such a painful part of the past. For both our family and the nation, the short answer is that we had to get involved because the system did not work. Those who are responsible for the assassination were not held to account for their involvement. This verdict, therefore, is a great victory for justice and truth. It has been a difficult and painful experience to revisit this tragedy, but we felt we had an obligation to do everything in our power to seek the truth. Not only for the peace of mind of our family but to also bring closure and healing to the nation. We have done what we can to reveal the truth, and we now urge you as members of the media, and we call upon elected officials, and other persons of influence to do what they can to share the revelation of this case to the widest possible audience."

Though many commentators on the left and right will laud the man on the forty-second anniversary of his death this Sunday, few will draw attention to his uncompromising words about restoring peace in the world, and sanity in the nation. At a time when the war in Afghanistan is declared as being "absolutely essential" by President Barack Obama, there is not a King in the land who can stand up and raise the conscience of the country. The people are yearning for a leader with the moral courage and wisdom of Martin Luther King Jr, but no one has risen to the occasion yet. The pain is carved too deep, the problems are too great, if any man was to step forward and lift the ills of the country he would have to be a Messiah. If such a leader is unlikely to emerge, then the destiny of the country falls on the shoulders of the people; but can the people be great? If they can settle their petty political differences, and come together as one, then a leader won't have to be a Christ figure, or a Saint, he would just have to be competent and honest enough to voice the concerns and love of the people.

In "The Silence of the Liberal Lambs" Chris Floyd addresses the silent left who have bowed down to Obama's war on Osama, the same bunch who only two years ago denounced the criminal imperial policy of the Bush administration. Floyd writes:

"Unless there is some profound shift in American consciousness, of the sort that Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to effect in his last years, all of this will continue -- even if we have genuine health care reform, genuine rescue of those ravaged by our financial sharks, genuine environmental protection, and so on."

The time to raise our collective voice is greater now than when King was alive. Many are predicting a summer of hell in Afghanistan. The Washington Post reported in February that nearly 1,000 American combat troops have already died in that country. All to ensure "democracy" and "women's rights." But despite the President's strong commitment to troop escalation, the consensus in the government is not as it appears in press reports and news releases. In November of last year, Gen. Karl Eikenberry, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, made his frustrations known by sending classified documents to the New York Times. It was a move reminiscent of Daniel Ellsberg, the famous whistle-blower whose efforts in leaking the Pentagon papers helped bring the Vietnam war to an end. Ellsberg, who was once described as the "most dangerous man in America," by Henry Kissinger, recently told Democracy Now:

"There is no prospect of any kind of success in Afghanistan, any more than the Soviets achieved in their ten years there, just as in Vietnam we really had no realistic prospect of more success than the French. But countries find it very hard to learn from the failures of other countries."

It would be miraculous if America avoided the fate of not just the Soviet Union, but the Roman Empire. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are producing empty coffers at home, and filled coffins abroad. Financial and moral bankruptcy of the current criminal regime is certain. The American sleep will come to an end. But it is not up to a president to declare a national nightmare over, as Gerald Ford prematurely did upon the resignation of Richard Nixon, rather, the entire country has to breathe a sigh of relief after a prolonged national crisis. And that may take a long time. Only a great and virtuous people are capable of bringing justice to their deprived leaders, and correcting the wrongs endorsed by generations of government officials. But if there ever was a people in history who could pull off such a task, it is the American people.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." - Thomas Jefferson

McJ's picture

Ending Genocide and Reinventing Canada: Towards The Republic of Kanata - The Elders and National Council of the Republican Movem

Preamble: Who are We and What Can We Become?
The time has come to end our complicity in mass murder.

Our exposure of the Canadian genocide has simultaneously indicted the social order that gave rise to it. Euro-Canadian Christian society as a whole stands condemned in the dock alongside those persons who ran the Indian residential schools, sterilized and murdered children, spread smallpox, and dug mass graves.

Despite their best efforts to ignore this fact and contain the whole matter with pseudo “apologies”, the Canadian government and its partner Catholic, Anglican and United churches now face the same kind of historical reckoning that Nazi Germany did after its defeat in 1945: an awakening to their own criminal nature.

On April 20, 2007, Canada and those churches suffered a fundamental moral defeat in Parliament, when the first cabinet minister in Canadian history publicly acknowledged that untold thousands of children had died in Christian Indian residential schools.

The extent of this defeat has yet to be appreciated by most Canadians, or even indigenous people. But its impact is nevertheless reverberating throughout every level of society and undermining the very basis of Canada ’s existence.

The question now is how to draw the larger conclusions of this defeat in order to reinvent Canada from the top down, and the bottom up, with a basic purpose: the establishment of a decolonized, secular, and genuinely democratic federation of sovereign nations: The Republic of Kanata.

Shedding the Past, Creating a Future

Canada has never been allowed to become a sovereign and democratic nation because of its historical role as a resource base and captured market for first the British and then the American empire. That dependency required that Canada remain frozen as a colonial, church-dominated, semi-feudal society: a condition that has caused the sustained genocide of indigenous peoples and the destruction of their lands, and now threatens the lives of all of us.

The two attempted democratic revolutions in our history – the abortive rebellions in 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada, and the Metis Insurrection of 1885 in the Red River basin – had as their common aim the ending of an Imperial oligarchy and the creation of a democratic Republic in which aboriginals and Europeans could co-exist equally. The crushing of both rebellions ensured that oligarchy and apartheid would remain the political norm in Canada.

And yet, the same vision of freedom that propelled these revolts had been first offered by the eastern Six Nations to the arriving Europeans through the “Two Road Wampum” Great Law of Peace, in which both cultures would share the land and not seek to dominate or conquer the other.

That offer was rejected not by Europeans as a whole, but by the religious and commercial elites who ran the foreign policy of both the French and British Empires, especially during the European Religious Wars of the formative 17th century.

Time and again, the Catholic and Protestant churches subverted peaceful relations between whites and natives, and among aboriginal nations such as the Huron and Iroquois, as part of their plan to exterminate all non-Christian peoples and take their land. In the words of the Jesuit missionary Jean Brebeuf,

“There can be no peace or parity between the savages and Christians. This is required by our Faith and the fur trade.”

Canada as we know it has arisen on the basis of this basic philosophy of Christian Superior Dominion.

There is still no equality between natives and non-natives in Canada because of an apartheid Indian Act that relegates “Indians” to a separate and inferior status, and holds most of them in a state of permanent sickness, landlessness and poverty on their own lands. Such permanent internal colonialism is required by the foreign and domestic corporate interests that run Canada as a fuel pump and watering hole.

Quite simply, in a neo-colonial regime like Canada , where “the Crown” legally owns all the land, native people must continue to be killed off, legally and methodically, for such theft to continue. A constant aboriginal death rate twenty times the national average is the deadly proof of this regime.

This genocidal reality will never change in Canada as it is presently constituted, since the maintenance of natives, and the poor generally, as a disempowered cash cow for others to exploit is an institutionalized part of Canadian society.

The nine billion dollar Indian Affairs industry requires a sick, dependent aboriginal populace, and a compliant class of collaborating native elites to administer this sickness. For the resulting totalitarian control of native people at every level is precisely what resource-hungry corporations need to take the last remnants of oil, timber, minerals and water from what is still aboriginal land.

Such a structurally criminal regime cannot be tinkered with or reformed, resting as it does on the oppression of most of the population, whether native or non-native. The existence of Canadians as “subjects of the Crown” under the ultimate authority of one person – a Governor-General accountable only to a foreign monarch – amounts to a state of legal slavery utterly repugnant to democracy and sovereignty.

“The only way to reform a colonial system is by dismantling it” said the great Irish nationalist, Bernadette Devlin. And the key to dismantling the Canadian oligarchy is to establish responsible government by severing ties with the English monarchy and creating a federated and secular Republic of sovereign indigenous nations with full public ownership of the economy, the land, and all its resources.

In short, every vestige of the system that spawned genocide in Canada needs to be abolished, if we are serious about ending its legacy and doing justice to aboriginal people and residential school survivors.

We believe that the original vision of the Two Road Wampum is still possible to enact in our land: of equality and living justice between all our nations. But to build this dream, we must first dismantle that which has prevented it.

A Program for Ending Genocide

Legal genocide in Canada has rested historically on three pillars: a colonial political oligarchy under the authority of the English Crown; a powerful, unaccountable and state-protected religious oligarchy in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and later, the state-created United Church; and a foreign-controlled, dependent economy.

To dismantle the root causes of genocide in Canada, we must replace all three of these systems, through a process of active de-construction and reconstruction: undoing what caused the wrong and building an altogether new political and social regime in its place.

To commence, our general aim must be the following steps of “decolonization and de-construction” in order to lay the basis for a true democratic and secular Republic:

I. Politically: Active disaffiliation from the English Crown and the Canadian state and its courts;

II. Spiritually: Disestablishment of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada; and

III. Socially: De-corporatizing our economy and establishing local, self-sufficient economies under public ownership.

A real Program of Justice for all victims of genocide in Canada must restore social equality, the health of the land, and democratic sovereignty of all nations within Kanata , through these and other measures:

I. Politically:

1. Abolish the office of the Governor-General, disavow all Oaths of Allegiance to the British Crown, and issue a formal Declaration of Independence from the Crown.

2. Establish a new Constitution of the Republic of Kanata. Reconstitute Canada as a federated and secular Republic of Kanata, based on a recognition of the root title sovereignty of all indigenous nations and of the common ownership by all citizens of the economy, wealth, lands and resources of Kanata.

3. Abolish the Canadian armed forces, the Indian Act, the federal and provincial courts, the Senate, the RCMP, and the Indian and Northern Affairs department and their puppet aboriginal agencies.

4. Create a new standing army based on popular citizen militias.

5. Establish popular, indigenous courts of law.

II. Spiritually:

1. Tax the churches: Revoke the charitable tax-exempt status of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church, nationalize all church property and land, audit and assess all payments owed by these churches to the people and indigenous nations since their inception, and return all lands and effects stolen by these churches from native people.

2. Revoke the legal charters and legislation governing the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, and thereby end their official, legal status.

3. End diplomatic recognition of the Vatican and expel the Papal Nuncio.

4. Separate church and state: no funding for religious schools or churches, no religious oaths or functions connected to the state, no state protection for clergy or churches (ie, revoke sections 176 and 296 of the Criminal Code of Canada).

5. Establish a public, international inquiry into crimes of these churches against native people, including in Indian residential schools, with the power to subpoena, try and jail offenders.

III. Socially

A Jubilee Campaign to restore the land and economy to the people:

1. Cancel all debts and mortgages, and return all land to its original owners.

2. Place banks, money supply and credit under public ownership and control.

3. Impose a 100% tax on all wealth gained by inheritance, interest and speculation, and abolish all income tax.

4. Establish a maximum wage and redistribute all surplus income to the lower paid.

5. Collect all back taxes owed by corporations and impose a special tax on the super wealthy and on corporate profits.

6. Abolish foreign ownership of the economy.

7. Abolish all land speculation and the commercial trading in land.

8. Nationalize all resources.

9. Socialize all housing, medicine, education and transportation, and make these services freely available to all people.

10. Create Local Exchange and Trading (LET) networks across Kanata to decentralize and democratize the economy, abolish money and credit, and harmonize humanity with the earth.

A Gaia Campaign to restore the health and harmony of the land:

1. Impose a Green Tax on all privately owned vehicles in order to phase out their use.

2. Abolish nuclear power and the uranium industry.

3. Develop wind, solar and tidal energy industries.

4. Phase out petrol vehicles, and replace with non-polluting, mass-transit systems.
5. Immediately nationalize all polluting industries and abolish or eco-convert them.

6. Legally limit the size of all land ownership to no larger than 100 hectares.

7. Collectivize all farming and agriculture, and abolish all pesticides and herbicides.

8. Abolish the sale and commercialization of water: Provide free, universal access to water through the establishment of public ownership over all water resources.

Acting on this Vision and Program

These proposals are but a beginning in a long process of social and spiritual emancipation from corporate genocide.

Our purpose as a de-colonizing movement is to create a new society within the shell of the old: to bring about a parallel social order in opposition to “Canada” through a massive democratic movement from below. We can only succeed in this goal through a conscious, activated citizenry who take control of their lives and the land, and undo the legal and mental slavery foisted upon them.

Consequently, we reject any reliance on or involvement in the existing parliamentary or electoral system, which is based on an undemocratic allegiance to a foreign monarch.

Instead, we will seek to create new popular assemblies and courts through which the people can express their will freely and openly, justice can be directly enacted, and the present political system can be overturned. We will use mass civil disobedience, strikes, withholding of taxes, and other direct actions to undermine and replace Canada and its institutions with a truly democratic republic.

Without an independent land and economic base, we cannot create the Republic of Kanata. We therefore look to peoples' direct actions to secure such resources for our Republic, by helping them to withdraw their allegiance to and involvement in the existing economic system.

We call upon all those who share our vision and goals to take these three steps: a) withdraw their funds from all banks and financial institutions and reinvest them in cooperative agencies established by our movement, b) withhold all taxes and other payments from every level of government in "Canada", and c) join the Local Exchange and Trading (LET) networks established by our movement to create alternative, agricultural-based green economies.

In short, we are declaring an economic boycott of the present regime in order to build a future for our planet and all its people.

To coordinate and lead this campaign, we look to a mass revolutionary party to engender but not dominate our movement. The creation of a democratic and secular Republic of Kanata will unleash the greatest freedom and diversity among the people, who will learn through their own struggles the meaning of self-government.

Our underlying recognition is that true democracy and sovereignty cannot come into being or survive without the complete public ownership of all of Kanata by all the people. The poorest person has as equal a right to the land and its wealth as the richest, and we shall work to create a society where all class distinctions and the private ownership of the economy have been abolished.

We encourage you to share this Program and Vision, and begin to act on it, for you are Kanata, and the future.

As a first step, we call upon all people who are in agreement with this Vision and Program to take the Pledge of Allegiance to Kanata (below) and to form organizing committees in their communities to prepare for the formal launching of the Republican Party of Kanata.

We especially look to the sovereign hereditary elders and clan mothers of all indigenous nations to endorse our movement and work with us to end the oligarchical church-state regime known as "Canada".

In solidarity and hope for our common future,

The Elders and National Council of the Republican Movement of Kanata
